List of Index Publications
Department of Pulmonary Medicine ( Last Five Years)
1.Nath A, Hashim Z, Shukla S, Poduvattil PA, Neyaz Z, Mishra R, Singh M, Misra N, Shukla A. A multicentre study to evaluate the diagnostic performance of a novel CAD software, DecXpert, for radiological diagnosis of tuberculosis in the northern Indian population. Sci Rep 2024; 14: 20711.
2. Hashim Z, Tyagi R, Singh GV, Nath A, Kant S. Preventive treatment for latent tuberculosis from Indian perspective. Lung India 2024; 41: 47-54.
3. Hashim Z, Nath A, Tripathy NK. High-dose corticosteroid therapy in COVID-19: the RECOVERY trial. Lancet 2024; 403: 1337-1338.
4. Hashim Z, Gupta M, Neyaz Z, Srivastava S, Mani V, Nath A, Khan AR. Biophysical modeling and diffusion kurtosis imaging reveal microstructural alterations in normal-appearing white-matter regions of the brain in obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep Adv 2024; 5: zpae031.
5. Tomar D, Kapoor A, Hashim Z, Raut K, Katheria A, Khare H, Sahu A, Khanna R, Kumar S, Garg N, Tewari S. Use of Strain Imaging to Detect Subtle Myocardial Involvement in Post Covid-19 Patients: An Indian Perspective. Indian Heart J 2024.
6. Gollarahalli Patel A, Ahmed S, Parida JR, Pattanaik SS, Gupta L, Aggarwal A, Lawrence A, Misra DP, Nath A, Hashim Z, Khan A, Mishra R, Ravindra A, Mohindra N, Jain N, Agarwal V. Tuberculosis is the predominant infection in systemic sclerosis: thirty-year retrospective study of serious infections from a single centre.Rheumatol Int 2024; 44: 2505-2515.
1. Hashim Z, Nath A, Tripathy NK. Steroid treatment for COVID-19: Suitable dose and patients. Lung India 2023;40(5):481-82.
2. Babu TA, Hashim Z, Neyaz Z, Mani VE, Jain N, Bhatia E, et al. Nonsurgical hypoparathyroidism is associated with skeletal muscle dysfunction and restrictive lung disease. European Journal of Endocrinology 2023;189(2):141-48.
3. Hashim Z, Nath A, Khan A, Gupta M, Kumar A, Chatterjee R, et al. Effect of glucocorticoids on the development of COVID‐19‐associated pulmonary aspergillosis: A meta‐analysis of 21 studies and 5174 patients. Mycoses 2023;
4. Prasad P, Gupta A, Nath A, Hashim Z, Gupta M, Krishnani N, Khan A*. Clinical characteristics of patients with diffuse alveolar hemorrhage diagnosed by cytological examination of 1000 bronchoalveolar lavage samples. Sarcoidosis, Vasculitis, and Diffuse Lung Diseases 2023;40(1)
5. Awale RB, Singh A, Mishra P, Bais PS, Vansh K, Shamim R, Ghatak T, Hashim Z, Gupta D, Nath A, Singh RK, Singh C, Pande S. Routine hematology parameters in COVID-19: A predictor of disease severity and mortality. J Family Med Prim Care 2022; 11: 3423-3429.
6. Kar M, Siddiqui T, Dubey A, Hashim Z, Sahu C, Ghoshal U. Respiratory bacterial co-infections and their antibiotic resistance pattern in COVID-19 patients at a tertiary care centre in India. Access Microbiol 2023;5(6)doi:10.1099/acmi.0.000514.v3
7. Sahu C, Singh S, Pathak A, Patel SS, Ghoshal U, Singh US, Hashim Z. Trends of drug resistance to the commonly used antibiotics to combat the COVID-19 pandemic: Experience from a super-speciality institute of Northern India. J Family Med Prim Care 2022;11(10):6255-59. doi:10.4103/jfmpc.jfmpc_548_22
8. Gupta A, Pandharipande A, Gupta M, Hashim Z, Sanjeev, Chauhan P, Gupta R, Chandra D, Singh MK, Kashyap R, Rahman K. Role of T Lymphocyte Activation Profile in Predicting SARS-CoV-2 Severity: Experience from Tertiary Care Centre of North India. Indian J Hematol Blood Transfus 2023; 39: 15-24.
9. Hashim Z, Tyagi R, Nath A, Tripathy S: Preventive treatment for latent tuberculosis from Indian perspective. Lung India (in coming issue)
10. Iram Pasha. Anil K. Singh, Zia Hashim, Alok Nath, Zafar Neyaz, Richa Mishra, Vinita Agrawal: Role of percutaneous CT‐guided biopsy in the characterisation of pleural disease. Lung India (In coming issue)
1. Hashim Z, Nath A, Khan A, Neyaz Z, Marak RS, Areekkara P, Tiwari A, Srivastava S, Mansi G, RK Dhiman, Tripathy N* et al: New Insights into Development and Mortality of COVID‐19‐Associated Pulmonary Aspergillosis in a Homogenous Cohort of 1161 Intensive Care Patients. Mycoses 2022.
2. Hashim Z, Gupta M, Nath A, Khan A, Neyaz Z, Tiwari S, Mishra R, Srivastava S, Gupta S: Prevalence of sleep apnea and lung function abnormalities in patients with acromegaly. Lung India: Official Organ of Indian Chest Society 2022, 39(1):58.
3. Hashim Z*, Ghatak T, Nath A, Singh RK: Role of low-dose tissue plasminogen activator in patients with refractory hypoxia due to presumed microthrombi in pulmonary vasculature in coronavirus disease 2019: A case series and review of the literature. Lung India 2022, 39(3):286-291.
4. Hashim Z*, Khan A, Areekkara P, Neyaz Z, Nath A, Jaiswal S, Mohindra S. Thrombosis leading to acute abdomen in corona virus disease- 19:A case series. Indian J Gastroenterol 2022; 41: 313-318.
5. Mishra R, Hashim Z*, Gupta M, Chaturvedi R, Singh H, Nath A, Misra DP, Khan A, Rai MK, Srivastava S: Histone deacetylase-2 inducer like theophylline has a potential to improve glucocorticoid responsiveness in severe uncontrolled asthma by reducing P-glycoprotein/MRP-1. Indian Journal of Rheumatology 2022, 17(1):47.
6. Mishra P, Singh RK, Nath A, Pande S, Agarwal A, Sanjeev OP, Gupta D, Singh P, Ghatak T, Hashim Z: A novel epidemiological scoring system for the prediction of mortality in COVID-19 patients. Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2022, 116(5):409-416.
7. Chaturvedi CP, Hashim Z, Tripathy NK: A New and Highly Sensitive Serum Mannoprotein Lateral Flow Assay for Point-of-Care Diagnosis of Invasive Aspergillosis (Tripathy Method). Cureus 2022, 14(6).
8. Anuja AK, Mehta P, Singh MK, Singh H, Nath A, Hashim Z, Khan A, Gupta M, Misra DP, Agarwal V: Peripheral T helper subset profiling in idiopathic inflammatory myositis: Proof of concept. ReumatologíaClínica 2022.
9.Kurian NM, SC BY, Gurjar M, Mishra P, Sanjeev OP, Azim A, Gupta D, Hashim Z, Verma A, Bhatia E, Ghatak T, Singh RK, Nath A, Sahoo SK, Dabadghao P, Gupta S. Association of hyperglycaemia at-admission & diabetes mellitus with 28 day mortality in patients admitted with moderate-severe SARS-CoV-2 infection: A retrospective study. Indian J Med Res 2022; 155: 554-564.
1. Hashim Z, Neyaz Z, Marak RSK, Nath A, Nityanand S, Tripathy NK*. Practice Guidelines for the Diagnosis of COVID-19-Associated Pulmonary Aspergillosis in an Intensive Care Setting. J Intensive Care Med 2021:8850666211047166. DOI: 10.1177/08850666211047166.
2. Misra R, Kesarwani V, Nath A. Assessment of burden of drug-resistant tuberculosis at a tertiary care centre in northern India: a prospective single centre cohort study. BMJ Open 2021;11(4):e044096. DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-044096.
3. Mishra R, Chaturvedi R, Hashim Z*, Nath A, Khan A, Gupta M, Singh H, Agarwal V. Role of P-gp and HDAC2 and their Reciprocal Relationship in Uncontrolled Asthma. Curr Pharm Biotechnol 2021;22(3):408-413. DOI: 10.2174/1389201021666200529104042.
4. Mishra P, Singh RK, Nath A, Pande S, Agarwal A, Sanjeev OP, Gupta D, Singh P, Ghatak T, Hashim Z, Khare V, Khuba S, Rastogi A, Dhiman RK*. A novel epidemiological scoring system for the prediction of mortality in COVID-19 patients. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 2021. DOI: 10.1093/trstmh/trab108.
5. Verma V, Khan A, Rao RN, Nath A, Hashim Z. Role of Endobronchial ultrasound guided transbronchial needle aspiration with cellblocks in diagnosis and subtyping of intrathoracic lesions: Two year experience from a tertiary care center. Journal of Cytology 2021;38(3):120.
6. Gupta A, Desai N, Sanjeev, Chauhan P, Nityanand S, Hashim Z, Gupta M*. Clinical profile and outcome of COVID-19 in haematological malignancies: experience from tertiary care centre in India. Ann Hematol 2021:1-11. DOI: 10.1007/s00277-021-04644-3.
7. Nigam N, Hashim Z*, Neyaz Z, Gupta M, Nath A. Inflammatory pseudotumor of the lung with complete resolution. Lung India 2021;38(1):90-91. DOI: 10.4103/lungindia.lungindia_71_20.
8. Hashim Z, Gupta M, Nath A, Khan A, Neyaz Z, Mishra R, Srivastava S, Gupta S. Prevalence of sleep apnea and lung function abnormalities in patients with Acromegaly". Lung India 2021. (Accepted)
9. Mishra R, Hashim Z*, Gupta M, Chaturvedi R, Singh H, Nath A, Khan A, Srivastav S. HDAC2 inducer like Theophylline has a potential to improve Glucocorticoids Responsiveness in Uncontrolled Asthma by reducing P-gp/MRP-1. Indian Journal of Rheumatology 2021. (Accepted)
10. Neyaz Z, Hashim Z*, Kumar S, Nath A, Khan A, Mohindro N. Correlation of asthma severity, IgE level, and spirometry results with HRCT findings in allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis. Indian J Radiol Imaging 2020;30(2):163-169. DOI: 10.4103/ijri.IJRI_443_19.
11. Nath A, Prashanth A, Lal H, Kumar S, Barai S, Gambhir S. Robotic-assisted computed tomography-guided 18F-FDG PET/computed tomography-directed biopsy for diagnosis of intra thoracic lesions: An experience from a tertiary care centre in North India. Nucl Med Commun 2020;41(3):246-251. DOI: 10.1097/mnm.0000000000001148.
12. Nath A, Kumar Rai M, Hashim Z*, Gupta M, Jana B, Agarwal V, Khan A*. Prevalence of p-glycoprotein (PGP) expression, function and its effect on efficacy of rifampicin in patients with lymph node tuberculosis. Indian J Tuberc 2020;67(2):172-176. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijtb.2019.11.015.
13. Kumar SK, Arya S, Aggarwal A, Kapoor P, Nath A, Misra R, Sinha S. Immune responses to Mycobacterium tuberculosis membrane-associated antigens including alpha crystallin can potentially discriminate between latent infection and active tuberculosis disease. PLoS One 2020;15(1):e0228359. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0228359.
14. Khan A, Hashim Z, Neyaz Z, Agarwal A, Mohindra S, Nath A*. Dual Airway and Esophageal Stenting in Advanced Esophageal Cancer With Lesions Near Carina. J Bronchology Interv Pulmonol 2020;27(4):286-293. DOI: 10.1097/lbr.0000000000000672.
15. Khan A, Hashim Z, Gupta M, Lal H, Agarwal A, Nath A*. Rigid bronchoscopic interventions for central airway obstruction - An observational study. Lung India 2020;37(2):114-119. DOI: 10.4103/lungindia.lungindia_454_19.
16. Jain A, Singh H, Nath A, et al. Distinct T-cell immunophenotypic signature in a subset of sarcoidosis patients with arthritis. J R Coll Physicians Edinb 2020;50(3):226-232. DOI: 10.4997/jrcpe.2020.304.
17. Ghoshal UC, Ghoshal U, Mathur A, Nath A,et al. The Spectrum of Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Patients With Coronavirus Disease-19: Predictors, Relationship With Disease Severity, and Outcome. Clin Transl Gastroenterol 2020;11(12):e00259. DOI: 10.14309/ctg.0000000000000259.
18. Nath A, Neyaz Z*, Hashim Z, Agrawal V, Richa M. Role of Percutaneous Computed Tomography-guided Lung Biopsy in Non-resolving Consolidation and Identification of Clinical and High-resolution Computed Tomography Characteristics Predicting Outcome. J Clin Imaging Sci 2019;9:48. DOI: 10.25259/jcis_126_2019.
19. Nath A, Hashim Z*, Khan A, Gupta M, Neyaz Z, Misra DP, Mishra R, Srivastava S. Experience of sarcoidosis and factors predicting relapse at a tertiary care institute in North India. Indian J Rheumatol2019; 14:265-70.
20. Mohan A, Madan K, Hadda V, Nath A et al. Guidelines for diagnostic flexible bronchoscopy in adults: Joint Indian Chest Society/National College of chest physicians (I)/Indian association for bronchology recommendations. Lung India 2019;36(Supplement):S37-s89. DOI: 10.4103/lungindia.lungindia_108_19.
21. Kumari N, Singh S, Haloi D, Mishra SK, Krishnani N, Nath A, Neyaz Z. Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Mutation Frequency in Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Its Diagnostic Performance in Cytological Samples: A Molecular and Immunohistochemical Study. World J Oncol 2019;10(3):142-150. DOI: 10.14740/wjon1204.
22. Hashim Z, Nath A, Gupta M*, Khan A, Mishra R, Srivastava S, Tripathi SK. Diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea in women: Is there any difference?- Experience from a tertiary care hospital of North India. J Family Med Prim Care 2019;8(10):3276-3281. DOI: 10.4103/jfmpc.jfmpc_609_19.
23. Dhooria S, Agarwal R, Sehgal IS, Aggarwal AN, Khan A, Nath A, et al. Bronchoscopic lung cryobiopsy: An Indian association for bronchology position statement. Lung India 2019;36(1):48-59. DOI: 10.4103/lungindia.lungindia_75_18.
24. Hashim Z, Gupta M*, Nath A, Khan A, Mishra R, Singh H, Agarwal V. Comparison between Diagnostic Yield of Pleural Fluid ELISPOT and Thoracoscopic Guided Pleural Biopsy in Undiagnosed Pleural Effusion. Int Arch BioMed Clin Res2019. 2019Sep.30 [cited 2019Nov.16];5(3):48-2. Available from:
25. Khan A, Nath A, Mangla L, Paul M, Neyaz Z. Use of dedicated optical tracheal dilator for postintubation tracheal stenosis: First report from India. Lung India 2018;35(5):417-420. DOI: 10.4103/lungindia.lungindia_372_17.
26. Khan A, Nath A, Lal H, Krishnani N, Agarwal A. Vintage meets contemporary: Use of rigid TBNA in the era of real-time imaging - first report from India. Lung India 2018;35(3):241-244. DOI: 10.4103/lungindia.lungindia_418_17.
27. Arya S, Kumar SK, Nath A, Kapoor P, Aggarwal A, Misra R, Sinha S. Synergy between tuberculin skin test and proliferative T cell responses to PPD or cell-membrane antigens of Mycobacterium tuberculosis for detection of latent TB infection in a high disease-burden setting. PLoS One 2018;13(9):e0204429. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0204429.
28. Ahmed S, Pattanaik SS, Rai MK, Nath A, Agarwal V. Interstitial lung disease in Systemic sclerosis: insights into pathogenesis and evolving therapies. Mediterr J Rheumatol 2018;29(3):140-147. DOI: 10.31138/mjr.29.3.140.
29. Agarwal V, Agrawal V, Aggarwal A, Aggarwal P, Chowdhury AC, Ghosh P, Jain A, Lawrence A, Misra DP, Misra R, Mohapatra MM, Nath A, Negi VS, Pandya S, Reddy VV, Prasad S, Sharma A, Shobha V, Singh YP, Tripathy SR, Wakhlu A. Arthritis in sarcoidosis: A multicentric study from India. Int J Rheum Dis 2018;21(9):1728-1733. DOI: 10.1111/1756-185x.13349.
30. Nath A*, Khan A, Hashim Z, Patra JK. Prevalence of Aspergillus hypersensitivity and allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis in patients with bronchial asthma at a tertiary care center in North India. Lung India 2017;34(2):150-154. DOI: 10.4103/0970-2113.201300.
31. Nath A, Khan A, Hashim Z. Is Concomitant Use of Theophylline and Roflumilast Really Contraindicated?Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2017;195(10):1406-1407. DOI: 10.1164/rccm.201610-2140LE.
32. Karmakar S, Nath A, Neyaz Z, Agarwal V, Ahsan S. Primary papillary adenocarcinoma of the lung: Report of two cases. Lung India 2017;34(3):299-302. DOI: 10.4103/lungindia.lungindia_467_15.
33. Goyal A, Ghoshal UC, Nath A, Jindal S, Mohindra S. Pulmonary function in patients with ulcerative colitis and its relationship with disease severity. JGH Open 2017;1(1):32-37. DOI: 10.1002/jgh3.12005.
34. Neyaz Z, Lal H, Thakral A, Nath A, Rao RN, Verma R. Percutaneous computed tomography-guided aspiration and biopsy of intrathoracic lesions: Results of 265 procedures. Lung India 2016;33(6):620-625. DOI: 10.4103/0970-2113.192863.
35. Nath A, Hashim Z*, Khan A, Mangla L, Azim A, Khare V. Resurgence of Viral Activity of Pandemic Influenza a (H1N1) 2009: A Report from a Tertiary Care Institute in North India. Austin J Pulm Respir Med 2017;4(1):1050.
36. Hashim Z*, Loveleen Mangla, Garima Shukla, Anupama Gupta, Alok Nath, Mishra R. Hypersomnolence among Adolescents: Narcolepsy an Often Misdiagnosed Condition. Indian Journal of Sleep Medicine 2017;12(3):49-52.