1. ISBT (International Society of Blood Transfusion) Harold Gunson, Sept 2006.
2. Establishment of 19 Government Blood Banks, 27 Blood Component Separation Units and 12 Blood Storage centers at various district hospitals in Uttar Pradesh.
3. Establishment of at District level in the state of Uttar Pradesh
4. Elected as Editor for the esteemed Indian Society of Transfusion Medicine (ISTM) in Nov 2016.
5. Establishment of at FRU level in Co-ordination with NRHM.
6. "Young Scientist" Award of the Indian Society of Transfusion Medicine on 16th November 2014.
7. Awarded Second prize in the category of poster presentation in the 3rd annual conference of Indian society of Transfusion Medicine (ISTM) in Nov 2014
8. Associate Editor in the Asian Journal of Transfusion Science (AJTS).
9. Establishment of Molecular Lab in the Department: well equipped to carry out basic molecular techniques including DNA extraction, PCR, Gel documentation etc.
10. Involved in postgraduate teaching program of prestigious institutes as External Examiner/ Internal Examiner / Expert for Thesis evaluation for MD (Transfusion Medicine) , MSc MLT (Transfusion Medicine), BSc MLT.
11. Empanelment as an Academic counsellor for the program BPCCHN, of Indira Gandhi Open University on July 2019
12. Nominated as Invigilator for the final MD theory Examination of the institute on 18th Mar 2020
13. Awarded the Certificate of Appreciation- "CORONA WARRIOR" for work during COVID pandemic by Faculty forum SGPGI in Feb 2021.
14. Member of Selection committee ,J & K Public Service Commission
15. Resource Person for various National and State level training programs by NACO, MOH&FW, G.O.I
16. Resource person for National Level training program of National Health Mission, Blood Services division, Govt of India.
17. Technical Expert in the National level committee guidelines of blood storage centers by Blood Cell/ NHM division, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt of India
18. Technical expert in state committee for procurement of Equipment, development of guidelines, service charges and documents
19. Technical expert by CDSCO and State FDA
20. Deputy Medical Superintendent of Apex Trauma Center (ATC), SGPGI - since April 21, 2023
21. Elected Member of the Faculty Forum SGPGI- Jan 2023
1. NAAC task force (Criteria 7).
2. Management committee of Hospital Revolving Fund of the Institute Sep 2021-continuing.
3. Parking committee of the institute
4. HCWs Wellness Team- COVID pandemic
5. COVID Vaccination committee
6. COVID Containment committee
7. Equipment procurement
8. Guest House Advisory Committee
9. Condemnation committee for Medical Equipment/ Allied accessories (CCME & AA)
10. Member Secretary of Campus Development advisory committee 2014- 2020
11. OPD management committee
12. Chairman of Institute Security Management Committee from Nov 2021 to Dec 2022
13. Faculty In-charge for pneumatic tube system, since Nov 2022