
    1.        NehaShukla, Naveen Gautam* (2023) Genotypic Analysis of COL4A1 Gene in Diabetic Nephropathy and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients: A Comparative Genetic Study. 42(1) ( (IF:3.4); DNA and Cell Biology.

     2.        Sanjay Saini, Lavi Rani, NehaShukla, Ravindra Singh Thakur, Devendra Kumar Patel, MS Ansari, Monisha Banerjee, Naveen Kumar Gautam* (2023).Hsp27 over expression protect against cadmium induced nephrotoxicity in Drosophila melanogaster. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C. 273, , 109716), ( (IF: 4.52)

     3.      PoornimaVerma, NehaShukla, Shivani Kumar, MA Ansaru, Girijesh Kumar Patel, Naveen Kumar Gautam* (2023) BBA Review on Cancer. 1878 (3) 188887. ( IF: 11.4)

    4.      Lavi Rani, Sanjay Saini, Ravindra Singh Thakur, Devendra Kumar Patel, DebapratimKarChowdhuri, Naveen Kumar Gautam* (2022). Single and combined effect of bisphenol A with high sucrose diet on the diabetic and renal tubular dysfunction phenotypes in Drosophila melanogaster. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 96 (2022) 103977 (*Corresponding author; IF: 5.45)

    5.      Sandeepsingh, VyshnavyBalendra, Ahmad Obaid, Josephine Esposto, Maria Tikhonova, Naveen Kumar Gautam, BurkhardPoeggeler (2022). Copper-mediated β-Amyloid Toxicity and its chelation therapy in Alzheimer`s disease. Mettalomics(doi:10.1093/mtomcs/mfac018). (IF:4.15)

    6.      Sanjay Saini, Madhu G. Tapadia, and Naveen Kumar Gautam*(2021). Demonstration of efflux activity of Malpighian tubules of Drosophila larvae. Experiments with Drosophila for Biology courses. (Ed. SC Lakhotia and H.A. Rangnathan), Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore, India, 19: 149-152; ISBN: 978-81-950664-2-1; (*Corresponding author)

    7.      Lavi Rani, Sanjay Saini, NehaShukla, Madhu G. Tapadia, Naveen Kumar Gautam* (2021). Assessing functionality of Drosophila nephrocytes using silver nitrate. Experiments with Drosophila for Biology courses. (Ed. SC Lakhotia and H.A. Rangnathan), Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore, India, 20: 153-156; ISBN: 978-81-950664-2. (*Corresponding author)

    8.      Lavi Rani, Sanjay Saini, D KarChowdhuri, Naveen Kumar Gautam* (2020) High sucrose diet induces morphological and functional impairments in the renal tubules of Drosophila melanogaster : A model for studying type-2 diabetes mediated renal tubular dysfunction.Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 125 (2020) 103441 (*Corresponding author; IF: 4.7 )

    9.      Sanjay Saini, Lavi Rani, NehaShukla, M Banerjee, DK Chowdhuri, NK Gautam* (2020). Development of a Drosophila melanogaster based model for the assessment of cadmium and mercury mediated renal tubular toxicity. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 201. 110811.(*Corresponding author; IF: 6.6 )

    10.  HarshitaPandey, Sanjay Saini, SheelendraPatap Singh, Naveen Kumar Gautam*, Shiv Singh   (2019) Assessment and comparison of cellular and progressive toxicity of novel candle soot derived carbon nanoparticles using Drosophila melanogaster model. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C 228 (2020) 108646.(*Corresponding author; IF: 3.3 )

    11.  AnkitaRai, Sumita Dixit, SheelendraPratap Singh, Naveen Kumar Gautam, Mukul Das , and AnuragTripathi (2018) Presence of Zearalenone in Cereal Grains and Its Exposure Risk Assessment in Indian Population.Journal of Food Science 83 (12) 8. [ISSN: 1750-3841] (IF: 3.6)

    12.  Lavi Rani and Naveen Kumar Gautam* (2018)Drosophila renal system as an in-vivo tool for target identification and screening of potential therapeutics for the diabetic nephropathy. Current Drug Target19 (16):1980-1990. [ISSN: 1873-5592](*Corresponding author; IF: 3.5 )

    13.13. संजयसैनी, लवीरानी, नवीनकुमारगौतम* (2018) ड्रोसोफिला(फलमक्खी):डायबिटिकनेफ्रोपैथीकेआधारभूतआणविकतंत्रकेअध्ययनकेलिएएकवैकल्पिकजीवमॉडलडायबेटिकनेफ्रोपेथीकेअध्ययनकेलिएड्रोसोफिलाजीवतंतकाविकास. विषविज्ञानअनुसंधानकेनयेअयाम.सम्पादकडीकारचौधुरिएवंप्रो. अ‍ॅलोकधवन,प्रकाशकसी.एस.आई.आरआईआईटीआर, लखनऊ

    14.  Naveen Kumar Gautam, Puja Verma, Madhu G. Tapadia (2017). DrosophilaMalpighian tubule: A model for understanding kidney development, function and disease. Kidney Development and Disease, R.K. Miller (ed.), Results and Problems in Cell Differentiation 60, 3-26 (Springer publication) DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-51436-9_1 (ISSN:  0080-1844)

    15.  Naveen KuamarGautam, Puja Verma and Madhu G. Tapadia (2015). Ecdysone regulates morphogenesis and function of Malpighian tubules in Drosophila melanogaster through EcR-B2 isoform. Dev. Bio.398: 163-176. [ISSN No.0012-1606](IF: 3.6)

    16.  Naveen Kumar Gautam* et al (2014). Drosophila as an excellent model for diabetes and its complications. I. J. Sci Res. Spl. ed.  47-49. [ISSN No. 2250-0138]

    17.  Naveen Kumar Gautam and Madhu G. Tapadia (2014). Overview of Malpighian tubules development and function in Drosophila melanogaster. J Sci Res 54: 40-48. [ISSN 2070-0237]

    18.  Madhu G. Tapadia and Naveen Kumar Gautam(2011). Non apoptotic role of apoptotic protein in Malpighian tubules of Drosophila melanogaster. J. Biosci, 36:531-544. [ISSN No.- 0250-5991](IF: 1.8)

    19.  Naveen Kumar Gautam and Madhu G. Tapadia (2010) Ecdysone signaling is required for proper organization and fluid secretion of stellate cells in the Malpighian tubules of Drosophila melanogaster. Int. J. Dev. Biol. 54: 635-642. [ISSN No. 0214-6282] (Most popular paper in volume).(IF : 2.2)

    20.  KanakBala, Naveen Gautam and Bernard Paul (2005). Phythiumrhizo-oryzae sp. Nov. Isolated from Paddy fields: Taxonomy, ITS Region of rDNA, and Comparison with Related Species. Curr Micro bio. 52:102-107  [ISSN No. 0343-865](IF: 2.2)


    Abstract published in journals

    1.      Naveen Kumar Gautam, Madhu G. Tapadia (2011) Ecdysone signaling is required for proper cell rearrangement in Malpighian tubules of Drosophila melanogaster. ATLA-Aleternatives to laboratory Animals, 39: p80

     2.      Naveen Kumar Gautamet al (2015) Understanding molecular mechanisms of diabetic nephropathy using Drosophila model. Int J Diabetes Dev. Count.

    Invited talk (after joining SGPGIMS)

    1.      Sanjay Saini, Lavi Rani, Naveen Kumar Gautam. Development of Drosophila based model for the assessment of xenobiotic mediated renal tubular toxicity. National webinar on Human diseases: A Mathematical Approach, June 14-15,2020 organized by Institute of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Sri Ramswaroop Memorial University, Lucknow


    Papers presented in Conferences

    sentations ( Total: 6)

     1.    Sanjay Saini, Lavi Rani, Naveen Kumar Gautam “Development of Drosophila model for xenobiotic mediated renal toxicity” XLIV Annual Conference of Environmental Mutagen Society on Present and Future Challenges of Xenobiotic Mediated Mutagenesis: Impact on Human Health & Environmental Safety organized by CSIR-IITR, Lucknow                       February 18 - 20, 2020

    2.    Lavi Rani, Sanjay Saini, Naveen Kumar Gautam* “Drosophila model for Insulin resistant mediated renal dysfunction”. Gene environment interaction: Disease, development and evolution. organized by cytogenetics laboratory, Department of Zoology, Banaras Hindu University,Varanasi, India March 5-6, 2017

    3.    Naveen Kumar Gautam, Madhu. G. Tapadia and Monisha Banerjee “Insulin resistance leads to impaired kidney development and function in Drosophila melanogaster. National Conference on Women Power in Cutting Edge Biotechnology, organized Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity University, Lucknow Campus, Lucknow, India October 17-18, 2013

    4.    Naveen Kumar Gautam and Madhu G. Tapadia “Ecdysonetranduces signal through EcR-B2 isoform during Malpighian tubules development and its function in Drosophila melanogaster”, Workshop on Developmental Mechanisms in Model Organisms organized by Indian Society of Developmental Biologists, Jaipur, India                         February 9-11, 2012

    5.    Madhu G. Tapadia and Naveen Kumar GautamDrosophilaMalpighian tubules: A closer look at the role of ecdysone in development and function. XXXIV All India Cell Biology Conference and Symposium on Quantitative Biology: From Molecules to Cells organized by Bose Institute Kolkata, India                                                         December 22-25, 2010

    6.    Naveen Kumar Gautam and Madhu G. Tapadia “Ecdysone signaling is required for proper cell rearrangement in Malpighian tubules of Drosophila melanogaster, International symposium on Alternate Animal Models in Biological Research: Present and Future Prospective in Toxicology, organized by CSIR-IITR, LucknowOctober29-31, 2010


    Poster Presentations ( Total:  21; after joining SGPGIMS: 05)


    1.      NehaShukla, ShivaniKumari, PoornimaVerma, AneeshSrivastava, Naveen Kumar Gautam. “Collagen type IV alpha 1 gene (rs605143) polymorphism (G/A) and its association with diabetic nephropathy in north Indian population” International e-Conference on “Recent Trends in Health and Diseases” organized by Institute of Advanced Molecular Genetics & Infectious Diseases (IAMGID) and Dept of zoology, University of Lucknow, Lucknow, India during 19-21 January 2022.

    2.      ShivaniKumari,PoornimaVerma, NehaShukla, MadhurAnand, AbhishekPathak,  UdayPratap Singh, Sanjoy Kumar Sureka, AneeshSrivastava, Naveen Kumar Gautam* “Metabolomics analysis in clear cell renal cell carcinoma for identification of non-invasive biomarker in north Indian population.National symposium on stem cell and cellular therapy in human disease”. Organized by SGPGIMS, Lucknow, 18 November 2022.

    3.      ShivaniKumari, PoornimaVerma, NehaShukla, Utsav Shah, Puneet Kumar, UdayPratap Singh, Sanjoy Kumar Sureka, AneeshSrivastava, Naveen Kumar Gautam* “Metabolomics analysis in clear cell renal cell carcinoma in north Indian population, Research day, SGPGIMS, 12 December 2021.

    4.      Poornimaverma, Sanjay saini, lavi rani, nehaShukla, Shivanikumari, D K Chowdhuri, AneeshSrivastava, Naveen Kumar Gautam Overexpression of hsp27 protect against cadmium induced nephrotoxicity in malpighian tubules of Drosophila melanogaster. Research day, SGPGIMS, 12 December 2021.

    5.      NehaShukla, lavirani , Sanjay saini, D K Chowdhuri, AneeshSrivastava, Naveen Kumar Gautam Exposure of Bisphenol A Aggravates diabetes mediated renal tubular dysfunction phenotypes in diabetic flies. Research day, SGPGIMS, 12 December 2021.

    6.      Lavi Rani, Sanjay Saini, D KarChowdhuri, Naveen Kumar Gautam “Chronic exposure of high sucrose diet inducesphenotypes similar to renal tubular dysfunction inDrosophila melanogaster”  5th Asia Pacific Drosophila research conferenceJanuary 6-10, 2020

    7.      Sanjay Saini, Monisha Banerjee, Naveen Kumar GautamDrosophila melanogaster as an alternative animal model for xenobiotic mediated nephrotoxicity”4th international toxicology conclave CSIR-IITR, Lucknow                                                             November 2-3, 2018

    8.      Lavi Rani, Sanjay Saini, Naveen Kumar Gautam “Drosophila based model for insulin resistance   mediated tubular nephronic dysfunction” in International Conference on Trends in Biochemical and Biomedical Research: Advances and Challenges in Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi                                                                              February 13-15, 2018

    9.      Sanjay Saini, MonishsaBenerjee, Naveen Kumar Gautam. Drosophila melanogaster as an alternative animal model for the assessment of xenobiotic mediated renal toxicity. 3rd Biennial Indian Drosophila Research Conference organised by IISER, Bhopal       December 6-9, 2017

    10.  10. संजयसैनी, लवीरानी, नवीनकुमारगौतम. डायबेटिकनेफ्रोपेथीकेअध्ययनकेलिएड्रोसोफिलाजीवतंत्रकाविकास. अंतरराष्ट्रीयवैज्ञानिकसंगोष्टि, आईआईटीआर, लखनऊ October 11-13, 2017

    11.  Lavi Rani, Sanjay Saini, Naveen Kumar Gautam. “Alternate animal model Drosophila melanogaster for monitoring environmental chemical mediated renal toxicity” 2nd International Toxicology Conference, organized by CSIR –Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, Lucknow.November15-16, 2016

    12.  Naveen Kumar Gautam, AnupamaKaul, Madhu G. Tapadia, “A Drosophila model for understanding molecular mechanism of diabetic nephropathy. Biennial Indian Drosophila Research Conference at IIT, Kanpur, December 20-23, 2015     

    13.  Naveen Kumar Gautam, Puja Verma, Madhu G. Tapadia, “EcR-B2 regulates proper morphogenesis and function of Malpighian tubules in Drosophila melanogaster. EMBO workshop at CCMB, Hyderabad          December 14-17, 2014

    14.  Naveen Kumar Gautam, Monisha Banerjee “Insulin resistance leads to impaired kidney development and function in Drosophila melanogaster”. XXXV All India Cell Biology Conference & Symposium on dynamics and cell fate, NCBS, India       December 22-24, 2013

    15.  Naveen Kumar Gautam, Madhu. G. Tapadia and Monisha Banerjee “Studies on diabetic nephropathy using  Drosophila model” National Symposium on Recent Advances in Biochemistry and Biotechnology : Applications in Health, Environment and Agriculture, organized by University of Lucknow, Lucknow, India                               October 29-31, 2013

    16.  Naveen Kumar Gautam and Madhu G. Tapadia “EcR-B2 isoform is essential for proper renal tubule development and function in Drosophila melanogaster”, XXXV All India Cell Biology Conference & Symposium on Membrane Dynamics & Disease,NISER, Bhubaneswar, India.                                                                                         December, 2011     

    17.  Naveen Kumar Gautam and Madhu G. Tapadia “Ecdysone signaling is required for proper rearrangement of cells and its functions in Malpighian tubules of Drosophila melanogaster, 1st Asia pacific Drosophila research conference,  organized by Institute of Molecular Biology Academia Sinica, Taipai, Taiwan, May, 2011                                                                                                                                            

    18.  Naveen Kumar Gautamand Madhu G Tapadia “Ecdysone regulates development and fluid secretion of Malpighian tubules of Drosophila melanogaster” XXXIII All India Cell Biology Conference & International workshop on cell cycle regulationorganized by School of life Science,University of Hyderabad Hyderabad, India     10-13,December, 2009 

    19.  Naveen Kumar Gautam and Madhu G. Tapadia “Role of Ecdysone signaling in patterning of stellate cells and Drip expression in Malpighian tubules of Drosophila. 5th Drosophila Meeting organized by Unit on Evolution and Genetics, Department of Studies in Zoology, University of Mysore, Mysore                                                                         28-29 March, 2008

    20.  Naveen Kumar Gautamand Madhu G. Tapadia “Reduced expression of DRIP, through targeted disruption of EcR in  Malpighian tubules- stellate cells causes lethality in Drosophila melanogaster” XXIX All India Cell Biology Conference and Symposium on “ Stem Cells: Application and Prospects organized by Cytogenetics Laboratory, Department of Zoology, Banaras Hindu University Varanasi, India                                                                                                                     14-16 December, 2007

    21.  Naveen Kumar Gautamand Madhu G. Tapadia “Studies on the Function of Ecdysone Receptor Gene in Malpighian tubules of Drosophila melanogaster” XXIX All India Cell Biology Conference and Symposium on Gene to Genome: Environment & Chemical Interaction, organized by Industrial Toxicological Research Centre Lucknow, India January, 2006