
Research Projects

    Extramural (Principal Investigator)

    Bhatia E. Islet antibody negative type 1 diabetes --- clinical implications and pathogenesis. Indian Council of Medical Research 2019 -till date

    Bhatia E. Oncogenic osteomalacia. Endocrine Society of India 2015-17


    Bhatia E, Sachan A. Pancreatic islet antibodies in adults (latent autoimmune diabetes in adults) and youth with type 2 diabetes mellitus: prevalence, clinical, immunological and genetic studies. Indian Council of Medical Research 2014-2017

    Bhatia E. Prevalence and treatment of Vitamin D deficiency in chronic pancreatitis. Endocrine Society of India 2011-2012

    Bhatia E. Type 1 diabetes genetics consortium. International research grant. 2007-2009

    Bhatia E. Studies on the pathogenesis and etiology of lean type 2 diabetes among north Indians. Indian Council of Medical Research. 2006-2009

    Bhatia E. Multicentric study on osteoporosis in India. Indian Council for Medical Research 2002-2006

    Bhatia E. Autoantibodies to islet cell antigens and mutations of the hepatocyte nuclear receptor 1  in the pathogenesis of non-insulin dependent diabetes in the young in North Indians. SERC scheme, DST, 1998-2002



    Childhood Diabetes – District Outreach as a Model for Decentralized Care and Education through use of Telemedicine PI, DST. Towards rational definition of vitamin D deficiency: the role of free 25 hydroxycholecalciferol PI, DBT

    Childhood Diabetes - A Community Approach for Improved Long Term Outcome. PI, DST, 2014-2017.

    Vitamin D / calcium nutrition, supplementation and musculoskeletal health in children on anti epileptic drugs / cerebral palsy. Co-PI, DBT, 2014-2017.

    A study of vitamin D supplementation regimens in exclusively breastfed term infants: A randomized trial. PI. ISBMR. 2014-2015

    Vitamin D replenishment in pregnancy: regimens and long term effects on offspring PI. DBT. 2011 – 2013.

    Newborn screening for preventable causes of mental retardation Co PI. DBT Rs 85 lakh. 2010-2013.

    Eli Lilly research grant for study of “Prevalence of 5 alpha reductase deficiency among undervirilised male patients of disorders of sexual differentiation”. 2003-2005.

    Prevalence of osteoporosis and reference standards for bone mineral density for Indians. ICMR Task Force study. 2002-2005

    Nutritional Rickets / Osteomalacia in Adolescence and Pregnancy-a community study of prevalence, etiology and strategies for prevention and control” 2003-2005. PI


    Hypertension in young patients with type 1diabetes mellitus: prevalence, risk factors and early renal injury markers. PI 2017-2019

    Maternal vitamin D supplementation and long-term childhood anthropometric and bone mineral outcomes. PI 2013-2015

    Cord blood screening for congenital hypothyroidism. PI , 2011-2013

    Dosing and regimes of vitamin D supplementation required for optimal serum vitamin D in adults. PI,– 2011

    Effect of dietary calcium replenishment on prevention of secondary vitamin D deficiency – PI, 2008 – 2009

    5 alpha reductase deficiency in patients of male pseudohermaphroditism – frequency and type of mutations – PI

    Etiology of rickets/osteomalacia in adolescence, Principal investigator, 2001-2002

    Mechanism of growth retardation in extrahepatic portal vein obstruction, Principal investigator, 1998-2000

    Endocrine abnormalities in thalassemia major, Principal investigator, 1996-97

    Growth retardation and growth hormone resistance in extrahepatic portal vein obstruction, Principal investigator, 1995-96

    Growth and the hormonal growth axis in congenital heart disease, Principal investigator, 1994-95

    Central nervous system appearance and spectroscopy in endemic iodine deficiency cretinism and sporadic hypothyroidism on magnetic resonance imaging, Co-investigator, 1991-93

    Correlation of hormonal and genetics profile of congenital adrenal hyperplasia, Principal investigator, 1990-91.

    Information awaited...


    1. Induction of puberty in males with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism with HCG funded by Royal Children Hospital Melbourne, Australia. January 2009 for two years, AUD 10,000.00.

    2. A study of prevalence of Polycystic Ovary syndrome in young women from Lucknow funded by UPCST, Lucknow. Two Years, Rs. 4,48,000.00 Feb 2010.

    3. Assessment of cardiovascular disease risk in young urban women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome from Northern India. Funded by ICMR, New Delhi. Rs. 9,00,000.00 Jan 2011.


    4. Is there a non-autoimmune subgroup of insulin- dependent diabetes? One year Rs 1,28,000.00 in April 2000.

    5. Role of IPF-1 gene mutations in Maturity Onset Diabetes of Young and type 2 Diabetes patients from North India. One year, RS. 1,05,000.00 April 2002

    6. Glucose tolerance and Adiponectin in PCOS women: A follow up study. 16 Jan 2009 for Two years, Rs. 2,00,000.00

    7. Study of metabolic characteristics and insulin resistance in lean patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. 13 July 2013for two years, Rs 3,00,000

    8. Assessment of cardiovascular disease risk in first degree relatives of PCOS women. Dec 2013 for two years, Rs 2,50,000.00

    9. Prevalence of polycystic ovary syndrome in young females with type 1 diabetes. March 2015 2 years, Rs 3,00,000.00

    10. Assessment of dietary intake and eating behavior in women with of polycystic ovary syndrome. March 2016 2 years Rs 3,28,664.00

    11. Long term follow up of macroprolactinomas March 2018 2 years Rs 3,23, 600

    1. Diabetes mellitus and insulin resistance in polycystic ovary syndrome(PI)

    2. Monitoring and Evaluation of Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD) in Post Iodization phase in Gonda District of Uttar Pradesh(PI)

    3. Prevalence of DM / IGT and metabolic syndrome in first degree relatives of subjects with PCOD(PI)

    4. To assess the hypothyroidism in children below 2 years of age: The impact of iodization in Gonda district of Uttar Pradesh (PI)

    5. Prevalence, risk factors, quality of life and association with TSH receptor antibodies in Indian patients with Graves’ ophthalmopathy (PI)

    6. Neuroendocrine evaluation of pituitary gland in patients with acute subarachnoid hemorrhage (Co-PI)

    7. Severity of Vitamin D deficiency in patient requiring ICU admission with severe sepsis/septic shock (Co-PI)

    8. Bone mineral density in patients with Sheehan`s syndrome and its response to standard treatment care(PI)

    9. Neutrophil Gelatinase-associated Lipocalin as an Early Biomarkers of Nephropathy in Diabetic Patients and effect of RAAS blockade on NGAL as marker of tubular damage in Diabetic nephropathy(Co-PI)

    10. To study the incidence of Vitamin D deficiency in infertile females and to see the correlation of vitamin D deficiency with antimullerian hormone levels in infertile females compare to fertile females(Co-PI)

    11. Prevalence of Thyroid Dysfunctions in Breast Cancer Patients and Correlation with Clinico-pathologic Factors and Outcome of Therapy: A Prospective Case Control Study(Co-PI)

    12. Prevalence of metabolic syndrome and the effect of testostosterone replacement on metabolic syndrome parameters in a cohort of klinefeltersyndrome(PI)

    13. Prevalence of Iodine Deficiency and Goiter in Post Iodization phase in gonda district of Uttar Pradesh (Co-PI)

    14. Evaluation of cardiovascular risk factors in Sheehan’s syndrome (PI)

    Information Awaited.......


    1. Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance (India) 2017-2022Title: Determining the role of pancreatic alpha-cell autophagy in intra-cellular glucagon turnover and its modulation as an anti-diabetic therapy. Role: Principal Investigator. Grant amount: INR 3,39,34,890.00.

    2. ICMR extramural grant (India) 2019-2022. itle: Potential Role of aldo-keto Reductase Family 1, member B10 (AKR1B10) as a diagnostic and therapeutic target in Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). Role: Principal Investigator. Grant amount: INR 33,93395.00.

    3. SERB-SRG (India) 2020-2022Title: Role of Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) in the pathogenesis of Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). Role: Principal Investigator. Grant amount: INR 32,70334.00.