Profile information
Dr Dheeraj Khetan is an alumnus of SGPGI, after completing his postgraduation (MD (Immunohematology and Blood Transfusion / Transfusion Medicine) in 2005, he joined as Senior Resident (Transfusion medicine) till 2008, when he was appointed as Consultant Blood Safety, State AIDS Control Society under the aegis of UNICEF., India. in 2011, Dr Khetan joined as Assistant Professor at the prestigious Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh. Dr Khetan joined as Assistant Professor in the Department of Transfusion Medicine at SGPGIMS in June 2013 and is currently working as Additional Professor.
He has been bestowed with.
He blossomed into a multifaceted personality here with special research interest in component preparation, application of molecular techniques in various aspects of transfusion medicine, apheresis technology and its applications (including Therapeutic Plasma Exchange) has authored over 40 research papers with an h-index of 15 and i-10 of 18. He was elected as Editor of the prestigious Indian Society of Transfusion Medicine in 2017 and was designated as the Associate Editor for the prestigious Asian Journal of Transfusion Sciences in 2018.
Dr Khetan was instrumental in establishment of 27 Blood Component Separation Units, 19 Government Blood Banks and 12 Blood Storage ceters at FRU level. He was involved right from selection of sites, assessing the requirements, preparation of equipment specifications, training of the staff, preparation of the tender document, and evaluation of the tender and monitoring the progress at district level.
He has been involved as Technical Expert in various National and State level committees and has been the Scientific Advisor for Establishment / strengthening of Blood Transfusion Services in the state of Uttar Pradesh and also North Eastern state of the country.
In 2017, he was selected as the first Elected Editor for the prestigious Indian Society of Transfusion Medicine and later on his academic interests, he was nominated as Associate Editor for the bi-annually published journal "Asian Journal of Transfusion Sciences" which is pub-med indexed and known to publish outstanding basic and clinical papers on all aspects of Transfusion Medicine.
He has received many honours and awards. He was bestowed the prestigious "Harold Gunson Fellowship" of International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT) in Sept 2006. The "Young Scientist" Award of the Indian Society of Transfusion Medicine in November 2014. He also received Second prize in the category of poster presentation in the 3rd annual conference of Indian society of Transfusion Medicine (ISTM) in Nov 2014.
Dr Khetan is also actively contributing towards research and development in the field of Transfusion Medicine. He has successfully established a Molecular Laboratory, in the department and has developed protocols for genotyping of RhD variants and Human Platelet antigens. He has also been contributing as Manuscript reviewer for indexed journals of the field, including Indian Journal of Hematology and Blood Transfusion (IJHBT), Journal of Blood Transfusion (IJB), Transfusion and Apheresis Science (TAS), Scientific Reports (Nature Group). He is recognized for his teaching skills and has been appointed as External Examiner for MD and PhD exams, he has till date supervised two MD thesis and has been the co-supervisor for total 05 MD students.