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Mahendra Bhandari

MS, M.Ch(Urol.), FAMS, FNASc, D.Sc(Hon.), MBA
Director Robotic Surgery Education and Research,
Vattikuti Urology Institute, Henry Ford Hospital Detroit
CEO Vattikuti Foundation

“Sweet are the chords when old memory responds to remembrances”

I have learned that my former colleague Arvind Baronia is leaving his position at the Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute (SGPGI),
Lucknow and is accepting the challenge to establish a new institution from scratch. He joined the Institute in 1988, around the same
time I had joined SGPGI. Soon, he would be bidding adieu to his associates after an association of 32 years. He is leaving behind a

powerful critical care department and vibrant Hospital Revolving fund (HRF), a unique in-house medicines and consumable supply
chain. I am a living witness to his dedication and focus in founding these facilities which have earned a national recognition for the

He joined the institution with a powerful background of Anesthesiology, Critical care and rich soft skills, initially trained at the erstwhile
King George Medical College (KGMC), Lucknow and then at the Belfast City Hospital in Northern Ireland. His name is etched in the
pleasant memories of my long association with SGPGI, still fresh in my mind. Today SGPGI could boast of hosting a powerful and
dynamic comprehensive critical patient care and training facility in the country. Even with the reputation SGPGI has earned, the

Institution still has a long way to tread to bridge the gap between the demand and supply of the critical care needs of the state. It leaves
a tremendous responsibility on Banani and her team.

During my tenure as the Director, I soon realized one of the unpleasant functions of the Director’s ofce was to deal with enormous
pressures for the allocation of critical care beds for critically ill, inuential patients which were just not available. Soon my focus
changed to preventative critical care. I believed, in addition to taking care of deserving patients, we should not lose the sight of inhouse
inadequately managed sick patients, who could be the potential candidates for ventilatory support, which could be managed offsite,

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