Molecular Medicine is an emerging scientific field with various connotations. Currently such discipline exists in only a handful of universities across the world. We are the only such facility in a tertiary-care hospital set up in India. The Department came into existence in 2010. Our vision is to improve healthcare through discovery of molecular predictors of diseases and to sculpture the emerging field of molecular medicine by tuning our teaching and training programs with the changing needs of modern medicine.
1. Research Programs
a) Identification of novel molecular biomarkers for disease diagnosis is the foremost aim of our research programs. At present, the department is pursuing research activities in the thrust areas like diabetes, kidney diseases, placental health, cancer biology and neurobiology. The department is well-equipped with high end facilities for quality research including confocal microscope, microarray system, ultracentrifuge, bioanalyzer, metabolic animal cages, etc.
b). Our first published report (in 2013) on the usefulness of biological-nanovesicles for predicting kidney injury has been praised for being top 10% most cited article by the journal.
c). Understanding pathogenesis is a key aspect pre-requisite to identify therapeutic and diagnostic targets; the departmental research has advanced our basic understanding about breast cancer cell fate, stroke biology, significance of iodine in brain development, maternal hypothyroidism and diabetic nephropathy.
2. Teaching and Training Programs
The department is acting as a resource centre for translational research programs to meet the dynamic nature of HRD requirement in modern medicine. In 2013, the Department has been identified as the Nodal Department by Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, for the Establishment of Center of Excellence in Biomedical Sciences and Modern Biology.
a). The department has a full-fledged PhD program. The first batch of five students were awarded their degree in 2016, and are pursuing postdoctoral training at various national and international research institutes. We also organize hands-on training program and scientific-skill development workshops at regular intervals.
b) In early 2017, the department has obtained approval from statutory bodies for starting the MSc Molecular medicine and Biotechnology program and PG diploma course in Biomedical Laboratory management.
3.Patient care Services
The department has well established clinical laboratory services: at present the department is offering clinical tests to assess high risk pregnancy, cervical cancer and cardiovascular diseases in subjects. Details of clinical tests are available in Clinical laboratory services section.