
Research Projects

    As Principal Investigator

    1. Biological fluid markers in neurodegenerative Parkinsonism: An identification and validation study for diagnostic and prognostic utility, Council of science and Technology, U.P. 2015-2017.

    2. Neurochemical correlates in anterior horn cell disorders. Council of Science and Technology, UP. 2006 - 2008.

    3. Emerging biochemical markers in motor neuron disease. Council of Science & Technology, UP. 1998.

    4. Mechanisms of excitotoxin-induced neuronal injury in rat- A pilot study.

    5. Anterior hypothalamic regulation of follicle stimulating hormone. Role of Inhibin: A gonadal peptide. 1989-1990.

    As Co-Investigator

    Study of structural and functional correlates of movement disorders in Japanese Encephalitis. Indian Council of Medical Research. 2002-2006.

    Study of movement disorders in Japanese Encephalitis and their relation to some neurotransmitters. Council of Science & Technology, UP 1999-2002.

    Biological fluid markers in neurodegenerative Parkinsonism: An identification and validation study for diagnostic and prognostic utility. Council of science and Technology, UP 2015-2017.

    Intramural Research Projects

    1. Council of Science and Technology (CST), Lucknow (UP). Project entitled “Analysis of movement disorders in Japanese encephalitis and their relation to some neurotransmitters”. 1999-2002.

    2. Council of Science and Technology (CST), Lucknow (UP). Project entitled “Establishing Encephalitis Research Unit”. 2000-2005.

    3. Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), New Delhi. Project entitled “A study of structural and functional correlates of movement disorders in Japanese encephalitis. 2002- 2004.

    4. Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), New Delhi. Project entitled “A study of risk factors in stroke with special reference to Vitamin B12 and Homocysteine” 2004-2007

    5. Council of Science and Technology (CST), Lucknow (UP). Project entitled “Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis: the possible role of factor V leiden mutation in Indian patients” 2004-2006

    6. Council of Science and Technology (CST), Lucknow (UP). Project entitled “Establishing Encephalitis Research Unit”. 2005-2008.

    7. ICMR project “Evaluation of frequency of Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR), Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE), APOE, a-Adducin and Alpha-1 Antichymotrypsin and Phosphodiesterase 4D polymorphisms in Ischemic and Hemorrhagic Stroke patients and correlation with conventional stroke risk factors and outcome”

    8. A study of ATP7B gene mutations in Wilson disease with neurological manifestations. 2005-2007, Intramural SGPGIMS.

    9. The role of cytokine and glutamate with reference to copper toxicity in Wilson disease with neurological manifestations.

    10. Expression of death and survival signals in Tuberculous meningitis: Correlation with disease severity and outcome.2018.

    Extramural Research Projects

    1. STUDY A0081063 entitled “A-13 Week Randomized, Multicenter, Double Blind & Placebo-Controlled, Parallel Group study to Evaluate the Efficacy, Safety and Tolerability of Pregabalin (150-600 mg/day) using a flexible dosing schedule in the treatment of subjects with Central Post-Stroke Pain (CPSP)”. Sponsored by Pfizer Limited Patel Estate, S.V. Road, Jogeshwari (W) Mumbai -400102.

    2. STUDY A0081046 entitled “A randomized. comparative, double-blind, parallel-group, multicenter, monotherapy, study of Pregabalin (Lyrica) and Lamotrigine (Lamictal) in patients with newly diagnosed partial seizures” Sponsored by Pfizer Limited Patel Estate, S.V. Road, Jogeshwari (W) Mumbai -400102

    3. STUDY CL3-18886-012 entitled "Prevention of cerebrovascular and cardiovascular Events of ischaemic origin with teRutroban in patients with a history of ischaemic stroke or tRansient ischaeMic stroke-The PERFORM study." Sponsored by Institue De Recherches Internationales Servier (I.R.I.S).

    4. “Intravenous autologus bone marrow-derived stem cell therapy for patients with acute ishaemic stroke: A Multi-Institutional Project” sponsored by DBT, New Delhi.

    5. Clinical trial to assess the efficacy and safety of TNK-TPA in Acute Ischemic Stroke.

    6. Intravenous autologus bone marrow-derived stem cell therapy for patients with acute ishaemic stroke: A Multi-Institutional Project.

    7. A Prospective, Multicentric, Randomized, Double Blind, Parallel, Saline Controlled Phase II Clinical Study to Compare the Safety and Efficacy of PMZ-1620 Therapy along with Standard Supportive Care in Subjects of Acute Ischemic Stroke.

    8. A Prospective, Multicentric, Randomized, Double Blind, Placebo Controlled Phase II Clinical Study to Compare the Safety and Efficacy of PMZ-1620 Therapy along with Standard Supportive Care in Subjects of mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease.

    9. A 12-week double blind randomized multicenter study comparing the efficacy and safety of once monthly subcutaneous AMG 334 against placebo in adults episodic migraine patients(EMPOWER).


    1. The effect of ketogenic diet on expression of p-glycoprotein, HDAC and microparticles in childhood refractory epilepsy 2019 – 2020

    2. Evaluation of somatic symptoms in New Daily Persistent Headache. 2018 – 2019

    3. To determine the role of p-glycoprotein and HDAC in steroid responsiveness in infantile spasms. 2018 – 2019

    4. Clinical phenotype of patients with peripheral nerve hyperexcitability disorders. 2019 – 2020

    5. Validation and comparison of BASED and Kramer score for hypsarrthymia in West syndrome EEG. 2018 - 2019


    1. 11C-PIB PET/CT in suspected patients of dementia and mild cognitive impairment: value addition over standard clinico-imaging work-up. 2019 – 2021

    2. MRI evaluation of structural and micro structural changes in brain in patients with Hemisensory neurological syndromes. 2018 – 2020

    3. Role of GeneXpert MTB/RIG assay in detecting Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in specimen obtained by CT-guided needle aspiration and biopsy from the vertebral lesions. 2018 – 2020


    To assess anxiety, depression, somatization and pain catastrophic scale in new daily persistent headache 2013 - 2015

    Role of MDR gene & p-glycoprotein in refractoriness of seizures in Lannox-Gastaut syndrome 2010-2012

    Hemicrania continua and paroxysmal hemicranias: different disease or spectral ends 2017 – 2018

    As Principal CO-PI (Intra-mural)

    Spectrum of MRI findings in spinal tuberculosis and its neurological correlation 2015 - 2017

    Prevalence of restless leg syndrome in patients with chronic liver disease. Jan 2014 – Dec 2014

    Enzyme histochemical assessment of the mitochondrial functions in patients with limb girdle syndrome 2008-2010

    AS CO-PI (Etra-mural)

    Biological fluid markers in neurodegenerative parkinsonism. An identification and validation study for diagnostic and prognostic utility. 2015 - 2017

    Comparative evaluation of human brain in Vit B12 deficiency using EPI based and STEAM based techniques. 2010-2013

    DTI correlates of plasticity in children with CP 2009-2012

    Intramural Projects (ongoing)

    1. Smell testing in Parkinson-plus patients.

    2. Gene Xpert assay in TBM.

    3. Questionnaire based telemedicine neurology OPD study.