
DrAnupamVerma is presently working as Professor in the Department of Transfusion Medicine at Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow. He also has an additional responsibility of Chief Medical Superintendent at Kalyan Singh Super Specialty Cancer Institute, Lucknowfrom 6.10.2021 till date.

He has an MD degree (Pathology) from J.N.M.C., AMU, Aligarh and Post-Doctoral Certificate (PDCC in Apheresis Technology & Blood Component Therapy) from SGPGIMS, Lucknow. He has also done "Intermediate Transfusion Medicine Course" from National Blood Services, London (United Kingdom).

He has more than 23 years of post-PG experience in his speciality with special interest in clinical transfusion medicine especially global coagulation assays, quality control and apheresis procedures. He has more than 50 research publications in national & international journals besides 10 book chapters to his credit. He is Chairperson of the Academic Certificate Committee of Asian Association of Transfusion Medicine (AATM) responsible for successful running of a global online certificate course "Advance Certificate in Transfusion Medicine".

He has received the prestigious "Princess of Wales" award from British Blood Transfusion Society in Bournemouth (United Kingdom) 2006 besides international travel fellowship to Sydney (Australia) in 2007. He is also recipient of Harold Gunsen fellowship twice from International Society of Blood Transfusion (China in 2008 and Germany in 2010). He has been awarded ISBTI Young Scientist Fellowship inDelhi (TRANSCON 2015) from Indian Society of Blood Transfusion and Immunohematology. He has received 'Award for Excellence in Transfusion Medicine' from Venus International Foundation during the 2nd Annual Medical Summit at Chennai in 2019.

He has served as first State Nodal officer for Hemophilia, Uttar Pradesh for more than 3 years ensuring antihemophilicfactors availability at 26 hemophilia centers besides improving diagnostic and physiotherapy services in the state of UP. He has held various other administrative posts including Sub-Dean (Faculty) and member Governing Body at SGPGIMS. He has been an external and internal expert for NACO training on blood safety apart from being a subject expert for faculty selection at various government institutions and Public Service Commission. He has been appointed external examiner for MD examinations in India. He is also a member of International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT), Asian Association of Transfusion Medicine (AATM) and Indian Society of Transfusion Medicine (ISTM). He is currently the Joint Secretary of ISTM & Vice President of AATM.