
  • MD
  • PhD
  • BSc Medical Technology (Radiotherapy)
  • New Courses Initiated/ Seats

    BSc Medical Technology course was initiated in collaboration with college of medical technology. The first batch was admitted in academic year 2018-19.

    MD Strength was increased from 2 seats per year to 4 seats per year the 54th Academic Board held on 10th June 2017 approved the increase in seats from 2 to 4, and the 89th Governing Body held on 13th June 2018 approved the Minutes of the 54th Academic Board.

    Proposed New Courses

    Board of studies was held on 11th January 2019 for initiating new PDCC courses in

    Palliative Care

    Advanced Techniques

    DM Clinical Oncology is also being pursued as a new curriculum