
    DM Program

    The department's DM program (3 year tenure) was started in 1991. Four students are now admitted every year, in July. The all-India entrance examination for DM course is conducted by NEET-SS every year. The entrance examination tests knowledge of endocrinology to the extent that it is taught in internal medicine. General principles of medicine are also tested. The minimum eligibility criteria are postgraduate degree in Medicine or Pediatrics.

    The teaching program involves journal clubs, seminars, case presentations, mortality and morbidity meetings and research project discussions. There are regular monthly clinical meetings with the departments of pathology, radiodiagnosis and nuclear medicine. A monthly combined meeting with neurosurgery, radiology and radiotherapy is held each month. Each DM student has to undertake one research project and encouraged to also a second project during their tenure. A regular monthly telemedicine conference with Amrita Institute Medical Sciences, Kochi, Endocrinology department has been a feature since 2005.

    PDCC (Post-Doctoral Certificate Course in Pediatric Endocrinology)

    This 1-year course in Pediatric Endocrinology was started for the first time in the country in July 2001. Till date, 17 students have successfully completed the course and are employed in academic institutes or corporate hospitals in the pediatric endocrinology. Only candidates who have completed MD/DNB in Pediatrics are eligible to apply for the course. Admission is through an all-India entrance test (of MD Pediatrics level) conducted by the Institute. The advertisement appears in all important national English newspapers in April-May and on the Institute website. There are two seats per year each July-August. Applicants desirous of further information may contact Dr. Vijayalakshmi Bhatia (, Dr. PreetiDabadghao ( or Dr Siddhnath Sudhanshu (

    PhD Program

    The PhD program started in 1991. Eligibility criteria for entrance are medical graduation (MBBS) or postgraduate degree in biological sciences. The department has an active and well-equipped molecular endocrinology laboratory. There is close research coordination with other departments at the Institute. Research subjects studied in the department include metabolic bone disorders and endemic fluorosis, diabetes mellitus (Type 1 diabetes as well as unique variants in India), calcium metabolism, iodine deficiency, brain development and apoptosis. Identification of novel diagnostic and therapeutic targets in NAFLD using RNA-Seq and proteomics approach, and, determining the role of lysosomes in mediating hormone turnover in endocrine cells are some of the recent and novel researches in the department.