1. Dr. Rajendra Singh, Professor of Pathology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai, New York from 17-18th January, 2020 as visiting professor in the School of Telemedicine and Bio-informatics, SGPGI, Lucknow.
2. Ms. Manjit Kaur, MS, MBA from National Institute of Health in Bethesda, Maryland as visiting professor from 12-14th December, 2019 in the School of Telemedicine and Bio-informatics, SGPGI, Lucknow.
3. Prof. MJ Paul, Department of Endocrine Surgery, CMC, Vellore as visiting professor from 5-7th September, 2019 in the Department of Endocrine Surgery, SGPGIMS, Lucknow.
4. Dr. PS Venkatesh Rao, Consultant Endocrine & Laparoscopic Surgeon, Columbia Asia Hospitals, Bangalore, from 3-5th September, 2019 in the School of Telemedicine and Bio-informatics, SGPGI, Lucknow.
5. Prof. Gurpreet Singh, Department of Surgery, PGIMER, Chandigarh as visiting professor on 25th March, 2019 in the Department of Endocrine Surgery, SGPGIMS, Lucknow.
6. Dr. Kintu Luwaga Ronald, Registrar Breast and Endocrine Surgery Unit, Central Referral Hospital Mulago, Kampala, Uganda is visiting as observer in the Department of Endocrine Surgery SGPGIMS, Lucknow from 05.09.2017 to 31.08.2018.
7. Prof. MC Mishra, Ex-Professor of Surgical Discipline & Director, AIIMS, New Delhi on 7th September, 2018 as visiting professor in the Department of Endocrine Surgery, SGPGIMS, Lucknow.
8. Dr. A.K. Mohanty, Associate Professor, SCB Medical College Cuttack is visiting as observer in the Department of Endocrine Surgery SGPGIMS, Lucknow from 01.12.2017 to 02.02.2018.
9. Dr. Mahey Rajeshkumar C., Associate Professor, Department of General Surgery, TN Medical College & BYL Nair Ch. Hospital, Mumbai is visiting as observer in the Department of Endocrine Surgery, SGPGIMS, Lucknow from 10.10.2018 to 25.10.2018.
10. Dr. C.R. Sarangi, Associate Professor, SCB Medical College Cuttack is visiting as observer in the Department of Endocrine Surgery SGPGIMS, Lucknow from 21.08.2017 to 20.11.2017.
11. Dr. P Selladurai and Dr. KS Thalavai Sundarram, MCh PG students, Department of Endocrine Surgery Madras Medical College and Rajiv Gandhi General Hospital are visiting the department of Endocrine Surgery, SGPGIMS, Lucknow as observers from 19.09.2016 to 02.10.2016.
12. Prof. S. Vittal, Ex-Professor & Head, Department of Surgical Endocrinology, Madras Medical College, Chennai is visiting professor, along with guest faculty on 7th September, 2015 in the department of Endocrine Surgery, SGPGIMS, Lucknow.
13. Prof. A. Ayyagari, Former-Head Department of Microbiology, SGPGI, Lucknow from Delhi is visiting professor in the Department of Endocrine Surgery, SGPGI, Lucknow from 14-15th December, 2013.
14. Prof. PK Ghosh, Former-Head Department of CVTS & Dean, SGPGIMS, Lucknow is visiting professor in the Department of Endocrine Surgery, SGPGI, Lucknow from 14-15th December, 2013.
15. Dr. Nasser Basheer Al Sherari, King Fahd Armed Forces Hospital, Saudi Arabia, Consultant Surgeon is visiting Department of Surgical Disciplines, AIIMS, New Delhi is visited Department of Endocrine Surgery, SGPGIMS, Lucknow from 1st to 15th June, 2011.
16. Prof. Raimund Jakesz, MD, President, BSI Head, Division of General Surgery, Dept. of Surgery, Vienna Medical School, Waehringer Guertel 18-20, Vienna A-1090 Austria , March 2005.
17. Prof. Justus P. Apffelstaedt, Associate Professor of Surgery, University of Stellenbosch, Tygerberg 7505, South Africa, March, 2005.
18. Dr. Hemant Singhal, MS, FRCS, FRCSC, MBA Senior Lecturer, Imperial College School of Medicine & Consultant Surgeon, Northwick Parks Hospital, London, UK, March, 2005.
19. Dr. P Raghu Ram, Leeds, UK, March, 2005.
20. Prof. Goran Akerstrom, Head of Endocrine Surgery, Uppsala Unaiversity, Sweden and Secretaqry aGeneral, International Associatio0n of Endocrine Surgeons in 2004.
21. Dr. T. Imai, Assoc. Professor of Endocrine Surgery, Nagoyaq University of Medical School, Nagoya, Japan in 2003.
22. Prof. Katsumi Iwase, Division of Endocrine & Breast Surgery, Fujita Health University School of Medicine, 1-98, Dengakugakubo, Kutsukake, Toyoakecity 470-1192, Japan in 2003
23. Dr. Takahiro Mase, 2-907 Sekobo Meitho-ku, Nagoya, 465-0055, Japan in 2003.
24. Prof. SK Bhansali, Sr. Consultant, Sir HND Hospital & Jaslok Hospital, Mumbai, in the Department of Endocrine Surgery from February 18-22nd, 2002.
25. Prof. Aravindan Nair, Professor & Head, Dept. of Surgery, Christian Medical College, Vellore, in the department of Endocrine Surgery from February, 18-22nd, 2002.
26. Prof. AK Banerjee, Head, Deptt of Pathology, PGIMER, Chandigarh.
27. Prof. Nilima Patwardhan, Professor of Surgery, University of Massachusetts Medical School, visited the department from 26-27th February, 2000.
28. Dr. Pietro Iacconi, Associate professor of Surgery, University of Pisa, Italy.
29. Prof. LE Hughes, Ex. Chairman of Surgery, University College of Wales, Cardiff, UK visited the department from 6th November, 1998.
30. Dr. Jonas Rastad, Assoc Professor & Head Dept of Endocrine Surgery and Chief of Trauma Surgery, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden visited the department from 28-29th October, 1998.
31. Dr. H. Funahashi, MD, PhD, Associate Professor & Chief of Endocrinology, Dept. of Surgery II, Nagoya Unaiversity Medical School, Nagoya, Japan.
32. Dr. K. Shimamoto, MD, Associate Professor, Deptt. Of Radiology Nagoya University Medical School, Nagoya, Japan.
33. Prof. H. Takahashi, MD PhD, Deptt. Of Pathology, Nagoya University, Medical School, Nagoya Japan.
34. Prof. S. Takai, MD PhD, Emeritus Professor, Department of Surgical Oncology, Osaka University Medical School, Osaka, Japan.
35. Prof. T. Harada, Ex. Professor & Head, Department of Endocrine Surgery, Kawasaki Medical School, Japan.
36. Dr. M Katagiri, Consultant Surgeon, Eiju General Hospital, 2-11-7, Matoasakusa, Taitou-ku, Tokyo 111, Japan.
37. Dr. Y. Tominaga, Department of Transplant Surgery & Blood Purification Center, Nagoya Daini Red Cross Hospital, 2-9, Myoken-Cho Showa-ku, Nagoya 466, Japan.
38. Prof. M. Fukunaga, Professor of Nuclear Medicine, Kaswasaki Medical School, 577, Matsushima, Kurashiki City, Olkayama 701-01, Japan.
39. Dr. Takahiro Mase, MD, Department of Surgery II, Nagoya Unaiversity School of Medicine, Nagoya, Japan.
40. Dr. Thierry Defechereux, Associate Professor of Endocrine Surgery, University of Leige, 15th to 16th September, 2008.
41. Prof. G.B. Thompson, Professor of Surgery, Mayo Clinic & Medical School, Rochester, USA 21st to 25th November, 2007.
42. Prof. Leigh Delbridge, Professor of Surgery at University of New South Wales, Astria on 21st to 25th November, 2007.
43. Prof. Kerstin Sandelin, MD, PhD, Chief Breast Surgery, Karol Institute, Stockholm, Sweden.
44. Prof. Raimund Jakesz, MD, President, BSI; Head Division of General Surgery, Dept, of Surgery, Vienna Medical School, Waehringer Geuenrtel 18-20, Vienna A-1090 Austria, March 2005.
45. Prof. Justus P. Apffelstaedt, Associate Professor of Surgery, University of Stellenbosch, Tygerberg 7505, South Africa, March, 2005.
46. Dr. Hemant Singhal, MS, FRCS, FRCSC, MBA Senior Lectgurer, Imperial College School of Medicine & Consultant Surgeon, Northwick Parks Hospital, London, UK, March, 2005.
47. Dr. P. Raghu Ram, Leeds, UK, March, 2005.
48. Prof. Goran Akerstrom, Head of Endocrine Surgery, Uppsala University, Sweden and Secretary General, Internal Association of Endocrine Surgeons in 2004.
49. Dr. T. Imai, Assoc Prof of Endocrine Surgery, Nagoya Univ. Medical School, Nagoya, Japan 2003
50. Prof. Katsumi Iwase, Division of Endocrine & Breast Surgery, Fujita Health University School of Medicine, 1-98, Dengakugakubo, Kutsukake, Toyoakecity 470-1192, Japan. 2003
51. Dr. Takahiro Mase, 2-907 Sekobo Meitho-ku, Nagoya, 465-0055, Japan
52. Prof. SK Bhansali, Sr. Consultant, Sir HND Hospital & Jaslok Hospital, Mumbai, in the Department of Endocrine Surgery from 18-22nd February, 2002.
53. Prof. Aravindan Nair, Professor & Head, Dept. of Surgery, Christian Medical College, Vellore. in the Department of Endocrine Surgery from 18-22nd February, 2002.
54. Prof. benedict Standerry, USA, 2001
55. Dr. (Ms.) Barabara Johnstonh, USA, 2001
56. Prof. Guy Harris, Japan, 2001
57. Prof. Peter Yellowlees, Australia, 2001.
58. Prof. K.C. Lun, Singapore, 2001.
59. Prof. AK Banerjee, Head, Deptt. of Pathology, PGIMER, Chandigarh.
60. Prof. Nilima Patwardhan, Professor of Surgery, University of Massachusetts Medical School, visited the department from 26-27th February, 2000.
61. Dr. Pietro Iacconi, Associate professor of Surgery, University of Pisa, Italy.
62. Prof. LE Hughes, Ex. Chairman of Surgery, University College of Wales, Cardiff, UK visited the department from 6th November, 1998
63. Dr. Jonas Rastad, Assoc Professor & Head Dept of Endocrine Surgery and Chief of Trauma Surgery, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden visited the department from 28-29th October, 1998.
64. Dr. Y. Tominaga, Department of Transplant Surgery & Blood Purification Center, Nagoya Daini Red Cross Hospital, 2-9, Myoken-Cho Showa-ku, Nagoya 466, Japan, 1997.
65. Prof. M. Fukunaga, Professor of Nuclear Medicine, Kaswaski Midical School, 577, Matsushima, Kurashiki City, Olkayma 701-01, Japan, 1997.
66. Dr. Yakahiro Mase, MD, Department of Surgery II, Jagoya University School of Medicine, Nagoya, Japan, 1997.
67. Dr. H. Funahashi, MD, PhD, Associate Professor & Chief of Endocrinology, Dept. of Surgery II, Nagoya University Medical School, Nagoya, Japan, 1996.
68. Dr. K Shimamoto, MD, Associate Professor, Deptt. Of Radiology Nagoya University Medical School, Nagoya Japan , 1996.
69. Prof. S. Takai, MD, PhD, Emeritus Professor, Department of Surgifcdal Oncology, Osaka University Medical School, Osaka, Japan, 1996.
70. Dr. M. Katagiri, Consultant Surgeon, Eiju General Hospital, 2-11-7, Matoasakusa, Taitou-ku, Tokyo 111, Japan, 1996.
71. Dr. Indraneel Mitra, Surgeon-Scientist, Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, 1995.
72. Dr. Masaki Wada, Staff Surgeon, Dept of Surgery II, Nagoya University Medical School, Nagoya, Japan, 1995.