1. The institute received TCCC grant of Rs 45 Crores from the ministry of health and family welfare (MOHFW) start: 2015 onwards Investigators Regional Cancer Centre, Department of Radiotherapy, SGPGI
2. “Hospital Based Cancer Registry Program” –a project funded by NCDIR, ICMR, Bangalore, initiated the Cancer registry for SGPGI from December 2016. Investigators Principal Investigator: Punita Lal, Co-Investigators :Shaleen Kumar, KJ Maria Das, Shalini Singh
3. “Development of a programmable robotic motion platform for quality assurance of respiratory motion management techniques in radiation therapy” under Technology systems Development Programme (TSDP), for Rs.34.03 Lakhs, March 2017 to March 2020. Investigators Principal Investigators- Ashish Dutta&KJ Maria Das Co -Investigators: SA Yoganathan, Shaleen Kumar, KS Venkatesh.
4. Regional Cancer Centre grant, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Govt. of India. Low Energy Linear Accelerator. Rs. 2 Crore. Project : 2004 - 2005 Investigators Regional Cancer Centre, Department of Radiotherapy, SGPGI
5. Indo French Protocol: 3D Treatment Planning System -Isis & 2D CT Simulator – Mecaserto. Installed in November 2003 Investigators Regional Cancer Centre, Department of Radiotherapy, SGPGI
6. Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India, DST Grant: Setting of a Linear Accelerator with conformal radiotherapy and intensity for State of Art Linear Accelerator & CT Simulator– Rs. 18 Crore. Project Duration: 30 June 2004 to 30June 2009 Investigators Department of Radiotherapy, SGPGI
7. Regional Cancer Centre grant, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Govt. of India. Image guided Radiotherapy and Conformal Radiotherapy . Rs. 5 Crore. Project : 2005 - 2007 Investigators Regional Cancer Centre, Department of Radiotherapy, SGPGI
8. Department of Electronics. Govt. of India, DOE Grant : Development of 3-Dimensional Treatment Planning system for cancer radiotherapy collaboration with CDAC and TSG Radplan ( Total 33.5 Lakhs : 2.5 Lakhs for SGPGI) Project : Duration: Jan 1993 to March 1996 Investigators Principal PI: Prof. S.Ayyagari Co PI : Dr .N.R.Datta& Dr KJ Maria Das
1. “Development of a robotic motion platform for quality assurance of 4D radiotherapy.” May 2016 to May 2019 (3 years). SGPGIMS, 1.9 lakhs Investigators PI: KJ Maria Das
2. A randomized study of consolidation chemoradiation in locally advanced gall bladder cancer, 2019 Investigators PI:Dr Sushma Agarwal
3. “Adaptive intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) in head and neck cancer (HNC) patients treated by chemo radiotherapy to quantify temporal changes during the course of radiotherapy (RT) and to study the impact of these changes on the baseline treatment plans.” May 2015 to May 2017 (2 years). Investigators PI:Dr.Punita Lal
4. “Prevalence of EGFR mutation and response to tyrosine kinase inhibitor in advanced non-small cell lung cancer in north Indian population” 2016, SGPGIMS 4.06 lakhs Investigators Co PI:Dr Shalini Singh
5. “Role of serum biomarkers in high grade gliomas” as 2017, SGPGIMS 5 lakhs Investigators Co PI:Dr Shalini Singh
6. “Circulating microRNA as a potential diagnostic marker in lung cancer” 2017, SGPGIMS 5 lakhs Investigators Co PI:Dr Shalini Singh
7. A pilot study to implement Liver SBRT in primary Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Oligometastatic liver disease at tertiary care centre. 2016, 1.5 Lakhs Investigators PI :Dr Shaleen Kumar
8. A pilot study to implement Liver SBRT in primary Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Oligometastatic liver disease at tertiary care centre. 2016 Investigators Co PI: Dr ShagunMisra
9. Adaptive IMRT in head and neck cancer in head & neck cancers patients treated by chemoradiotherapy: to study the impact of these changes on baseline treatment plans SGPIMS funding 2 years. Date of start: 5th May, 2015 Investigators PI:Dr.Punita Lal
10. “Planning optimization for target volume coverage and organs at risk doses in intracavitary brachytherapy for cervical cancer based on 3DCT data” June 2015 Investigators PI:Dr Shalini Singh
11. “IMRT in head-neck cancer: Estimation of parotid sparing, impact on swallowing dysfunction and dosimetric consequences of changes in patient contour during radiotherapy.” May 2011 to May 2013. Investigators PI:Dr. Punita Lal
12. Seroprevalence of IgG anti –HBc and hepatitis B reactivation in treatment naïve patients planned for immunosupression. Co-investigator (Intramural Project funded of Dr. Amit Goel of Dept of Gastroenterology by SGPGI) Investigators CoPI:Dr Neeraj Rastogi
13. “To evaluate change in apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values with local response in patients with cancer cervix undergoing radiation therapy” 2014 SGPGIMS, 1.5 lakhs Investigators PI:Dr Shalini Singh
14. “Prevalence of Thyroid Dysfunctions in Breast Cancer Patients and Correlation with Clinico-pathologic Factors and Outcome of Therapy: A Prospective Case Control Study 2014” SGPGIMS, Budget 3.2 lakhs Investigators CoPI:Dr Shalini Singh
15. A feasibility study of neoadjuvant chemoradiation in locally advanced gallbladder cancer,2013 Investigators PI:Dr Sushma Agarwal
16. Evaluation of role of PET-CT in assessment of therapeutic response in locally advanced gallbladder cancer,2013 Investigators Co PI:Dr Sushma Agarwal
17. Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI Metrices as a predictor of response in head and neck cancers,2010 Investigators PI:Dr Sushma Agarwal
1. HYPOfractionated Radiation Therapy comparing a standard radiotherapy schedule (over three weeks) with a novel one week schedule in Adjuvant breast cancer: An open label randomized controlled study (HYPORT- Adjuvant). Start: 2019 onwards InvestigatorsPI:DrPunita Lal CoPI: Dr KJ Maria Das&Dr ShagunMisra
In collaboration with TMC Kolkata, CMC Velloreand AIIMS, NCI Jajhar