
    Clinical Laboratory Services
  • Alpha-Feto protein (AFP)
  • Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)
  • Homocysteine
  • Double marker test
  • Triple Test
  • Quadruple Marker test
  • HC2 HPV screening
    New Clinical Laboratory Services (Approved)
  • HPV 16 & 18 genotyping

Research Laboratory Facilities

Microarray Confocal Mircoscopy
The microarray facility conducts gene expression profiling to monitor the levels of expression of all genes in the genome. Using our technology, a single experiment allows researchers to determine specific alterations in gene expression in various disease states, or progression, following exposure to drugs or chemicals. The confocal imaging system enables the acquisition of high-resolution images (both in vivo and in vitro).
Ultracentrifuge Cell Culture
The department has discovered and optimized a nanovesicles-based tool for predicting kidney injury. The ultracentrifuge allows high spreed ultracentrifugation to pellet exosomes and other biologial vesicular structures. Our dedicated cell culture facility enables isolation of cells from tissus or organs of animal models/patient samples and their subsequent growth in artificial environment. Such in vitro studies serve as preclinical models for validation of the research hypothesis, leading to drug screening or biomarker discovery..
ChemiDoc Gel Imaging System Real Time PCR
ChemiDoc Gel Imaging allows easy visible light, far red/infrared fluorescence and chemiluminiscence detection. Stain-free imaging enables immediate visualization of proteins without gel staining and instant verification of protein transfer to blots. It is the tool of choice for the rapid and sensitive determination and quantitation of nucleic acid in biological samples, with diverse applications such as gene expression analysis, cancer phenotyping, etc.
Cryostat Immunoassay Analyzer
The cryostat is a highly adaptable platform which gives high quality thin, serial sections of frozen specimens in fast and efficient way for all histological applications and advanced clinical cryosectioning needs.. The IMMULITE system is a reliable benchtop immunoassay analyzer with low cost of operation and is a great choice for low-volume immunoassay tests. In our department, it is being used to perform various clinical laboratory tests related to patient care like Alpha-Feto Protein, HCG, Homocysteine, Double Marker, Triple Marker, Quadruple Marker, etc..
ELISA Plate Reader
We have high throughput ELISA microplate reader which performs a number of functions including measurement of fluorescence and luminiscence on a large number of samples at the same time. We use the ELISA plate readers for various clinical and research based protein and enzyme assays.