
    1. Study of RV function in patients with rheumatic heart valve disease. Started in August 2007; completed. Paper published.

    2. Study of RV function by echocardiography and Nuclear medicine imaging in patients with low ejection fraction undergoing CABG.

    3. Does apoptosis play a role in right ventricular dysfunction in rheumatic valvular heart disease? Project completed.

    4. Assessment of neurological injury before and after the open-heart surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass for the repair of congenital heart defects in children. Project completed. Manuscript being written.

    5. Role of soluble c AMP in the development of right ventricular hypertrophy in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension. Project completed.

    1. Evaluation of SPAC valve made of fresh autologous pericardium at pulmonary position in patients of tetralogy of Fallot requiring transannular patch. Principal Investigator: Dr. Shantanu Pande

    2.PET CT evaluation of FDG uptake by monocusp and trileaflet FAP valve at pulmonary position Principal Investigator: Dr. Shantanu Pande

    3.Non invasive assessment of right ventricular function by radionucilde angiography in CABG patients. Principal Investigator: Dr. Amitabh Arya Co-Investigator: Dr. Shantanu Pande

    4. Assessment of neurological injury before and after the open-heart surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass for the repair of congenital heart defects in children. Principal Investigator: Dr. Puneet Goyal Co-Investigator: DR. Shantanu Pande

    5. Does apoptosis causes right ventricular dysfunction in rheumatic valvular heart disease? Principal Investigator: Dr. Shantanu Pande

    6. Preoperative right ventricular function in valvular heart disease; indices, incidence and prognosis Principal Investigator: Dr. Shantanu Pande

    Research Projects as Principal Investigator during the year under review.

    1.Data analysis: Concomitant surgeries in OHS patients.

    2.Data acquisition and analysis– reverse remodeling in AS/MS/AS+MS patients under 40years.

    Research Projects as Co-investigator

    1.Co-investigator in the first Made in India Biological Valve (Merrill), grantedApproval April 2018.

    2.Co-investigator: development of Patients controlled INR Algorithm in association with Dept. of Fundamental mathematics IIT Kanpur.

Research Projects - Extramural

    1. PI from the institute of the Multicentric trial on Role of autologous stem cells in patients with critical chronic limb ischemia: funded by BDT, India. Project completed.

    2. Part of the international STICHtrial for CABG in patients with poor LV function, funded by NIH USA. Project completed. Two papers published in New Eng J Med.

    3. PI form institute of the International, multicentric trial of off pump versus on pump CABG trial (CORONARY), funded by Canadian Institute of Health Research, Mc Master University, Canada

    4. PI from the institute of International, multicentric trial of steroids in cardiac surgery (SIRS trial) funded by Canadian Institute of Health Research, Mc Master University, Canada

    5. Co-PI of the International multicenteric trial POISE 2, funded by Canadian Institute of Health Research, Mc Master University, Canada

    6. PI from the institute of the trial on role of a new oral anticoagulant in patients with deep vein thrombosis, funded by Di-ichi Sankyo, Japan.

    7. Co-PI in project on Pharmacogentics of anticoagulant therapies. Project funded by DBT, Govt of India Total funding Rs. 2344000.00

    8. Co-Pi in the project on Role of sarcomeric gene mutation in left ventricular dysfunction. Project funded by ICMR.

    9. Part of stem cell group of SGPGIMS and co-investigator in project of up gradation of stem cell facility at SGPGI, Funded by DBT, Govt. of India


    1. Role of MRI and nuclear scan in evaluation of left ventricular function in patients undergoing CABG (Part of Thesis of MD Student in Department of Radiology, was a co-guide)

    2. Role of Early discharge in resource utilization in cardiac surgery: an audit. (Part of thesis of student in Department of Hospital Administration, was a co-guide)

    3. Can pre-treatment with statins prevent myocardial damage associated with open heart surgery?

    4. Evaluation of St Jude Medical Regent aortic prosthesis in patients undergoing AVR and having small aortic root

    5. Audit of aortic valve replacement in presence of severe PAH in SGPGI

    6. GFR estimation in patients undergoing heart surgery: determinants of post-operative renal dysfunction

    7. Stem cell therapy for myocardial regeneration

    8. Evaluation of St Jude Medical Regent aortic prosthesis in patients undergoing AVR and having small aortic root

    9. Influence of severe pulmonary hypertension in patients undergoing combined aortic and mitral valve replacement

    10. Role of ‘Penegra’ in severe PAH caused by acquired heart valve disease

    11. Audit of double valve replacement at SGPGI

    12. Study of neurocognitive dysfunction in patients undergoing off-pump CABG and correlation with MRI findings

    1. STICH Trial Co-investigator (Lead Surgeon): Dr. Shantanu Pande PI Prof Nakul Sinha

    2. Off and on pump coronary bypass grafting trial (CORONARY) Co-investigator (Lead Surgeon): Dr. Shantanu Pande PI Dr. S K Agarwal

    3. Role of stem cell therapy in chronic critical limb ischaemia Co-Principal investigator: Dr. Shantanu Pande PI Dr. S K Agarwal

    4. Role of steroids in cardiac surgery in modulating inflammatory response (SIRS) Co-investigator: Dr. Shantanu Pande PI Dr. S K Agarwal

    5. Role of a new oral anticoagulant in patients with deep vein thrombosis Co-investigator: Dr. Shantanu Pande PI Dr. S K Agarwal

    6. Pharmacogenetics of oral anticoagulants Co-investigator: Dr. Shantanu Pande PI Prof. Balraj Mittal