1. Das SS, Chaudhary R, Khetan D, Shukla JS, Agarwal P, Mishra RB.Calcium and magnesium levels during automated plateletpheresis in normal donors. Transfus Med. 2005 Jun;15(3):233-6.
2. Chaudhary R, Sekhar Das S, Agarwal P, ShankerShuklaJ.Quality systems in automated plateletpheresis in hospital-based blood transfusion service in north India. J Clin Apher. 2005 Jul;20(2):81-5.
3. Agarwal P, Ray VL, Choudhury N, Chaudhary RK. Effect of pre-storage gamma irradiation on red blood cells.Indian J Med Res. 2005 Nov; 122(5):385-7.
4. Chaudhary R, Khetan D, Sinha S, Sinha P, Sonker A, Pandey P, Das SS, Agarwal P, Ray V. Transfusion support to Dengue patients in a hospital based blood transfusion service in north India. TransfusApherSci. 2006 Dec;35(3)
5. Agarwal P, Ray VL, Choudhury N, Agarwal S, ChaudharyRK.Effect of gamma irradiation on blood from glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase deficient blood donors.Hematology. 2007 Jun;12(3):267
6. Agarwal P, Verma A. Automated platelet collection using the latest apheresis devices in an Indian setting.TransfusApher Sci. 2009 Oct;41(2):135-8
7. Verma A, Agarwal P. Platelet utilization in the developing world: Strategies to optimize platelet transfusion practices. TransfusApher Sci. 2009 Oct; 41(2):145-9.
8. Das S S, Agarwal; P, Chaudhary R. Gel technology: An easy and useful method for estimating feto-maternal hemorrhage in blood banks of developing nations. LabMedicine. 2010 Mar; 41(3): 147-49
9. Elhence P, Agarwal P, Prasad K N, Chaudhary R. K. Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii antibodies in North Indian Blood Donors : Implications for transfusion transmissible toxoplasmosis. TransfusApher Sci. 2010 Aug;43(1):37-40
10. Agarwal P, Sekhar Das S, Gupta R, Khetan D, Chaudhary R. Quantification of Feto-maternal Hemorrhage: Selection of Techniques for a Resource Poor Setting. Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation. 2011; 71(1): 47-52
11. Sachan D, Gupta N, Agarwal P, Chaudhary R. The utility of pre-test clinical scoring for clinical diagnosis of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia in cardiac surgery patients of a tertiary care centre in north India. Transfus Med. 2011 Aug; 21(4):231-35.
12. A Dubey, AVerma, P Elhence, P Agarwal. Evaluation of transfusion-related complications along with estimation of inhibitors in patients with hemophilia: A pilot study from a single center. Asian journal of transfusion science 2013, 7 (1), 8
13. R Katharia, R Chaudhary, P Agarwal. Pre-storage gamma irradiation induces oxidative injury to red cells. Transfusion and Apheresis Science 2013, 48 (1):39-43
14. S. Panzer, S. Engelbrecht, M. F. Cole-Sinclair, E. M. Wood, S. Wendel, S. Biagini, Z. Zhu, J.-J. Lefrere, G. Andreu, T. Zunino, J.-J. Cabaud, P. Rouger, O. Garraud, K. Janetzko, M. Muller-Steinhardt, P. van der Burg, A. Brand, P. Agarwal, T. Triyono, A. Gharehbaghian, N. Manny, O. Zelig, A. Takeshita, Y. Yonemura, H. Fujihara, K. E. Nollet, H. Ohto, K.-S. Han, V. S. Nadarajan, G. Berlin, S. G. Sandler, R. G. Strauss & H. W. Reesink. Education in transfusion medicine for medical students and doctors. VoxSanguinis 2013; 104:250-272
15. Das R, Dubey A, Agrawal P, Chaudhary R.K. Spectrum of anti-M: a report of three unusual cases. Blood Transfusion 2014; 12: 99-102
16. Jain A, ElhenceP,Tripathi A, Pandey H, Agarwal P. Anti- CW: In a Young Female Patient. A Case Report with Review of Literature and Frequency of Low Incidence CW(Rh8) Antigen in North India.Indian J Hematol Blood Transfus. 2014 Sep; 30(Suppl 1): 440-444.
17. Solanki A, Agarwal P. Comprehensive analysis of changes in clinically significant divalent serum cation levels during automated plateletpheresis in healthy donors in a tertiary care center in North India. Asian J TransfusSci. 2015 Jul-Dec; 9(2): 124-128.
18. P Agarwal, ASolanki, R Chaudhary. Prevalence and predictors of whole blood and apheresis donor reactions in a Tertiary Care Hospital. Internal Medicine Journal 2015, 45, 1-1
19. Dubey A., Sonker A., Agarwal P. A comparison of lancets and evaluation of various manoeuvres in reducing finger prick pain during pre-donation haemoglobin estimation.Transfusion Medicine. 2019 Aug; 29 (4): 279-283
20. Solanki A, KathariaR, Singh A, Chauhan A, Chandra T, Sonker A, Agarwal P Prevalence and predictors of adverse reactions in plateletpheresis donors with the perspective of donor safety in a tertiary care hospital of Northern India. Asian J Transfus Sci. 2020 Jan- June; 14(1): 44-48
21. Solanki A, KathariaR, Chauhan A, Singh A, Chandra T, Sonker A, Agarwal P. Predonation drink: A simple and cost-effective strategy to mitigate vasovagal reactions among whole blood donors, a study from North India. Global Journal of Transfusion Medicine. 2020 Jul-Dec; 5(2): 146
22. Singh A.K, Agarwal P, Verma A. Assessment of platelet concentrate prepared from fresh and overnight held buffy coats. International Journal of Scientific Research. 2020 Sept; 9 (9)
23. Verma A, Khetan D, Chaudhary RK and Agarwal P. Phenotypic characterization of RhD
24. discrepant North Indian Blood donor population. Immunohematology. 2020; 36 (3)
25. Agarwal P, Jain A, Elhence P, Verma A. Are buffy-coat pooled platelet concentrates an effective alternative to apheresis platelet concentrates? An in vitro analysis at a tertiary care center in Northern India. Int J App Basic Med Res 2023;DOI10.4103/ijabmr.ijabmr_73_23
Book Chapters
1. Choudhury N, Agarwal P. Transfusion Medicine perspective in management of patients with haemoglobinopathy. In: Ghosh K, Kolah R, editors. Control & Management of Thalassemia and other hemoglobinopathies in the Indian subcontinent - synoptic views 1st ed. Mumbai: National Institute of Immunohaematology; 2008. P 102-12.
2. Agarwal P, Singh A. Apheresis In: Choudhury N, Bharucha Z.S. editors. A Textbook on Laboratory and Clinical Transfusion Medicine, Volume 2: Basics of Blood Bank Practices 1st ed. United States of America: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.; 2016
Agarwal P, Memon J. Standards for Blood Centers & Blood Transfusion Services In: National Blood Transfusion Council. 2nded: 2022