1. Vinayagamoorthy V, Srivastava A, Das I, Verma A, Mishra P, Sen Sarma M,Poddar U, Yachha SK. Hypocoagulability in Children With Decompensated ChronicLiver Disease and Sepsis: Assessment by Thromboelastography. JPGN Rep. 2023 Jun9;4(3):e324.
2. Balchandra AR, Ghatak T, Samanta S, Singh RK, Verma A, Mishra P, Chaudhary R,Nath A. Pattern of Conventional Coagulation and Thromboelastographic Parametersin Patients with COVID-19 Diseases and Association of COVID-AssociatedCoagulopathy with Mortality in Intensive Care Unit. Anesth Essays Res. 2022 Jan-Mar;16(1):65-70.
3. Khatri V, Hemlata, Mehrotra MK, Kohli M, Malik A, Verma A. Usefulness ofThromboelastography for Perioperative Evaluation of Hemostatic Profile inPatients with Primary Brain Tumors Undergoing Surgery. Anesth Essays Res. 2021Jul-Sep;15(3):279-284.
4. Chaudhary R, Verma S, Verma A. Prevalence of DEL phenotype in D- blood donorsin India. Immunohematology. 2020 Dec;36(4):133-136.
5. Verma A, Sachan D, Katharia R.Evaluation of various techniques for sero-diagnosis of syphilis in blood donors.International J Innovative Sci and ResTech. 2019
6. Verma A, Hemlata, Elhence P, Phadke SR, Neyaz Z. Posterior reversibleencephalopathy syndrome following blood transfusion in a patient with factor Xdeficiency: Is it an unusual systemic manifestation of an adverse transfusionreaction? TransfusApher Sci. 2018 Feb;57(1):50-53.
7. Hemlata, Srivastava S, Gupta D, Verma A. Perioperative haemostatic management in a patient undergoing craniotomy for excision of meningioma: Role of Thromboelastography. Journal of Advanced Research in Medicine 2018:5;19-22.
8. Muzaffar SN, Baronia AK, Azim A, Verma A, Gurjar M, Poddar B, Singh RK.Thromboelastography for Evaluation of Coagulopathy in Nonbleeding Patients withSepsis at Intensive Care Unit Admission. Indian J Crit Care Med. 2017May;21(5):268-273.
9. Verma A, Hemlata. Thromboelastography as a novel viscoelastic method for hemostatic monitoring: Its methodology, applications and constraints. Global Journal of Transfusion Medicine 2017;2.8-18.
10. Verma A, Khetan D, Srivastava A, Elhence P, Katharia R. Thromboelastographyas a tool for quality check of apheresis platelets. Asian J Transfus Sci. 2016Jul-Dec;10(2):111-2.
11. Singh A, Verma A, Nityanand S, Chaudhary R, Elhence P. Circulatingthrombopoietin levels in normal healthy blood donors and in aplastic anemia patients in relation to disease severity. Asian J Transfus Sci. 2015 Jan-Jun;9(1):70-3.
12. Sahu S, Hemlata, Verma A. Adverse events related to blood transfusion. IndianJ Anaesth. 2014 Sep;58(5):543-51.
13. Elhence P, Solanki A, Verma A. Red blood cell antibodies in thalassemiapatients in northern India: risk factors and literature review. Indian J HematolBlood Transfus. 2014 Dec;30(4):301-8.
14. Mishra SB, Bhoyer J, Gurjar M, Muzaffar N, Verma A. Deep vein thrombosis ofupper extremities due to reactive thrombocytosis in septic patients. Indian JCrit Care Med. 2014 Aug;18(8):540-2.
15. Tiwari RL, Singh V, Singh A, Rana M, Verma A, Kothari N, Kohli M, Bogra J,Dikshit M, Barthwal MK. PKCd-IRAK1 axis regulates oxidized LDL-induced IL-1B production in monocytes. J Lipid Res. 2014 Jul;55(7):1226-44.
16. Jyoti A, Singh AK, Dubey M, Kumar S, Saluja R, Keshari RS, Verma A, Chandra T, Kumar A, Bajpai VK, Barthwal MK, Dikshit M. Interaction of inducible nitric oxide synthase with rac2 regulates reactive oxygen and nitrogen species generation in the human neutrophil phagosomes: implication in microbial killing. Antioxid Redox Signal. 2014 Jan 20;20(3):417-31.
17. Chaurasia R, Elhence P, Nityanand S, Verma A, Zaman S. Observational study of transfusion support and hemorrhagic tendencies in newly diagnosed patients of AML undergoing chemotherapy. Journal of Blood Disorders. 2014;1(3): 5.
18. Bajpayee A, Dubey A, Verma A, Chaudhary RK. A report of a rare case ofautoimmune haemolyticanaemia in a patient with Hodgkin's disease in whomroutine serology was negative. Blood Transfus. 2014 Jan;12Suppl 1(Suppl1):s299-301.
19. Dubey A, Verma A, Elhence P, Agarwal P. Evaluation of transfusion-relatedcomplications along with estimation of inhibitors in patients with hemophilia: Apilot study from a single center. Asian J Transfus Sci. 2013 Jan;7(1):8-10.
20. Verma A, Sachan D, Bajpayee A, Elhence P, Dubey A, Pradhan M. RhD blocking phenomenon implicated in an immunohaematological diagnostic dilemma in a case of RhD-haemolytic disease of the foetus. Blood Transfus. 2013 Jan;11(1):140-2.
21. Keshari RS, Verma A, Barthwal MK, Dikshit M. Reactive oxygen species-induced activation of ERK and p38 MAPK mediates PMA-induced NETs release from human neutrophils. J Cell Biochem. 2013 Mar;114(3):532-40.
22. Elhence P, Shenoy V, Verma A, Sachan D. Error reporting in transfusionmedicine at a tertiary care centre: a patient safety initiative. ClinChem LabMed. 2012 Nov;50(11):1935-43.
23. Dubey A, Verma A, Sachan D, Elhence P. Time course changes in the level of coagulation factors in random donor platelets and their role as adjunctive therapy for plasma transfusion. TransfusApher Sci. 2013 Aug;49(1):100-2.
24. Elhence P, Sachan D, Verma A, Kumar A, Chaudhary R. Late onset neonatalanaemia due to maternal anti-Kp(b) induced haemolytic disease of the newborn.TransfusApher Sci. 2012 Dec;47(3):247-50.
25. Dubey A, Elhence P, Ghoshal U, Verma A. Seroprevalence of malaria in blooddonors and multi-transfused patients in Northern India: Relevance to preventionof transfusion-transmissible malaria. Asian J Transfus Sci. 2012 Jul;6(2):174-8.
26. Elhence P,Verma A. Maternal ABO isohemagglutinins in infant circulation. Transfusion 2012; 52:455.
27. Verma A, Sachan D, Elhence P, Pandey H, Dubey A. Events at blood collectionarea due to nonconforming blood bags and plateletpheresis kits: need for timelycorrective and preventive actions. Transfusion. 2012 Jul;52(7 Pt 2):1622-7.
28. Keshari RS, Jyoti A, Kumar S, Dubey M, Verma A, Srinag BS, Krishnamurthy H, Barthwal MK, Dikshit M. Neutrophil extracellular traps contain mitochondrial as well as nuclear DNA and exhibit inflammatory potential. Cytometry A. 2012 Mar;81(3):238-47.
29. Agarwal N, Sachan D, Verma A. Reply to: prevalence of immediate vasovagal reaction in blood donors visiting two blood banks of Karachi. Transfusion Medicine 2011; 21:63-4.
30. Saluja R, Jyoti A, Chatterjee M, Habib S, Verma A, Mitra K, Barthwal MK, Bajpai VK, Dikshit M. Molecular and biochemical characterization of nitric oxide synthase isoforms and their intracellular distribution in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. BiochimBiophysActa. 2011 Oct;1813(10):1700-7.
31. Pandey P, Chaudhary R, Aggarwal A, Kumar R, Khetan D, Verma A. Transfusion-associated immunomodulation: Quantitative changes in cytokines as a measure ofimmune responsiveness after one time blood transfusion in neurosurgery patients.Asian J Transfus Sci. 2010 Jul;4(2):78-85.
32. Patel S, Kumar S, Jyoti A, Srinag BS, Keshari RS, Saluja R, Verma A, Mitra K, Barthwal MK, Krishnamurthy H, Bajpai VK, Dikshit M. Nitric oxide donors release extracellular traps from human neutrophils by augmenting free radical generation. Nitric Oxide. 2010 Apr 1;22(3):226-34.
33. Kumar S, Patel S, Jyoti A, Keshari RS, Verma A, Barthwal MK, Dikshit M. Nitric oxide-mediated augmentation of neutrophil reactive oxygen and nitrogen species formation: Critical use of probes. Cytometry A. 2010 Nov;77(11):1038-48.
34. Verma A, Agarwal P. Platelet utilization in the developing world: strategiesto optimize platelet transfusion practices. TransfusApher Sci. 2009Oct;41(2):145-9.
35. Agarwal P, Verma A. Automated platelet collection using the latest apheresisdevices in an Indian setting. TransfusApher Sci. 2009 Oct;41(2):135-8.
36. Tondon R, Verma A, Pandey P, Chaudhary R. Quality evaluation of fourhemoglobin screening methods in a blood donor setting along with theircomparative cost analysis in an Indian scenario. Asian J Transfus Sci. 2009Jul;3(2):66-9.
37. Dubey A, Verma A, Sonker A, Sachan D, Chaudhary R. Transfusion medicineillustrated. Sudden increased incidence of transfusion reactions reported from award: root cause analysis. Transfusion. 2009 Mar;49(3):409-10.
38. Verma A, Hemlata. Blood component therapy. Indian J Pediatr. 2008Jul;75(7):717-22.
39. Verma A, Pandey P, Khetan D, Katharia R, Chaudhary R, Aggarwal A. Differential patterns of serum Fas ligand levels in blood donors. Transfusion. 2008 Oct;48(10):2264-5
40. Verma A, Pandey P, Khetan D, Chaudhary R. Platelet transfusions in clinicalpractice at a multidisciplinary hospital in North India. TransfusApher Sci.2008 Aug;39(1):29-35.
41. Das SS, Shastry S, Chaudhary R, Verma A. Quality analysis of red cell and platelet concentrates obtained by the automated 'Top-and-Top' blood processingsystem in a developing country. TransfusApher Sci. 2008 Aug;39(1):9-14.
42. Ghosh P, Dwivedi S, Naik S, Agarwal V, Verma A, Aggarwal A, Misra R. Antinuclear antibodies by indirect immunofluorescence : optimum screening dilution for diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus. Indian J Med Res. 2007 Jul;126(1):34-8.
43. Chaudhary R, Singh H, Verma A, Ray V. Evaluation of fresh frozen plasmausage at a tertiary care hospital in North India. ANZ J Surg. 2005Jul;75(7):573-6.
44. Sinha S, Verma A, Chaudhary R. Transfusion support in liver transplant. Transfusion Bulletin 2003; 3: 8-10.
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Dr AnupamVerma |
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Transfusion Medicine |
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https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3942-5482 |