• HOD-Immunology

    Dr Rajiv Agrawal

    Professor and Head,
    Department of Plastic Surgery & Burns
    SGPGIMS, Lucknow

About Department

The department of plastic surgery and burns was established under the ‘second phase’ of the development of the institute under the “Pradhan Mantri SwasthyaSurakhsaYojna” and is located in the PMSSY block in front of the main block of the institute. The outpatient services were the first to be activated followed by activation of the 30 bedded plastic surgery ward and the operation theatres in 2014. The department runs OPD on all days of the week, has two dedicated and well equipped operation theatres along with indoor ward having private rooms, high dependency unit and acute burn care facility. The department offers comprehensive plastic surgery services in all the subspecialties of plastic surgery including craniofacial surgery, cosmetic surgery, microsurgery, hand and brachial plexus surgery and burn reconstructive surgery. In a span of just six years from the inception of the ward and operating theatre block, the department has become the referral centre for complicated and difficult problems in plastic surgery for patients coming not only from the state of Uttar Pradesh but also from the neighbouring states.