The foundation stone of the Department of Radiotherapy was laid on 17th August, 1987. The department started its MD course curriculum in 1991. During the initial years, it was led under the visionaries such as Prof. Ayyagari, Dr. S Hukku and Prof. NR Datta along with the Physics leadership from Prof. KJ Maria Das. They steered the team in such fashion that within a decade the department scaled heights and was regarded as one of the best department in the country, both in terms of patient care and training of manpower. Since the beginning, the focus has been to deliver quality assured Radiotherapy, adopt cost effectiveness, evidence-based means of treating cancer patients, and ask relevant contemporary questions in research i.e., find local solutions to local problems.
.Clinical Services in the Department of Radiotherapy
Annually, over 3500 new cases are seen in the Radiotherapy OPD with approximately 80% being registered and treated within the department. Over the past 2 decades, the department has witness a consistent increase in the number of cases registered and treated. Over 2000 patients are treated annually on a teletherapy unit (Linear Accelerators) and others are treated. Presently, the department has 2 Linear Accelerators; one of which was installed in 2019. This is a state of the art, IGRT linear accelerator equipment obtained from grant in aid by the MoHFW and the UP state Government. Additionally, we treat over 200 cases with brachytherapy (primarily cancer uterus cervix, and some head neck, breast, prostate & other sites), a highly conformal form of internal radiation. Similarly, there are many patients receive chemotherapy in the department for most solid tumor malignancies- either concurrently or in adjuvant/neo adjuvant setting. Palliative cancer care clinics were initiated in the year 2015 and annually about 500 cases are seen each year. To provide domiciliary terminal care home visits (for the city of Lucknow within 25km radius) are being carried out by palliative care by a nurse, as when need arises.
Indoor Services: Fully equipped New Radiotherapy Ward 40 beds was inaugurated on September 2019, is currently fully function and cancer patients are routinely admitted for chemotherapy, supportive care, palliative care, terminal care and procedures such as brachytherapy and other minor procedures.
Day Care Services
A 32 bedded day care ward in department of Radiotherapy for chemotherapy administration, palliative care, supportive care and minor procedures. Annually over 5000 patient visits are documented for short admission in the day care ward.
Teaching and Training Activities
MD Radiotherapy program has been running since 1991.The trainees have been placed in various leading international and national organizations. The list of MD trainees and their placements is attached.
Trainee MSc Medical Physics come from all over the country for their summer training (duration of 1 month) to SGPGI. A total of 65 trainees have undergone training so far at SGPGI, starting 2007 onwards.
Medical Physics Residency was started in the year 2011 and currently 3 such residency positions exist for comprehensive training of the fresh M. Sc. Medical Physics graduate undergone training/undergoing residency so far.
New Courses Initiated/ Seats
1. BSc Medical Technology course was initiated in collaboration with college of medical technology. The first batch was admitted in academic year 2018-19.
2. MD Strength was increased from 2 seats per year to 4 seats per year The 54th Academic Board held on 10th June 2017 approved the increase in seats from 2 to 4, and the 89th Governing Body held on 13th June 2018 approved the Minutes of the 54th Academic Board. In the Academic calendar year of 2018-19, 4 MD students were admittedthrough All India NEET PG entrance test vide a MCI / Government notification.
3. PDCC courses were started for Post MD trainees in – a. Advanced techniques in Radiotherapy; b. Palliative Oncology. One seat each was earmarked for the two courses. First batch joined in 2022.