1. Published book titled “MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS IN PLASTIC SURGERY” by Chandra R and Agarwal R. Jaypee Brothers Pub., New Delhi, 2002.
2. Written book titled “SELF ASSESSMENT AND REVIEW IN PLASTIC SURGERY” by Agarwal R & Chandra R. Jaypee Brothers Pub., New Delhi, 2012.
BOOK CHAPTERS1. Genecov D, Agarwal R,Genecov E.D, Salyer K. Evolution of Extraoral mandibular distraction: Case Reports. In Craniofacial Distraction Osteogenesis, Mosby Pub, Missouri, Chap. 23, pg 230-235, 2001.
2. Salyer K, Hubli E, Genecov D &Agarwal R. Distraction osteogenesis vs Primary osteotomy: Indications and contraindications. A clinical perspective from a busy craniofacial service. InCraniofacial Surgery, Ed by MonduzziEditore Bologna Italy, 2000.
3. Agarwal R& Chandra R. Role of Anterior septal ligament in the etiology of cleft nasal cartilaginous deformity. Study in adult unilateral clefts. In Transaction book of 9th International Congress on Cleft Palate and Related anomalies held at Singapore, 2001.
4. Chandra R&Agarwal R. Skin grafting. Published in the ASI Textbook of Surgery, 2011.
5. Agarwal R& Chandra R. Chemical burns. Published in the Book entitled “Total management of the burned child” by Paras Publishers, 2011.
3. Agarwal R& Chandra R. Repair of Split Earlobe with Free Conchal Cartilage Sandwich Graft. In “Advanced Cosmetic Otoplasty” byShiffman, M. Published by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Chap 45, pp 481-491., 2013.
6. Agarwal R, Agarwal D. Surgical treatment of lymphedema. Past and Present. Lymphedema published by Elsevier, 2015.
1. Dalela D, Agarwal R& Mishra VK. Giant vaginolith around an unusual foreign body - An uncommon cause of urinary incontinence in a girl. Brit J Urol 74 : 673-674, 1994.
2. Dalela D &Agarwal R. The treatment of childhood phimosis with topical steroid. Aust N Z J Surg 65, 1995.
3. Agarwal R, Agarwal PK &Dalela D. Renal angiomyolipoma with nodal involvement. A 20 year follow up. Brit J Urol 76: 517, 1995.
4. Agarwal R, Kalra GS, Kumar P, Bhushan S & Chandra R. Persistent buccopharyngeal membrane. A report of two cases. Plast&ReconstrSurg 98(5): 866-868, 1996.
5. Agarwal R. Donor-site morbidity of reverse radial forearm flaps. Plast&ReconstrSurg 100(2): 549-550, 1997.
6. Agarwal R. Programme Evaluation and Review Technique in Primary Correction of Cleft Lip Nose Deformity Using Computer Aided Digitisation. Transactions of the 8th International Congress on Cleft Palate and Related Craniofacial Anomalies held at Goteborg, Sweden, Ed by ST Lee, Stamford Press Pvt. Ltd, pp 16-29, 1997.
7. Agarwal R, Agarwal S & Singh O.P Limitation of rotation fasciocutaneous flap design for resurfacing post traumatic lower limb defects. Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 101(3): 866-867, 1998.
8. Agarwal R, Bhatnagar SK & Chandra R. Lymphosuction - A new treatment modality for chronic filarial lymphedema. European Journal of Plastic Surgery 21: 113-117, 1998.
9. Dalela D, Agarwal R & Srivastava O.P: Chylohematuria presenting as a heterogenous intravesical clot. J Clin. Ultrasound 26 (2):109, 1998.
10. Agarwal R, Bhatnagar S.K, Pandey S.D, Singh A.K & Chandra R: Nasal Sill Augmentation in Adult Incomplete Cleft Lip Nose Deformity using Superiorly Based Turn Over Orbicularis Oris Muscle Flap. An Anatomic Approach. Plast. Reconstr.Surg. 102(5): 1350-1357, 1998.
11. Agarwal R & Chandra R: Subscapular vascular axis for raising flaps. Brit J PlastSurg 51(6): 485-486, 1998.
12. Agarwal R & Chandra R: Repair of Cleft Ear Lobe Using Double Opposing Z-Plasty. Plast. Reconstr. Surg., 102(5): 1759-1760, 1998.
13. Dalela D &Agarwal R.: Large vesical calculus in a cystocoele. An uncommon cause of irreducible genital prolapse. Brit. J Urol., 84(1):171-172, 1999.
14. Agarwal R& Chandra R. Congenital Buccopharyngeal Membrane (letter). Cleft Palate Craniofacial Journal. 36(2): 179-180, 1999.
15. Agarwal R, Agarwal S & Chandra R: The Lateral pectoral flap. Journal of Hand Surgery (British and European Volume) 24B:5: 542-546, 1999.
16. Agarwal R. Primary repair of incomplete unilateral cleft lip. Brit J PlastSurg 52(7): 598-599, 1999.
17. Salyer K, Genecov D &Agarwal R. Personal techniques, refinements and current trends in congenital craniofacial surgery. A modern approach. Moscow journal, 2000.
18. Genecov, D.G., Agarwal R. Commentary on Giant Congenital naevi. In Plastic Surgery Outlook, 2000, Thieme publishers
19. Genecov, D.G., Agarwal R. Commentary on Patterns of maxillofacial trauma, In Plastic Surgery Outlook, 2000, Thieme publishers.
20. Genecov, D.G., Agarwal R. Commentary on influence of airbags on patterns of facial trauma in motor vehicle collisions. In Plastic Surgery Outlook, 2000, Thieme publishers.
21. Agarwal S, Agarwal T, Agarwal R, Agarwal PK and Jain UK. Fine needle aspiration of bone tumours. Cancer Detection and Prevention, 24(6); 602-609, 2000.
22. Agarwal R. Latissimus Dorsi Myocutaneous Flap Reconstruction of Neck and Axillary Burn Contractures. PlastReconstrSurg 106(5): 1216, 2000.
23. Agarwal S, Agarwal R, Jain UK & Chandra R. Management of Soft-Tissue Problems in Leg Trauma in Conjunction with Application of the Ilizarov Fixator Assembly. PlastReconstrSurg, 107(7): 1732-1738, 2001.
24. Agarwal, R, Agarwal, S. Management of Soft-Tissue problems in Leg Trauma in Conjunction with Application of the Ilizarov Fixator Assembly. Reply PlastReconstrSurg109 (4): 1474, 2002.
25. Agarwal, R, Agarwal, S. Management of Soft-Tissue problems in Leg Trauma in Conjunction with Application of the Ilizarov Fixator Assembly. Reply PlastReconstrSurg111 (3): 1359-1360, 2003.
26. Chandra R, Agarwal R: Multiple Choice Questions in Plastic Surgery. Review by Noone R. Barett. PlastReconstrSurg 112(5): 1479-1480, 2003.
27. Genecov DG, Kremer MM, Agarwal R, Salyer KE, Barcelo R, Aberman HM and Opperman LA.: Norian Craniofacial Repair System: Compatibility with Resorbable and Nonresorbable Plating Materials. PlastReconstr Surg. 120(6): 1487-1495, 2007.
28. Agarwal, R and Chandra, R. The SeptospinalLigament in Cleft lip Nose Deformity: Study in Adult Unilateral Clefts. PlastReconstrSurg, 120(6): 1633-1640, 2007.
29. Agarwal, R, and Chandra, R. The Unrecognized Skeletal Components of the Cleft Lip Nose Deformity. PlastReconstrSurg, 122(1): 313-315, 2008.
30. Agarwal, R, and Chandra, R. The anatomy of split ear lobe. J Plast Recon Aesthet Surg. 61: S114, 2008.
31. Agarwal, R and Chandra, R. Conchal Cartilage Sandwich Graft for Repairing Recalcitrant Acquired Split Earlobe Deformity. PlastReconstr Surg. 124(6): 442e-443e, 2009.
32. Agarwal, R, and Chandra, R. A new technique for repair of acquired split-ear-lobe deformity: the free conchal cartilage sandwich graft. J Plast Recon Aesth Surg. 2010; 63, 499-505.
33. Agarwal, R, and Chandra, R. A novel cleft rhinoplasty procedure combining an open rhinoplasty with the Dibbell and Tajima technique". PlastReconstrSurg, 126(3):1116-1117, September 2010.
34. Mishra B, Singh AK, Zaidi J, Singh GK, Agarwal R & Kumar V. Presurgical nasoalveolar moulding for correction of cleft lip nasal deformity: Experience from Northern India. ePlasty: Volume 10, e55, 2010.
35. Agarwal R, Anthropometric evaluation of complete unilateral cleft lip nose with cone beam CT in earlychildhood, Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery (2011), doi:10.1016/j.bjps.2011.03.001, 2011 Mar 24. [Epub ahead of print]
36. Agarwal R, Agarwal S & Chandra R. Mandibular reconstruction using extraoral trifocal bone transport: Report of a case using a new device. J Oral MaxillofacSurg2012; 70: 1739-1744.
37. Agarwal R, Mandhani PA, Parihar A & Chandra R. Three dimensional computed tomographic analysis of the maxilla in unilateral cleft lip and palate: Implications for rhinoplasty. J Craniofac Surg. 2012; 23(5): 1338-1342.
38. Agarwal R & Chandra R. The alar web in cleft lip nose deformity: Study in adult unilateral clefts. J Craniofac Surg. 2012; 23(5): 1349-1354.
39. Agarwal R. Unfavourable results with distraction in the craniofacial skeleton. Ind J PlastSurg 2013; 46(2): 194-203.
40. Agarwal R, Agarwal D. Surgical treatment of lymphedema. Past and Present. Lymphedema published by Elsevier, 2015.
41. Manokaran G, Agarwal R & Agarwal D. Treatment of filaria in India. Lymphedema
42. Chandra R, Agarwal R & Agarwal D. Redefining Plastic Surgery. PlastReconstrSurg Glob Open. 2016 May 6; 4(5): e706.
43. Agarwal R, Agarwal D & Agarwal M. Approach to mutilating hand injuries. J Clin Orthop Trauma 2019 Sep-Oct; 10(5): 849-852.
44. Agarwal R, Singhal M, Shankdhar VK et al. Plastic surgery practices amidst global COVID-19 pandemic: Indian consensus. J PlastReconstrAesthetSurg 2020; Aug 8 doi: 10.1016/j.bjps.2020.08.003 [Epub ahead of print]
1. Agarwal R, Shekhar T, Agarwal PK & Sinha KN. Sensitivity of different techniques in the diagnosis of lung tumours. Proceedings of the II International meet of Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Glasgow, held in Madras from October 30 – Nov 4, pg 99, 1992 (Abstract).
2. Agarwal PK, Agarwal R, Srivastava A & Tandon S. Accuracy of fine needle aspirations in malignant breast disease. Proceedings of the XVI International Cancer Congress held in New Delhi from Oct 30 - Nov 5, 1994.(Abstract).
3. Agarwal R, Agarwal PK, Misra NC & Sharma ID. Utility of breast FNAC as a screening tool for clinically palpable lesions. Proceedings of the XVI International Cancer Congress held in New Delhi from Oct 30 - Nov 5, 1994.
4. Tandon S, Kumar S, Agarwal PK, Goel MM &Agarwal R. Immunocytochemical demonstration of prolactin in breast lesions. Proceedings of the XVI International Cancer Congress held in New Delhi from Oct 30- Nov 5, 1994.
5. Sharma ID, Misra NC &Agarwal R. Prognostic factors of breast neoplasms detected on screening by mammography in selected cases. XVI International Cancer Congress held in New Delhi from Oct 30 - Nov 5, 1994.
6. Dalela D &Agarwal R. The “wire coil sign” - A fluoroscopic guide to enhance accuracy of tract dilatation for PCN in giant hydronephrotic kidneys. J Endourology 1995, 9: 5-95. Proceedings of the 13th World Congress on Endourology and ESWL held in Israel, 1995.
7. Agarwal R, Salyer KE. Stereolithographic biomodeling in craniofacial surgery. Proceedings of Texas Society of Plastic Surgeons Annual meeting held on Oct 8-10, 1999 at Barton Creek Conference Resort in Austin, Texas.
8. Salyer KE, Hubli EH, Genecov DG &Agarwal R. Distraction osteogenesis vs Primary osteotomy: Indications and contraindications. A clinical perspective from a busy craniofacial service. Proceedings of 12th International Society of Craniofacial Surgery meeting at Taipei, Taiwan on October, 1999.
9. Agarwal R, Salyer KE. Use of stereolithography in craniofacial remodeling. Proceedings of the 57th Annual meeting of American Cleft Palate Association at Crowne Plaza Ravinia, Atlanta, Georgia, April 10-15, 1999.
10. Salyer KE, Hubli EH, Genecov DG &Agarwal R. Craniofacial applications of stereolithographic models. Proceedings of EURAPS – 11th Annual meeting at Berlin, Germany held on June 1-3, 2000.
11. Salyer KE, Hubli EH, Genecov DG &Agarwal R. Distraction osteogenesis vs Craniofacial osteotomy. Proceedings of EURAPS – 11th Annual meeting at Berlin, Germany held on June 1-3, 2000.
12. Agarwal R, Genecov DG, Hubli EH, Salyer KE & Kremer M. Controlled midface distraction in canine using an internal multiplanar device. Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Cleft Palate and Related Craniofacial Anomalies, held at Goteborg, Sweden, June 25-29 , 2001.
13. Agarwal R& Chandra R. Role of anterior septal ligament in the etiology of cleft nasal cartilaginous deformity. Study in adult unilateral clefts. Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Cleft Palate and Related Craniofacial Anomalies, held at Goteborg, Sweden, June 25-29 , 2001.
14. Agarwal R& Chandra R. 25 years experience with primary cheilorhinoplasty using lower triangular method of lip repair-Personal technique. Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Cleft Palate and Related Craniofacial Anomalies, held at ICC Durban, South Africa, September 4-8, 2005.
15. Chandra, R & Agarwal, R. 30 years experience with lower triangular method of lip repair in unilateral cleft lip deformity. Proceedings of the 6th Asian Pacific Cleft lip and Palate Congress held at Goa, India from September 2-5, 2007.
16. Chandra, R & Agarwal, R. Cosmetic rhinoplasty in cleft lip nose deformity. Proceedings of the 6th Asian Pacific Cleft lip and Palate Congress held at Goa, India from September 2-5, 2007.
17. Chandra, R & Agarwal, R. Study of deforming influences in adult cleft lip nose deformity. Proceedings of the 6th Asian Pacific Cleft lip and Palate Congress held at Goa, India from September 2-5, 2007.
18. Agarwal. R: Radical approach for correction of cleft lip nose deformity. Proceedings of the 15th World Congress of International Confederation for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery at New Delhi from 29 November to 3 December, 2009.
1. Agarwal PK, Nath P, Srivastava AN, Goel MM &Agarwal R. Histomorphological appearances of some dermatophytes. Ind J Bioresearch Volume 13(2):60-66, 1990.
2. Agarwal R, Goel M.M & Agarwal PK. Hydatid cyst of breast. Ind J Parasitol 15(1): 75-77, 1991.
3. Agarwal R, Kishore S, Goel MM & Agarwal PK. A rare eumcotic mycetoma hand. Ind J Surg 55(3) : 164-165, 1993.
4. Agarwal R, Agarwal PK &Dalela D. Angiosarcoma of penis. Ind J Urol : 85- 87, 1994.
5. Dalela D &Agarwal R. Syringocoele. An unusual cause of post-void dribble in an adult male. Ind J Urol 12(1) : 23-24, 1995.
6. Bhatnagar SK, Sharma A, Varma KD, Kumar A &Agarwal R. Liposuction - A safe and effective method for body contouring. Surgery 5(9): 7-12, 1995.
7. Agarwal R, Bhatnagar SK, Chandra R & Varma KD. The evolution and technique of liposuction. Surgery 5(9): 44-48, 1995.
8. Agarwal R, Bhatnagar SK & Chandra R. A system for documentation of cleft lip and nose deformity and postoperative analysis. Ind J PlastSurg 28:46-52, 1995.
9. Dalela D, Agarwal R, Singh, KM. The Wire coil sign - A fluoroscopic guide to enhance the accuracy of tract dilatation for PCN in giant hydronephrotic kidney. Ind. J Urol, 1997.
10. Dalela D &Agarwal R. Non given cell tumours of testis - A clinical appraisal. Annals of Endocrine Surgery. 1997 1: 30-35.
11. Agarwal R, Gupta V, Chandra T, Agarwal S & Agarwal PK: Gastric osseous choristoma in a child. Ind J Surg 60(2): 125-126, 1998.
12. Agarwal R & Chandra R: Documentation in cleft lip nose deformity. BombayHospital Journal, Vol. 40 (4), 525-531, 1998.
13. Tewari S, Dalela D, Chandra H &Agarwal R. Delayed spontaneous recurrence of vesicovaginal fistula. Indian Journal of Urology, 2001.
14. Pradhan K, Bhatnagar SK, Singh AK, Kumar V, Agarwal R& Naithani B. Design of a case file for cleft lip and palate patients. J Ind Orthod Soc; 34: 77-81, 2001.
15. Pradhan K, Bhatnagar SK, Pradhan R, Singh AK, Kumar V, Agarwal R&Kumar S. Role of the orthodontist in cleft lip palate patients. J Ind Orthod Soc; 35: 147-151, 2002.
1. Salyer KE, Agarwal R. Trends in Craniofacial and Cleft surgery for congenital deformities – Personal experience. Ind JPlastSurg, 1999; 32: 54-68.
2. Agarwal, R, Singh, A.K and Dhole, T.N. Early experience with autologous skin culture for wound therapy. Ind. J Plast. Surg, 40(1), 103, 2007.
1. A. Bhatnagar .Ultra thin silicone sheet arthroplasty in the management of recurrent TM joint ankylosis in children. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2013; 42(10):1358 ISSN 0901-5027,
2. Anupama Singh, Ankur Bhatnagar*. Role of Alternative Therapy in Management of Partial Thickness Burn–experience with Use of Collagen Dressing Compared with Paraffin Gauze and Silver Sulfadiazine. Journal of Plastic Surgery and Transplantation. 2019;1(2):57–62.
3. Bhatnagar A, Faridi S. Bizzare appearance of gluteal sinus on sinogram. Indian Journal of Surgery 2009; 71(2): 107-108.
4. Bhatnagar A, Musa O, Gildiyal J P, Pandey M. Congenital Lateral Upper Lip Sinus: A Rare Case. Indian Journal of Surgery 2012; 74(4):344-347
5. Bhatnagar A,Upadhyaya VD, Kumar B. Congenital urethrocutaneous
6. Bhatnagar A, Agarwal A. Naso-orbital fistula and socket reconstruction with radial artery forearm flap following orbital mucormycosis. Natl J MaxillofacSurg 2016;7(2):197-200.
7. Bhatnagar A, EtiSthapak, Kumar B, Upadhyaya V. Outcome of Intralesional Bleomycin in Cystic Lymphangioma of Major Salivary Glands. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2020 Jun, Vol-14(6): PC05-PC08 DOI; 10.7860/JCDR/2020/43821.13745
8. Bhatnagar A, Kumar B, Rai A. Growing skull fracture repair by porous polyethylene sheet. Saudi J Health Sci 2013;2:217-9.
9. Bhatnagar A, Kumar V, Purohit V .Idiopathic polypoidal scrotal calcinosis leading to delay in diagnosis of Testicular Tumour. Nigerian Journal of Surgical Sciences. 2014;24(1):23-27. Doi:10.4103/1116-5898.134536
10. Bhatnagar A, Mazumdar G, Agarwal S.K., Shantanu P., Gupta D. Percutaneous Drainage of Thoracic wall Cold abscess with Malecot'sCatheter -Indications and pitfalls. Journal of Surgery.2014; 2(3): 50-53 .doi: 10.11648/j.js.20140203.14
11. Bhatnagar A, Singh A. Management of Superficial Partial Thickness Burn with Collagen Sheet Dressing Compared with Paraffin Gauge and Silver Sulphadiazine .Annals of Burns and Fire Disasters. 2020;33(3):
12. Bhatnagar A, Srivastava A, and Sahu RN. Management of Recurrent Dermatofibro Sarcoma Protuberance of Scalp-a Reconstructive Challenge. Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology 2013; 4( 1) : 15-18
13. Bhatnagar A, Srivastava A, Kapoor R.Definitive Cranioplasty and scalp reconstruction in recurrent Dermato fibrosarcoma protuberance of scalp. Indian Journal of Neurosurgery 2013;2(3): 294-297
14. Bhatnagar A, Upadhyaya VD, Kumar B. Management of Macrocystic Lymphatic Malformation at Uncommon Sites with Aqueous Bleomycin Sclerotherapy. National Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery . Accepted for Publication.
15. Bhatnagar A, Upadhyaya VD. Volume based bleomycin sclerotherapy for congenital lymphatic malformation- a better option. The srilanka Journal of Surgery.2014;32(S1):38.
16. Bhatnagar A, Verma VK, Patel PK. Intraoral excision of large submental dermoid. Indian J Dent Res 2013;24:765-7.
17. Bhatnagar A, Verma VK, Purohit V. Congenital cheek teratoma with temporo-mandibular joint ankylosis managed with ultra-thin silicone sheet interpositional arthroplasty. Natl J MaxillofacSurg2013;4:114-6
18. Bhatnagar A,Deshpande M , Upadhya VD.A Rare Case of ServelleMartorelle Syndrome- Extensive Angio-osteohypotrophic Lesion of Upper Limb.World Journal of Surgical Research 2012; 1(2):
19. Bhatnagar A,Deshpande M .Rare Case of ServelleMartorelle Syndrome. Kathmandu University Medical Journal. 2012;10(4):90-93
20. Bhatnagar A,Singh A. The Post Burn Severe Flexion Contracture Neck Correction with Split Thickness Skin Graft – Our Experience. Indian Journal of Burns. Accepted for Publication
21. Bhatnagar A. Posterior communicating artery & its anomalies. Journal of Anatomy KGMC 1995
22. Bhatnagar A. Spinal accessory nerve transfer to the suprascapular nerve to restore shoulder function in brachial plexus injury: Management nuances. Neurol India 2019;67:S29-31
23. Bhatnagar A. Surgical Management of Slow-flow Venous Malformation of External Jugular Vein. Europeon Journal of vascular and endovascular Surgery Extra 2013; 25(2): e9-e10.
24. Bhatnagar Ankur .Unipolar Latissimus Dorsi Transfer for restoration of elbow function in high voltage axillary burn leading to Brachial Plexus Injury.Journal of Peripheral Nerve Surgery 2017;1(1): 57-59
25. Bhatnagar Ankur, NeeyazZ.,SinghBrajesh, Mishra Ashwani, Yusuf, Upadhyaya VD, Kumar Basant. Bleomycin sclerotherapy in massive macrocystic lymphatic malformation: minimal complications with maximum result. Accepted for Publication in Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery
26. Bhatnagar Ankur, Upadhyaya V D, Kumar Basant, Zafar Neeyaz, Kushwaha A.Aqueous intralesional bleomycin sclerotherapy in lymphatic malformation: our experience with children and adult. Natl J MaxillofacSurg 2017;8(2)
fistula: Case report with review of literature. Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery 2012; 45(3): 563.
Management of Pressure Sores in ICU Patients. Gurjar M (Ed). Manual of ICU procedures, 1st Edition. New Delhi. Jaypee brothers medical publishers. 2016
27. Sabapathy S R, Langer V, Bhatnagar A. Intraneural lipoma associated with a branch of the superficial peroneal nerve. The Journal of foot and ankle surgery .2008; 47(6): 576.
28. Singh A,Bhatnagar A*, Singh V. Large Scale AVM-Excision with Aesthetic Scalp Reconstruction. World Journal of Plastic Surgery. Accepted for Publication
29. Sonker A, Dubey A, Bhatnagar A, Chaudhary R. Platelet growth factors from allogeneic platelet-rich plasma for clinical improvement in split-thickness skin graft. Asian J Transfus Sci 2015;9(2):155-8
30. Sushil Kumar Aggarwal, Ankur Bhatnagar* , R.K. Jain .Ultrathin silicon sheet in the management of unilateral post-traumatic Temporo- mandibuar joint ankylosis in children- A good alternative to conventional techniques. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2015;67(3):242-7
31. Upadhyaya VD, Bhatnagar A*, Kumar B, Neyaz Z, Kishore J S, Sthapak E. Is multiple session of intralesional bleomycin mandatory for complete resolution of macrocystic lymphatic malformation?.Indian J PlastSurg 2018;51:60-65
32. Upadhyaya VD, Bhatnagar Ankur* . Cystic Lymphangioma of Breast in infant successfully managed with intralesional Bleomycin: a case Report with relevant review of literature. Annals of Pediatric Surgery2017; 13(3):163-165
33. Vineeta M, Kumar V, Bhatnagar A, Verma AK, Singh S, Borole A. Microbiological profile and antibiograms of bacterial isolates from burn wounds: a scientific approach towards preventing and managing bacteraemia. International Journal of Medical Toxicology & Legal Medicine 2010;13(2): 9-12.
1. Singh A,Bhatnagar A. :Large Scalp AVM- Excision with Aesthetic Scalp Reconstruction : “World Journal of Plastic Surgery”(accepted 10/05/2020 ).
2. Bhatnagar A. Singh A.: The Post Burns Severe flexion Contracture Neck correction with split-thickness skin graft: our experience. “ Indian Journal of burn”(Accepted on 4/06/20).
3. Singh A.,BhatnagarA.:Management of Superficial Partial Thickness Burn with collagen sheet dressing compared with Paraffin gauze &Silver sulfadiazine". “ Annals of Burns and Fire Disasters”( Accepted on 22/06/2020,).