Prof. SK Agarwal

    Professor and Head,
    Department of Cardio Vascular & Thoracic Surgery
    SGPGIMS, Lucknow

About Department

Department of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery (CVTS) started functioning in the year 1988 and gained momentum from 1989 thereafter the productivity has consistently increased. Every year, the department performs over 800 surgeries of the cardio-vascular and thoracic system, out of which about 550 comprise of open-heart surgeries and coronary artery bypass surgeries. The department has active programs in pediatric and neonatal surgery, beating heart surgery, minimal access and vascular surgery including endovascular surgery. The department has also developed a dedicated program in thoracic surgery, which got an impetus after creation of pulmonary medicine department.

The department has had many firsts to its credit. The first neonatal heart surgery and first stem cell injection for treatment of myocardial infarction in the state of Uttar Pradesh was done in this department. The department has been the first to embark on beating heart surgery in Uttar Pradesh as well as valve repair program. The endovascular grafting for abdominal and thoracic aortic aneurysms, minimally invasive coronary artery bypass surgery, valve surgery, closure of atrial septal defects and hybrid coronary surgery were started for the first time in the state. Clinical services are provided in the areas of pediatric and neonatal cardiac surgery, vascular surgery, thoracic surgery, beating heart surgery, minimal access cardio-thoracic surgery and coronary artery surgery