
    1. Das SS, Chaudhary R, Khetan D, Shukla JS, Agarwal P, Mishra RB.. Calcium and magnesium levels during automated plateletpheresis in normal donors. Transfus Med. 2005; 15: 233 - 6

    2. Chadran S, Khetan D, Agarwal A, Chaudhary R. Low prevalence of IgA deficiency in Indian population. Indian J Medical Research 2006; 123: 653-6

    3. Chaudhary RK, Agarwal A, Khetan D, Dayal R. Cytokine generation in stored platelet concentrates: comparison of two methods of preparation. Indian J Medical Research. 2006; 124: 427-30

    4. Chaudhary RK, Das SS, Khetan D, Sinha P. Effect of donor variables on yield in single donor plateletpheresis by continuous flow cell separator. Transfus Apher Sci 2006; 34:157-61.

    5. Khetan D, Chaudhary R. Suitable elution method to be used for gel technology for antibody screening. Haema 2006; 9:305-307

    6. Chaudhary R, Das SS, Gupta R, Khetan D. Application of flow cytometry in detection of red-cell-bound IgG in Coombs-negative AIHA. Hematology 2006, 11: 295 - 300.

    7. Chaudhary R, Khetan D, Sinha S, Sinha P, Sonker A, Pandey P, Das SS, Agarwal P, Ray V. Transfusion support to Dengue patients in a hospital based blood transfusion service in north India. Transfus Apher Sci.2006; 35: 239-44.

    8. Das SS, Chaudhary R, Khetan D. A comparison of conventional tube test and gel technique in evaluation of direct antiglobulin test. Hematology 2007, 12: 175 - 8.

    9. Pandey P, Chaudhary R, Tondon R, Khetan D. Predictable and avoidable human errors in phlebotomyarea - an exclusive analysis from a tertiaryhealth care system blood bank. Transfusion Medicine, 2007, 17, 375-378

    10. Verma A., Pandey P., Khetan D., & ChaudharyR. Platelet transfusion in clinical practice at a multidisciplinary hospital in North India. Transfus Apher Sci, 2008;39(1):29-35.

    11. Verma A., Pandey P., Khetan D., Katharia R., ChaudharyR. & Aggarwal A. Differential patters of Serum Fas ligand levels in Blood Donors. Transfusion 2008;48(10): 2264-2265.

    12. Chaudhary R, Das SS, Khetan D, Ojha S, Verma S. Comparative study of automated plateletpheresis using five different apheresis systems in a tertiary care hospital. Transfus Apher Sci. 2009, 40 (2):99-103.

    13. Das SS, Chaudhary R, Verma S, Ojha S, Khetan D. Pre- and post- donation haematological values in healthy donors using five different plateletpheresis systems. Blood Transfus. 2009;7:188-92.

    14. Chaudhary Rajendra, Das Sudipta S, Khetan Dheeraj, Ojha Shashank, Verma Sunil. Donor safety issues in high-dose platelet collection using the latest apheresis systems. Transfusion Alternatives in Transfusion Medicine, 2010, 11: 1-7.

    15. Chaudhary Rajendra, Das Sudipta S, Ojha Shashank, Khetan Dheeraj & Sonker Atul. The External quality assessment scheme: five years experience as a participating laboratory. Asian Journal of Transfusion Science, 2010, 1(4):28-30.

    16. Pandey P, Chaudhary R, Aggarwal A, Kumar R, Khetan D, Verma A. Transfusion-associated immunomodulation: Quantitative changes in cytokines as a measure of immune responsiveness after one time blood transfusion in neurosurgery patients. Asian J Transfus Sci. 2010 Jul;4(2):78-85.

    17. Agarwal P, Das SS, Gupta R, Khetan D, Chaudhary R. Quantification of fetomaternal hemorrhage - An analysis of three techniques. Gynecol Obstet Invest. 2011;71(1):47-52.

    18. Sachdev S, Dhawan HK, Khetan D, Marwaha N, Jain A, Sharma RR. White particulate matter in a packed red blood cells unit. Asian J Transfus Sci 2011;5:175-6

    19. S Sachdev, HK Dhawan, D Khetan, A Jain, RR Sharma, N Marwaha. Visual inspection of platelet concentrates; still an essential prerelease check. Asian Journal of Transfusion Science 2012; 6 (2): 139

    20. Dara RC, Marwaha N, Khetan D, Patidar G. A randomized control study to evaluate effect of short term oral iron supplementation in Regular Voluntary Blood Donors. Indian Journal of Hemat & Blood Trans, 2015; 1: 1-8.

    21. Verma A, Khetan D, Srivastava A, Elhence P, Katharia R. Thromboelastography as a tool for quality check of apheresis platelets. Asian Journal of Transfusion Science, 2016; 10 (2): 111-112.

    22. Khetan D, Katharia R, Pandey HC, Chaudhary R, Harsvardhan R, Pandey H, Sonkar A. Assessment of Bedside transfusion practices at a tertiary care center: a step closer to controlling the chaos. Asian Journal of Transfusion Science, 2018; 12 (1): 27-33.

    23. Jain A, KhetanD. Unconjugatedhyperbillirubinemia in a blood donor; chance finding due to unusual plasma discoloration. Asian Journal of Transfusion Science, 2018; 12 (1)

    24. Khetan D, Gupta N, Chaudhary R, Shukla JS. Comparison of UV spectrometry and fluorometry - based methods for quantification of cell-free DNA in red cell components. Asian Journal of Transfusion Science, 2019; 95-99.

    25. Khetan D, Verma A, Shukla J and Chaudhary R. Molecular characterization of RhD variants in North Indian blood donor population. Transfus Med. 2020 Aug;30(4):295-303.

    26. Gupta N, Khetan D, Shukla J and Chaudhary R. Cell free DNA in red cell components: effect of storage duration, leuko-filtration and gamma irradiation. Transfus Med Hemother . 2020 Oct;47(5):409-419. DOI: 10.1159/000505937

    27. Mishra R, Bhattacharya S, Rawat BS, Kumar A, Kumar AK, Niraj K, Chande A, Gandhi P, Khetan D, Aggarwal A, Tailor PK, Kumar H. MicroRNA-30e-5p has an integrated role in the regulation of the innate immune response during virus infection and systemic lupus erythematosus. iScience. DOI:

    28. Srivastava A, Kumar S, Agarwal A, Khetan D, Katharia R, Mishra P, Khati S, Gautam S and Khuba S. Evaluation of efficacy of Valsalva for attenuating needle puncture pain in first time nonremunerated voluntary plateletpheresis donors: A prospective randomized controlled trial. Asian Journal of Transfusion Science, 2021; 15 (1): 68-74.

    29. Ratnakar Shukla; Pooja Shukla; Anu Behari; Dheeraj Khetan; Rajendra K Chaudhary; Yasuo Tsuchiya; Toshikazu Ikoma; Takao Asai; Kazutoshi Nakamura; Vinay K Kapoor. Roles of Salmonella typhi and Salmonella paratyphi in Gallbladder Cancer Development. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2021 Feb; 22(2): 509-516. doi: 10.31557/APJCP.2021.22.2.509

    30. Khetan D, Chaudhary R K and Shukla JS. Molecular basis of RhD negative phenotype in North Indian blood donor population. Indian Journal of Medical Research . 2022;155: 286-292

    31. Vivek Kumar, Amit Goel, Dheeraj Khetan, Tulika Chandra, Vipin Raj Bharti, Himanshu Dandu. A preliminary experience of plasma exchange in liver failure. AJTS. 2022; 16(2): 209-13 (

    32. Goel A, Verma A, Tiwari P, Katiyar H, Aggarwal A, Khetan D, Mayank, Kishore RVK, Kumar P, Singh TP, Sheikh S, Vaishnav M, Pathak P, Shalimar. Serological Immune Response Following ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 Vaccine (Covishield®) in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis. Vaccines (Basel). 2022 Oct 30;10(11):1837. doi: 10.3390/vaccines10111837. PMID: 36366346; PMCID: PMC9696004.

    33. Bhadauria DS, Katiyar H, Goel A, Tiwari P, Kishore RVK, Aggarwal A, Verma A, Khetan D, Kaul A, Yachha M, Behera MR, Yadav B, Prasad N. Antibody Response to ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (AZD1222) Vaccine in Kidney Transplant Recipients. Vaccines (Basel). 2022 Oct 11;10(10):1693. doi: 10.3390/vaccines10101693. PMID: 36298558; PMCID: PMC9610051.

    34. Verma A, Goel A, Katiyar H, Tiwari P, Mayank, Sana A, Khetan D, Bhadauria DS, Raja A, Khokher N, Shalimar, Singh RK, Aggarwal A. Durability of ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (Covishield®) Vaccine Induced Antibody Response in Health Care Workers. Vaccines (Basel). 2022 Dec 30;11(1):84. doi: 10.3390/vaccines11010084. PMID: 36679930; PMCID: PMC9863895.

    35. Arjunan C, Khetan D, Singh V, Elhence P, Chaudhary RK, Kumar A. Demographics and appropriateness of cellular blood component Irradiation practices: Ambispective analysis from a tertiary care center. Transfusion and apheresis science

    Book Chapter

    1. Principles of Laboratory Technique. In: 2nd edition, Blood Transfusion Technology (a.k.a. Beryl's book), ISBT Science Series, Supplement, 2020

    1. Research projects

    Extramural Research Project: as Co-Investigator

    o Clinical Trial of Convalescent plasma in COVID-19 patients "A phase II, open label, Randomized controlled trial to assess the safety and efficacy of convalescent plasma to limit COVID-19 associated complications in Moderate Disease"- conducted by ICMR. 2020-2021

    o "Societal marketing to promote Voluntary Blood Donation in the State of Uttar Pradesh- funded by NHM"- (2016-2020) 35.75 Lacs

    o "Study of Pattern of Usage of Blood and Component utilization in the state of Uttar Pradesh: - funded by NHM"-(2016-2020) 35.49 Lacs

    o "Metagenomics of microbial communities in gall bladder bile from patients with gall bladder cancer or cholelithiasis and verification of bacterial infection history: Indo-Japan Collaborative project" (PI- Prof V K Kapoor)-2021

    Intramural Research: Completed Projects as Principal Investigator

    o "Molecular Characterization of Polymorphism of RHD haplotypes in RHD Negative Indian blood donors" -2014-2016 (INR 2.50 lacs )

    o Molecular Characterization of D variants in North Indian blood donor population (2016-2018) INR 4.45 lacs

    o Cell free DNA in supernatant of Stored Red cell components (2017-2019) INR 2.86 lacs

    Intramural Research- Completed Projects as Co -Investigator

    o Antibody response following vaccination against COVID-19 using COVISHIELD in healthy HCW population. PI Dr Alka Verma, Emergency Medicine, Year Feb 2021-2022, Budget 5.00 Lacs- completed

    o Risk of Hepatitis E virus transmission among patients receiving multiple blood or blood component transfusions- PI Dr Amit Goel. Terminated and abandoned (2016-2019)

    Departmental projects

    o Development of SSP-PCR protocol for genotyping of Human Platelet antigen systems (HPA 1,2,3,4,5 and 15) in North Indian blood donor population. 2019-2021

    o Quality assessment of blood components obtained by automated component processing equipment (Reveos, Terumo) with a top and bottom configuration

    o Assessment of extraction efficiency of inline leukofilters for preparation of pre-storage leucoreduced packed red blood cell component

    o Audit of Bed side transfusion practices in SGPGI, presented in the Institute Clinical Grand Round on 11th Jan 2014

    o Comparison of Top and Top Vs Top and bottom quadruple blood bags with respect to various quality parameters as a part of Total quality management.

    o Quality assessment of blood components obtained by automated buffy coat depletion method with a top and bottom configuration: comparison of three platforms

    o Assessing anxiety levels and correlation with donor reaction in plateletpheresis donors

    o Evaluation of efficacy of valsalva for attenuating needle puncture pain in first time non remunerated voluntary plateletpheresis donors

    o Comparison of ABO titers in pooled platelet components versus Single donor platelets