
    Research Support (Ongoing Research Projects)

    1. Immunohistochemical evaluation of ER/PR & Her-2/neu expression of cell blocks & tissue block slides in Ca Breast funded by SGPGIMS, Lucknow. : SGPGI Intramural project

    2. Study of Vitamin D receptor and Calcium-Sensing Receptor gene Polymorphism in Primary Hyperparathyroidism in North Indian Patients. (P.I.) SGPGI Intramural Research grant.

    3. Nodal officer (Animal Experimentation ) and Co-Investigator of the STEM CELL PROJECT funded by DBT

    4. Phospholipase C: Predictor of thyroid carcinoma aggressiveness. SGPGI Intramural project

    5. Study of risk factors in development of hypocalcaemia following thyroid surgery.

    6. Parafibromin and APC Immuno-reactivity as screening marker for malignant potential in parathyroid Adenomas. : SGPGI Intramural project

    7. Role of HRPT2 in Parathyroid Tumors funded by SGPGI, Lucknow (PI)

    Extra-mural research grants/projects

    1. “Breast Tumor Educated Monocytes (Br-TeMo)”: Signature pattern of TRIMs (Innate Immune Regulators) as Biomarkers for Early Prediction of Breast Cancer Progression and Metastasis”. Funded by SERB, DST GoI. Role: Principal Investigator. Grant Amount: INR 7.6 millions. Status: ongoing.

    2. “Understanding the role of mitochondrial-associated membrane proteins (MAMs) modulated type-I interferon signaling for targeted cell death in ageing breast cancer patients”. Funded by: DBT, GOI. Role: Principal Investigator. In collaboration with MSU Vadodara & IISER Pune. Grant Amount: INR 16.9 millions Status: Ongoing.

    3. “Exosomal miRNAs pattern as biomarker for ER/PR positive and negative breast cancer and metastasis”. Funded by: GSBTM, Govt of Gujarat. Role: Co-Principal Investigator. In collaboration with MSU Vadodra. Grant Amt: INR 5.9 millions Status: Ongoing

    4. “Targeting mitophagy in breast carcinogenesis through mitochondrial-mediated mechanisms”. Funded by: ICMR. Role: Co-Investigator. In collaboration with Dept of Molecular Medicine SGPGIMS). Grant Amount: INR 6.4 millions Status: Ongoing.

    5. “A Phase III Randomized Controlled study of Inj. Proluton (Hydroxyprogesterone caproate) as single dose preoperative therapy in patients with high risk operable breast cancer” Multicenter study. National Cancer Grid & TMH Mumbai. Role: Principal Investigator (for the SGPGIMS site). Status: ongoing.

    6. “Pharmacogenetic assessments in breast cancer treatment outcomes”. 2010-2014.

    7. Funded by: Indian Council of Medical Research. Grant amount: Rs 6.3 millions

    8. Role: Co- Investigator. In collaboration with Dept of Medical Genetics, SGPGIMS.

    9. Status:Completed.

    10. “To investigate anti-proliferative efficacy of molecular iodine in breast cancer cell lines and nude mice model in relation to hormonal milieu: a combitorial approach”. 2010 -2014.Funded by: Department of Bio-technology. Grant amount: Rs 14.373 millions

    11. Role: Co- Investigator. In collaboration with Dept of Endocrinology, SGPGIMS.


    12. “Multi-national multi-centric study on sentinel lymph node biopsy using novel technology and dyes.” 2010-2015. Funded by: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Grant amount: US$ 6000 Role: Co- Investigator. In collaboraton with Dept of Nuclear Medicine SGPGIMS. Status: Completed.

    13. “Outcomes of triple negative breast cancers in comparison with other subtypes”.

    14. Role: Principal investigator, 2010-2013. – Independent Unfundedresearch project from Medical Research Specialists group. Status:Completed.

    15. “Global gene-expression profiling and candidate genes mutation studies in Indian breast cancer patients.”2009-2013. Funded by: University Grants Commission (Infrastructure grant to National Centre of Applied Human Genetics (NCAHG), SLS, JNU, NEW Delhi). Role: Co-Principal Investigator. Status:Completed.

    16. “Feasibility study of safe breast conservation, and Sentinel Lymph Nodes Studies in large or locally advanced breast cancer patients following Neo-adjuvant chemotherapy.”

    17. Role: Principal investigator, 2005-2008. – Independent unfunded research grant from Medical Research Specialists group. Status:Completed.

    Prof Gaurav Agarwal: SGPGI intramural research grants

    18. Effects of catecholamine excess on glucose and fat metabolism in Pheochromocytoma & Paraganglioma patients and their reversal following surgical cure: A Prospective Cohort Study. (PI). Dec 2020 onwards. Status: Ongoing. INR 0.463 Millions

    19. Prognostic and Predictive Value of Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes (TILs) and PD- L1 In Breast Cancer. (PI). 2019. Status: Ongoing. INR 0.521 Millions

    20. Prospective case control study of objective cardiac & vascular changes in Pheochromocytoma-Paraganglioma and their reversal following curative surgery. (Co-PI; PI- Dr Rupali Khanna, Dept of Cardiology, SGPGIMS). 2019. Status: Ongoing. INR 0.5 Millions

    21. Correlation of RET genotype with clinical, pathological attributes and outcomes in patients with Medullary thyroid cancer. (PI). 2018. Status: Ongoing. INR 0.5 Millions

    22. SDHB Immunohistochemical staining as a method to assess SDH Mutations in Paragangliomas and Pheochromocytomas. (PI). 2014. Status: Completed. INR 0.5 Millions.

    23. Prospective randomized controlled trial of use of in-house prepared low-cost radio-pharmaceutical and methylene blue dye versus commercially marketed dyes for sentinel node biopsy (SLNB) in patients with early stage invasive breast cancer. (PI). 2014. Status: Completed. INR 0.25 Millions.

    24. Prospective Case-control Study of Myocardial and Endothelial Dysfunction in Symptomatic Primary Hyperparathyroidism Patients and its Reversal Following Surgical Cure. (PI), 2010.

    25. Study of Catecholamine induced dysfunction and cardio-myopathy and its reversal following curative surgery in pheochromocytoma patients. (Principal Investigator), 2008. Status: Completed.

    26. Tc pertechnetate scintigraphy in breast cancer and fibrocystic disorders of breast. (Co-I), 2001. Status: Completed.

    27. Study of effects of iodine adjunct treatment on gene expression of molecules involved in iodine transport (NIS) and apoptotic effector pathway (bcl-2, bcl-xl and bax) in DMBA induced breast cancer in rats. (Principal investigator), 1999. Status: Completed.

    28. Study of biochemical markers of bone turnover in metastatic and non-metastatic breast cancer. (Principal investigator), 1998. Status: Completed.

    Extramural & Multicentric

    Extramural & Multicentric

    1. Targeting mitophagy in breast carcinogenesis through mitochondrial-mediated mechanisms- ICMR (Co-I)

    2. Development of patient derived xenograft (PDX) tumor models in nude mice and assessment of tumor associated changes in breast- CSIR-CDRI (Co-PI)

    3. Utility of Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy metabolomics for diseases of parathyroid gland- CBMR (Co-PI)

    4. To identify the differential metabolic signatures of thyroid disorders using NMR based metabolomics approach- CBMR (Co-PI)

    5. Utility of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Metabolomics for Diseases of Adrenal Gland- CBMR (Co-PI)

    6. Prevalence of iodine deficiency and goiter in post iodization phase in Gonda District of Uttar Pradesh- NTPC-CSR (Co-I)

    7. Cross cultural validation of ThyPRO questionnaire in collaboration of developer of ThyPRO Torquil Watt Copenhagen University Hospital Ringhospitalet (Co-I)

    8. Association of glutathione s- transferase M1 and T1 polymorphism and susceptibilty for breast cancer in Indian women. Funding- ITRC (Co-PI)

    Intramural and unaided

    9. Incidence and Prognostic Significance of Androgen Receptors (AR) in Indian Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC). Funding- Intramural (PI)

    10. Axillary lymph node sampling (AS) in Post Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy (NACT) breast cancer patients (PI)

    11. Distribution and Prognostic Significance of Estrogen receptor α(ERα),Estrogen receptor β (ER β) and HER 2 receptors in Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma (DTC). Funding- Intramural (PI)

    12. Prevalence of Thyroid Dysfunctions in Breast Cancer Patients and Correlation with Clinico-pathologic Factors and Outcome of Therapy: A Prospective Case Control Study. Funding- Intramural (PI)

    13. Effect of Truncal ligation of inferior thyroid artery (ITA) during central compartment lymph node dissection on post-operative hypocalcemia (PI)

    14. Mammographic profile of breast carcinoma patients and role of adjunct digital breast tomosynthesis: initial experience from a tertiary care centre in Northern India (CoI)

    15. Quality of life (QoL) in patients with Graves’ disease: Pre and Post therapy (PI)

    16. Effect of Pre-Operative Nerve Block on Post-Thyroidectomy Headache and Cervical Pain -CTRI/2013/01/003305 (PI)

    17. Impact of pre-operative contrast enhanced CT (CECT) scanning on urinary iodine levels measured at the time of post-operative iodine scan in patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC). Funding- Intramural (PI)

    18. Swallowing function impairment and Quality of life (QoL) in patients with benign thyroid diseases including translation and validation of instruments (questionnaires) in Hindi Language. (PI)

    19. Association of Glutathione S-Transferase M1 and T1 Polymorphism and response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy (CAF) in breast cancer patients. Funding- Intramural (PI)

    20. Prevalence of Ret/PTC protein in Papillary thyroid cancer in an Iodine deficient region. Funding- Intramural (PI)

    21. Impact of telemedicine technology in tele-follow up of thyroidectomy and post thyroidectomy patients.

    22. Impact of telemedicine technology in reinforcement of endocrine surgery training

    23. Distribution of Na+/ I- symporter (hNIS) in differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) in endemically iodine deficiant region and its correlation with clinico- pathological prognostic factors (RA)

    24. P53 mutation status & microvessel density in well differentiated thyroid carcinoma (RA)

    25. Long term study of recurrent laryngeal nerve function after thyroidectomy (PDC fellow)


    1. A Phase 3, Randomized, Double-blind, Parallel-group, Vehicle Controlled, Multicentre Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Granexin Gel in the Treatment of Diabetic Foot Ulcer (GAIT 1) funded by JSS Medical Research India Private Limited.


    2. Intra operative second generation thyroglobulin estimation vs Frozen section biopsy of suspected Lymph node in Differentiated thyroid carcinoma funded by SGPGI, Lucknow. (PI)

    3. Locally Invasive Well Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma: A Retrospective Analysis of Clinico-Pathological Correlation and Survival Outcomes funded by SGPGI, Lucknow. (PI)

    4. Correlation of BRAF Mutation and lymph node metastasis in Papillary thyroid cancer funded by SGPGI, Lucknow. (PI)

    5. Preoperative Prediction of Hypocalcaemia after Total Thyroidectomy funded by SGPGI, Lucknow. (PI)


    1. Comparison of animation video technique s Simulation technique for Breast Self Examination in North Indian Women. (PI)


    2. Noise levels and surgical team distraction during thyroidectomy an Endocrine Surgery operating room funded by SGPGI, Lucknow