
    Papers published : 168

    Chapters : 30

    Total publications: 198

    Papers published

    1. Mehrotra A, Kumar A, Raiyani V, Singh R, Verma PK, Das KK, Jaiswal AK, Kumar R. Endoscopic intradural extramedullary lesion excision: Results of augmented duroplasty with artificial dura. J Neurosci Rural Pract. 2023 Jan-Mar;14(1):177-181.

    2. Nangarwal B, Gosal KS, Das KK, Khatri D, Bhaisora K, Verma PK, Sardhara J, Mehrotra A, Srivastava AK, Jaiswal AK, Behari S. Anterior Skull Base Meningioma: Surgical Approach and Complication Avoidance. J Neurol Surg B Skull Base. 2023 Feb; 84(1): 38-50.

    3. Kumar A, Bhaisora KS, Rangari K, Mishra P, Raiyani V, Sardhara J, Maurya VP, Verma PK, Das KK, Mehrotra A, Srivastav AK, Jaiswal A, Kumar R, Behari S. An Analysis of Temporal Trend of Incidence of Post-Resection Cerebrospinal Fluid Diversion in Pediatric Posterior Fossa Tumor Patients and the Predictive Factors. Neurol India. 2023;71(1):79-85.

    4. Singh A, Das KK, Khatri D, Singh S, Gosal JS, Jaiswal S, Mishra P, Mehrotra A, Bhaisora K, Sardhara J, Srivastava AK, Jaiswal A, Behari S. Insular glioblastoma: surgical challenges, survival outcomes and prognostic factors. Br J Neurosurg. 2023;37(1):26-34.

    5. Nangarwal B, Bhaisora KS, Khatri D, Sharma A, Singh V, Maurya V, Verma P, Sardhara J, Das KK, Mehrotra A, Srivastava AK, Jaiswal AK, Behari S. An Institutional Experience and Literature Review on Iatrogenic Major Vascular Injury in Neurosurgery: Proposal of a Management Algorithm. Neurol India. 2022;70(4):1580-1589.

    6. Kumar A, Singh S, Mehrotra A, Pal L, Katiyar S, Chaudhary N, Verma PK, et al. Lesional temporal lobe epilepsy: Does the "uncommon" differ from the common. Ind J Neurosurg. 2022;11:159-167

    7. Kumar A, Sardhara J, Mishra P, Kapoor V, Mehrotra A, Raiyani V, Singh M, Goyal N, Kulkarni AG, Srikantha U, Bhaisora KS, Das KK, Srivastava AK, Behari S. The status and surgical outcome of the minimally invasive techniques for lumbar interbody fusion in India: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Craniovertebr Junction Spine. 2022;13(3):245-255.

    8. Kanjilal S, Mehrotra A, Singh V, Dikshit P, Prasad SN, Kumar Verma P, Das KK, Bhaisora K, Kumar Jaiswal A, Behari S, Kumar R. Non-aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: Is the deep venous system the hidden culprit? Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2022;164(7):1827-1835.

    9. Singh S, Das KK, Kumar K, Rangari K, Dikshit P, Bhaisora KS, Sardhara J, Mehrotra A, Srivastava AK, Jaiswal AK, Behari S. Cerebellopontine Angle Epidermoids: Comparative Results of Microscopic and Endoscopic Excision Using the Retromastoid Approach". J Neurol Surg B Skull Base. 2022;83(Suppl 2):e60-e68.

    10. Gabbita AC, Das KK, Keshri AK, Sahu V, Mehrotra A, Manogaran R, Bhaisora KS, Srivastava AK, Jaiswal AK, Kumar R. Translabyrinthine Approach for Resection of Vestibular Schwannoma: "Neurosurgeon's Path Less Travelled". Neurol India. 2022 Sep-Oct;70(5):1813-1818.

    11. Das KK, Gabbita AC, Balachandar D, Singh V, Bhaisora KS, Dwivedi V, Jaiswal AK, Kumar R, Mehrotra A. Anterior Interhemispheric Transfalcine Transcallosal Approach for Excision of Septal AVM. Neurol India. 2022 Sep-Oct;70(5):1803-1807.

    12. Marutirao R, Singh S, Shamsherry C, Sardhara J, Mishra P, Mehrotra A, Srivastava A, Jaiswal AK, Srivastava S, Behari S. Impact of postoperative ABG analysis and ICU weaning protocol in surgical outcome of AAD: It's not the towering sail, the unseen wind that moves the ship. Neurol India. 2022 Jul-Aug; 70(4): 1540-47.

    13. Mehrotra A, Singh S, Kanjilal S, Attri G, Rangari K, Paliwal VK, Mani V, Verma PK, Maurya VP, Sardhara J, Bhaisora KS, Das KK, Srivastava AK, Jaiswal AK, Behari S Resistant Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: Initial Steps into a Bigger Epilepsy Surgery Program.J Neurosci Rural Pract. 2021;12(1):193-196.

    14. Kanjilal S, Mehrotra A, Singh V, Dikshit P, Prasad Sn, Verma PK, Das KK, Bhaisora KS, Jaiswal AK, Behari S, Kumar R. Non aneurysmal sub-arachnoid haemorrhage: Is the deep venous system the hidden culprit? Acta Neurochirurgica 2022 (accepted)

    15. Singh S, Mehrotra A, Kanjilal S, Paliwal VK. Effect of seizure timing on long-term survival in patients with brain tumour. Epilepsy Behav. 2021 Apr;117:107566

    16. Kumar A, Mehrotra A, Verma PK, Das KK, Jaiswal AK, Behari S. Anterior cervical meningocele with craniovertebral junction instability-A case report and literature review. J Craniovertebr Junction Spine 2021 Oct-Dec;12(4):440-4.

    17. Dikshit P, Sharma A, Mehrotra A, Verma PK, Das KK, Jaiswal AK. Extracranial proximal PICA aneurysm- a rare and surreptious cause of posterior fossa sah: case report and review of literature. Br J Neurosurg 2021 Sep; 1-5.

    18. Verma PK, Singh A, Dikshit P, Das KK, Mehrotra A, Jaiswal S, Behari S, Jaiswal AK. Endoscopic keyhole approach for intracranial epidermoid. J Neurosci Rural Pract. 2021 Sept;12(4):614-22.

    19. Das KK, Jaiswal AK, Verma PK, Mehrotra A. Commentary: Endoscopic endonasal excision of an optic pathway cavernous malformation: Technical case report. Oper Neurosurg 2021 Jul;21(2):E 145-46.

    20. Jaiswal AK, Das KK, Mehrotra A, Verma PK. Suprasellar meningiomas: The quest for an ideal minimally invasive surgical approach. Neurol India. 2021 May;69(3):636-7.

    21. Nangarwal B, Singh S, Sinha S, Bhaisora KS, Sardhara J, Das KK, Mehrotra A, Srivastava AK, Desh S, Jaiswal AK, Behari S. How important is to know the psychological performance in an operated child of meningioma? Devil is in the details. J Pediatr Neurosci. 2021 Apr-Jun;16(2):125-30

    22. Raiyani V, Singh S, Sardhara J, Mehrotra A, Mani V, Paliwal VK, Pal L, Kumar A, Dikshit P, Maurya VP, Verma PK, Behari S. Seizure outcome after lesionectomy with or without concomitant anteromedial temporal lobectomy for Low grade glioma of medial temporal lobe. Asian J Neurosurg 2021 Sep;16(3):518-24

    23. Kumar A, Maurya VP, Kanjilal S, Bhaisora KS, Sardhar J, Das KK, Mehrotra A, Srivastava AK, Jaiswal AK, Behari S. Clinicoradiological features and treatment outcome of supratentorial intraprenchymal epidermoid cyst: A report of five cases and literature review. J Neurosci Rural Pract. 2021 Jul:12(3):571-80

    24. Verma PK, Nangarwal B, Verma J, Dwivedi V, Mehrotra A, Das KK, Maurya VP, Bhaisora KS, Singh J, Sardhara J, Srivastava AK, Behari S, Jaiswal S, Jaiswal AK.A clinico-pathological and neuro-radiological study of angiomatous meningioma: Aggressive look with benign behaviour.J Clin Neurosci. 2021;83:43-48.

    25. Gosal JS, Khatri D, Das KK, Gajbhiye S, Mehrotra A, Jaiswal AK, Behari S. Thirteen-and-a-half syndrome secondary to the brainstem cavernoma. Neurol India Jan-Feb 2022;70(1):355-58.

    26. Verma PK, Singh A, Dikshit P, Das KK, Mehrotra A, Jaiswal S, Behari S, Jaiswal AK. Endoscopic keyhole approach for intracranial epidermoid. J Neurosci Rural Pract. 2021 Sept;12(4):614-22.

    27. Das KK, Jaiswal AK, Verma PK, Mehrotra A. Commentary: Endoscopic endonasal excision of an optic pathway cavernous malformation: Technical case report. Oper Neurosurg 2021 Jul;21(2):E 145-46.

    28. Jaiswal AK, Das KK, Mehrotra A, Verma PK.

    29. Singh S, Mehrotra A, Kanjilal S, Paliwal VK. Effect of seizure timing on long-term survival in patients with brain tumor. Epilepsy Behav. 2021 Apr;117:107566. doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2020.107566. Epub 2021 Feb 17.PMID: 33610463

    30. Verma PK, Nangarwal B, Verma J, Dwivedi V, Mehrotra A, Das KK, Maurya VP, Bhaisora KS, Singh J, Sardhara J, Srivastava AK, Behari S, Jaiswal S, Jaiswal AK.A clinico-pathological and neuro-radiological study of angiomatous meningioma: Aggressive look with benign behaviour.J Clin Neurosci. 2021;83:43-48.

    31. Singh S, Srivastava AK, Sardhara J, Bhaisora KS, Das KK, Mehrotra A, Jaiswal AK, Panigrahi MK, Behari S.A Prospective, Single-Blinded, Bicentric Study, and Literature Review to Assess the Need of C2-Ganglion Preservation - SAVIOUR's Criteria.Neurospine. 2021;18(1):87-95.

    32. Mehrotra A, Singh S, Kanjilal S, Attri G, Rangari K, Paliwal VK, Mani V, Verma PK, Maurya VP, Sardhara J, Bhaisora KS, Das KK, Srivastava AK, Jaiswal AK, Behari S Resistant Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: Initial Steps into a Bigger Epilepsy Surgery Program.J Neurosci Rural Pract. 2021;12(1):193-196.

    33. Rangari K, Das KK, Singh S, Kumar KG, Bhaisora KS, Sardhara J, Mehrotra A, Srivastava AK, Jaiswal AK, Behari S.Type I Chiari Malformation Without Concomitant Bony Instability: Assessment of Different Surgical Procedures and Outcomes in 73 Patients.Neurospine. 2021;18(1):126-138.

    34. Sardhara J, Behari S, Singh S, Srivastava AK, Chauhan G, Lal H, Das KK, Bhaisora KS, Mehrotra A, Mishra P, Jaiswal AK.A Universal Craniometric Index for Establishing the Diagnosis of Basilar Invagination.Neurospine. 2021;18(1):206-216.

    35. Mehrotra A, Singh S, Kanjilal S, Pal L, Paliwal VK, Sardhara J, Behari S. Seizure-Outcome after surgery of Low-grade epilepsy associated neuro-epithelial tumors. J Neuro Sc. (accepted) 2020

    36. Mehrotra A, Singh S, Kanjilal S, Pal L, Paliwal VK, Sardhara J, Verma PK, Maurya VP, Bhaisora KS, Das KK, Srivastava AK, Jaiswal AK, Behari S. Factors affecting seizure outcome in Long-term epilepsy associated tumors (LEATs) in children and young adolescents. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2020 Oct;197:106104. doi: 10.1016/j.clineuro.2020.106104. Epub 2020 Jul 23. PMID: 32738652.

    37. Mehrotra A, Singh S, Kanjilal S, Kumar A, Pal L, Mathur V, Paliwal VK, Sardhara J, Bhaisora KS, Srivastava AK, Jaiswal AK, Behari S. Long-Term Epilepsy-Associated Tumors (LEATs): A Single-Center, Retrospective Series and Review of Literature on Factors Affecting the Seizure Outcome. World Neurosurg. 2020 Dec;144:e149-e155. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2020.08.036. Epub 2020 Aug 10. PMID: 32791221.

    38. Mehrotra A, Singh S, Kanjilala S, Pal L, et al. Resistant temporal lobe epilepsy: initial steps into a bigger epilepsy surgery program. Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice. 2020; ahead of print

    39. Gupta S, Rangari KV, Mehrotra A, Pal L, Jaisawal AK, Kumar R. Temporal lobe angiocentric glioma with oligodendroglioma-like areas: a rare association of an uncommon tumor. A case report with review of literature. Childs Nerv Syst. 2020 Mar;36(3):641-646.

    40. Singh S, Mehrotra A, Shankar R, Arulalan M, Das KK, Jaiswal AK, Behari S. Revisiting the surgical corridors for cervical Type IIb-c dumbbell neurofibroma: A series of two unconventional approaches and review of literature. J Craniovertebr Junction Spine. 2020 Apr-Jun;11(2):111-117. doi: 10.4103/jcvjs.JCVJS_105_19. Epub 2020 Jun 5. PMID: 32904966; PMCID: PMC7462129.

    41. Singh S, Mehrotra A, Sardhara J, Behari S. Letter: A Comparison of Minimally Invasive and Open Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion for Grade 1 Degenerative Lumbar Spondylolisthesis: An Analysis of the Prospective Quality Outcomes Database. Neurosurgery. 2020 Aug 19:nyaa371. doi: 10.1093/neuros/nyaa371. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32814944.

    42. Singh S, Mehrotra A, Sankar RM, Behari S. Letter: A Novel Classification and Its Clinical Significance in Spinal Schwannoma Based on the Membranous Hierarchy. Neurosurgery 2020; ahead of print. NEU-D-20-01678

    43. Singh S, Mehrotra A, Kanjilal S, Paliwal VK. Letter: Effect of seizure timing on long-term survival in patients with brain tumor. Epilepsy Behav. 2020.

    44. Singh S, Mehrotra A, Manogaran R, Behari S. Letter: A Novel Classification and Its Clinical Significance in Spinal Schwannoma Based on the Membranous Hierarchy. Neurosurgery. 2021; Jan;88(1): E125

    45. Singh S, Srivastava AK, Sardhara J, Bhaisora KS, Das KK, Mehrotra A, Jaiswal AK, Panigrahi MK, Behari S. A Prospective, Single-Blinded, Bicentric Study and Literature Review to Assess the Need of C2-Ganglion Preservation - SAVIOUR's Criteria. Neurospine. 2020 Nov 17. doi: 10.14245/ns.2040238.119. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33211949.

    46. Sharma A, Srivastava AK, Singh S, Das KK, Mishra P, Bhaisora K, Sardhara J, Mehrotra A, Jaiswal AK, Behari S. Does socio-economic status have an association with cranio-vertebral anomalies: A step towards healing the curse! J Pediatr Neurosci 2020 (accepted and ahead of Print)

    47. Singh S, Sardhara J, Raiyani V, Saxena D, Kumar A, Bhaisora KS, Das KK, Mehrotra A, Srivastava AK, Behari S. Craniovertebral junction instability in Larsen syndrome: An institutional series and review of literature. J Craniovert Jun Spine 2020;11:276-86

    48. Nangarwal B, Singh S, Srivastava AK, Mehrotra Aet al. How important is to know the psycho-social performance in an operated child of meningioma? Devil is in the details. J Pediatr Neurosci 2020; ahead of print

    49. Singh S, Das KK, Kumar KG, Rangari K, Dikshit P, Bhaisora K, Sardhara J, Mehrotra A, Srivastava AK, Jaiswal AK, Behari S. Cerebellopontine angle epidermoids: comparative results of microscopic and endoscopic excision using the retromastoid approach. J Neurol Surg SB - Part B (Ahead of print) 2020

    50. Sardhara J, Behari S, Singh S, Srivastava AK, Chauhan G, Lal H, Das KK, Mehrotra A. A universal craniometric index for establishing the diagnosis of basilar invagination. Neurospine (accepted) 2020

    51. Singh A, Das KK, Khattri D, Singh S,Jaiswal S, Misra P, Mehrotra A et al. Insular Glioblastoma: Survival Outcomes and Prognostic Factor. British Journal of Neurosurgery (accepted) 2020.

    52. Manogaran R, Kumar R, Mathialagan A, Mehrotra A, Keshri A, Singh N, Bhuskute G, Singh S. Revising the Indications of Transtemporal Surgical Approaches in the Modern Endoscopic Era of Skull Base Surgery: A Dying Art. J Neurol Surg B Skull Base 2020. Accepted.

    53. Pawan K. Verma, Bhawan Nangarwal, Jyoti Verma, Awadhesh K. Jaiswal, Mehrotra A et al. A clinico-pathological and neuro-radiological study of angiomatous meningioma: Aggressive look with benign behaviour. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience; Article in press

    54. Das KK, Honna RM, Attri G, Mehrotra A et al. A Single-Center Surgical Experience of Interhemispheric Epidermoids and Proposal of a New Radiological Classification [published online ahead of print, 2020 Jun 6]. World Neurosurg. 2020;S1878-8750(20)31232-8. doi:10.1016/j.wneu.2020.05.259

    55. Rangari K, Das KK, Singh S, Sardhara J, Bhaisora K, Mehrotra A, Behari S Chiari malformations without atlanto-axial instability: assessment of the outcomes after surgical treatment (Accepted in Neurospine)

    56. Sardhara J, Srivastava AK, Pandey SD, Amit Keshri, Mehrotra A, Das KK, Bhaishora K, Jaiswal A, Behari S.-Postoperative Tinnitus after Vestibular Schwannoma Surgery: A Neglected Entity;Neurol India. 2020 Mar-Apr;68(2):333-339

    57. Attri GS, Gosal JS, Khatri D, Das KK, Bhaisora KS, Mehrotra A, Sardhara J, Srivastava AK, Behari S, Jaiswal S, Jaiswal AK. Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy and Simultaneous Tumor Biopsy in Pineal Region Tumors using the "Single Burr Hole" Technique: An Analysis of 34 Cases. Asian J Neurosurg 2020; 15: 976-982

    58. Singh S, Mehrotra A, Pandey S, Gupta S, Behari S, Kumar R et al . Cystic Cervical Dysraphism: Experience of 12 Cases. J Pediatr Neurosci. 2018 Jan-Mar;13(1):39-45.

    59. Neyaz Z, Singh V, Mehrotra A, Jain M. Cerebral Aspergillosis Mimicking a Neoplasm in an Immunocompetent Patient. Int J Appl Basic Med Res. 2018 Oct-Dec;8(4):269-271.

    60. Soni N, Srindharan K, Kumar S, Bhaisora KS, Kalita J, Mehrotra A, Mishra P. Application of diffusion tensor imaging in brain lesions: A comparative study of neoplastic and non-neoplastic brain lesions. Neurol India. 2018 Nov-Dec;66(6):1667-1671.

    61. Sardhara J, Shukla M, Jamdar J, Jaiswal AK, Jaiswal S, Kaul A, Bhaisora KS, Das KK, Mehrotra A, Behari S. Paraneoplastic Nephrotic Syndrome in a Patient with Planum Sphenoidale Meningioma. Asian J Neurosurg. 2018 Jul-Sep;13(3):864-866.

    62. Bhaisora KS, Das KK, Jamdar J, Behari S, Mehrotra A, Sardhara J, Srivastava AK, Jaiswal AK, Sahu RN. Trans-Sellar Trans-Sphenoidal Herniation of Third Ventricle with Cleft Palate and Microophthalmia: Report of a Case and Review of Literature. Asian J Neurosurg. 2018 Jul-Sep;13(3):782-785.

    63. Sahu RN, Sardhara J, Singh AK, Sahu S, Chovatiya P, Srivastava AK, Jaiswal AK, Mehrotra A, Das KK, Bhaisora KS, Behari S. Efficacy of Double Drug Impregnated Autologous Coagulum Patch versus Single Drug Impregnated Autologous Coagulum Patch in Postoperative Pain Management after Spinal Surgery. Asian J Neurosurg. 2018 Jul-Sep;13(3):614-618.

    64. Gosal JS, Behari S, Joseph J, Jaiswal AK, Sardhara JC, Iqbal M, Mehrotra A, Srivastava AK. Surgical excision of large-to-giant petroclival meningiomas focusing on the middle fossa approaches: The lessons learnt. Neurol India. 2018 Sep-Oct;66(5):1434-1446.

    65. Gupta S, Kumar A, Rangari KV, Mehrotra A, Pal L, Kumar R. Intracranial Peripheral Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor Arising from the Clivus with Intracranial Metastasis in an Elderly Woman: Case Report and Review of the Literature. World Neurosurg. 2018 Nov;119:331-334.

    66. Singh S, Sardhara JC, Khatri D, Joseph J, Parab AN, Bhaisora KS, Das KK, Mehrotra A, Srivastava AK, Behari S. Technical pearls and surgical outcome of early transitional period experience in minimally invasive lumbar discectomy: A prospective study. J Craniovertebr Junction Spine. 2018 Apr-Jun;9(2):122-129.

    67. Das KK, Joseph J, Singh AK, Sharma P, Sardhara J, Bhaisora KS, Mehrotra A, Srivastava AK, Jaiswal S, Sahu RN, Jaiswal AK, Behari S. Capsuloganglionic Germinoma: A Rare Site for Uncommon Childhood Tumor. Asian J Neurosurg. 2018 Apr-Jun;13(2):492-495.

    68. Sharma P, Bhaisora KS, Pandey S, Srivastava AK, Pani KC, Sardhara J, Das KK, Mehrotra A, Sahu RN, Jaiswal AK, Behari S. Aspergilloma Mimicking Olfactory Groove Meningioma. Asian J Neurosurg. 2018 Apr-Jun;13(2):436-439.

    69. Singh AK, Srivastava AK, Pal L, Sardhara J, Yadav R, Singh S, Bhaisora KS, Das KK, Mehrotra A, Sahu RN, Jaiswal AK, Behari S. Extraosseous Primary Intracranial Ewing Sarcoma/peripheral Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor: Series of Seven Cases and Review of Literature. Asian J Neurosurg. 2018 Apr-Jun;13(2):288-296.

    70. Shukla M, Sardhara J, Sahu RN, Sharma P, Behari S, Jaiswal AK, Srivastava AK, Mehrotra A, Das KK, Bhaisora KS. Adult Versus Pediatric Tethered Cord Syndrome: Clinicoradiological Differences and its Management. Asian J Neurosurg. 2018 Apr-Jun;13(2):264-270.

    71. Gupta S, Mehrotra A, Pal L, Bhaisora KS, Jaiswal AK, Kumar R. An Infratentorial Pure Pleomorphic Xanthoastrocytoma Arising from Middle Cerebellar Peduncle: A Rare Location of an Uncommon Tumor. World Neurosurg. 2018 Mar;111:335-340.

    72. Singh V, Vignesh S, Neyaz Z, Phadke RV, Mehrotra A, Mishra P. Detection and Evaluation of Intracranial Aneurysms in the Posterior Fossa by Multidetector Computed Tomography Angiography - Comparison with Digital Subtraction Angiography. Asian J Neurosurg. 2019 Apr-Jun;14(2):491-498.

    73. Singh S, Bhaisora KS, Sardhara J, Das KK, Attri G, Mehrotra A, Srivastava AK, Jasiwal AK, Behari S. Symptomatic extradural spinal arachnoid cyst: More than a simple herniated sac. J Craniovertebr Junction Spine. 2019 Jan-Mar;10(1):64-71.

    74. Parab A, Khatri D, Singh S, Gosal JS, Deora H, Das KK, Verma P, Mehrotra A, Srivastava AK, Behari S, Jaiswal S, Jaiswal AK. Endoscopic Keyhole Retromastoid Approach in Neurosurgical Practice: Ant-Man's View of the Neurosurgical Marvel. World Neurosurg. 2019 Mar 12. pii: S1878-8750(19)30643-6.

    75. Singh S, Kumar A, Mehrotra A, Rao RN, Behari S. Non secretory Paraganglioma in cavernous sinus masquerading as meningioma. World Neurosurg. 2019 Mar 1. pii: S1878-8750(19)30522-4.

    76. Singh S, Marutirao R, Deora H, Das KK, Bhaisora KS, Sardhara J, Parab A, Mehrotra A, Srivastava AK, Jaiswal S, Behari S, Jaiswal AK. Endoscopic Route for Excision of Intraventricular Neurocysticercosis: Light at the End of the Tunnel. World Neurosurg. 2019 Jan 24. pii: S1878-8750(19)30063-4.

    77. Khatri D, Bhaisora K, Das KK, Pandey S, Sardhara J, Mehrotra A, Srivastava AK, Jaiswal A, Behari S, Kumar R, Jaiswal S. Surgical outcome in cortical ependymoma: A single centre experience of 18 cases. J Clin Neurosci. 2019 Feb;60:49-5.

    78. Mehrotra A, Jamdar J, Sharma P, Godbole C, Singh S, Das KK, et al Constipation in degenerative cervico-thoracic spine myelopathy: a simple co-existence or a complex inter-relationship? Eur Spine J. 2017;26(9):2318-23.

    79. Pandey SD, Mehrotra A,Das KK, Bhaisora KS, Sardhara J, Sharma P et al Factors Leading to Oro-Facial Herpetic Eruptions in Patients Undergoing Surgery for Vestibular Schwannoma.World Neurosurg. 2017;102:28-34.

    80. Gupta S, Mehrotra A, Pal L, Bhaisora KS, Jaiswal AK, Kumar R. An Infratentorial Pure Pleomorphic Xanthoastrocytoma Arising from Middle Cerebellar Peduncle: A Rare Location of an Uncommon Tumor. World Neurosurg. 2018 Mar;111:335-340. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2017.12.125. Epub 2017 Dec 28.

    81. Soni N, Mehrotra A, Behari S, Kumar S, Gupta N. Diffusion-tensor Imaging and Tractography Application in Pre-operative Planning of Intra-axial Brain Lesions. Cureus. 2017 Oct 3;9(10):e1739. doi: 10.7759/cureus.1739.

    82. Mehrotra M, Mehrotra A, Nair A, Srivastava A, Sahu RN, Pradhan M, Kumar R. Intracranial hemorrhage from giant aneurysm in pregnancy: A rare association. Asian J Neurosurg. 2017 Jan-Mar;12(1):142-144. doi: 10.4103/1793-5482.145553.

    83. Mehrotra M, Mehrotra A, Nair A, Srivastava A, Sahu RN, Pradhan M, Kumar R. Dissecting intracranial aneurysm in pregnancy: A rare association. Asian J Neurosurg. 2017 Jan-Mar;12(1):127-130. doi: 10.4103/1793-5482.150224.

    84. Jaiswal AK, Yadav S, Sahu RN, Mehrotra A, Behari S, Mahapatra AK. An evaluation of neuroendocrine dysfunction following acute aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: A prospective study. Asian J Neurosurg. 2017 Jan-Mar;12(1):34-36. doi: 10.4103/1793-5482.146395.

    85. Srivastava A, Sardhara J, Behari S, Pavaman S, Joseph J, Das K, Mehrotra A, Jaiswal AK, Bhaishora K. Knock and Drill Technique: A Simple Tips for the Instrumentation in Complex Craniovertebral Junction Anomalies without using Fluoroscopy. J Neurosci Rural Pract. 2017 Jan-Mar;8(1):14-19. doi: 10.4103/0976-3147.193555.

    86. Sridhar K, Turel MK, Tripathi M, Yadav R, Takkar A, Das KK, Mehrotra A, et al, A summary of some of the recently published, seminal papers in neuroscience.Neurol India. 2017 ;65(1):152-164

    87. Gupta S, Chunnilal J, Mehrotra M, Mehrotra A, Srivastava AK, Das KK et al Recurrent Abortion and Tethered Cord Syndrome Caused by Anterior Sacral Meningocele: A Report of a Rare Case with a Review of the Literature.World Neurosurg. 2017;101:815.e5-815.e7.

    88. Pandey P, Turel MK, Tripathi M, Yadav R, Srijithesh PR, Takkar A, Mehta S, Das KK,Mehrotra A. A summary of some of the recently published, seminal papers in neuroscience.Neurol India. 2017;65(2):360-72.

    89. Das KK, Singh S, Sharma P, Mehrotra A, Bhaisora K, Sardhara J et al Results of Proactive Surgical Clipping in Poor-Grade Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Pattern of Recovery and Predictors of Outcome. World Neurosurg. 2017;102:561-70.

    90. Das K, Nair A, Jaiswal S, Sahu R, Srivastava A, Kumar R, Mehrotra A. Supratentorial intermediate grade meningeal melanocytoma with intratumoral bleed in the background of neurocutaneous melanosis: Report of an unusual case and review of literature.Asian J Neurosurg. 2017;12(1):98-102.

    91. Das KK, Gosal JS, Singh S, Mehrotra A, Jaiswal A, Jaiswal S, et al Solitary Cysticercal Cyst Inside the Blake's Pouch Remnant of Mega Cisterna Magna with Associated Aqueductal Stenosis: Clinical and Management Implications. World Neurosurg. 2017;102:693.e1-693.e5.

    92. Das KK, Gosal JS, Sharma P, Mehrotra A, Bhaisora K, Sardhara J, et al Falcine Meningiomas: Analysis of the Impact of Radiologic Tumor Extensions and Proposal of a Modified Preoperative Radiologic Classification Scheme. World Neurosurg. 2017;104:248-58.

    93. Das KK, Bettaswamy GP, Mehrotra A, Jaiswal S, Jaiswal AK, Behari S. Dorsally exophytic glioblastoma arising from the medulla oblongata in an adult presenting as 4thventricular mass.Asian J Neurosurg. 2017;12(2):224-7.

    94. Godbole C, Behari S, Bhaisora KK, Sardhara J, Srivastava A, Mehrotra A,Das KK et al Surgery for superior hypophyseal artery aneurysms: A new classification and surgical considerations. Neurol India. 2017;65(3):588-99.

    95. Singh S, Sardhara J, Sharma P, Srivastava AK, Das KK, Bhaisora KS, Mehrotra A, Jaiswal AK, Behari S, Kumar R. Is it the Monster "Teratoma" or Simply Meningomyelocele: Our Experience of "Histological Surprise". J Pediatr Neurosci. 2017 Apr-Jun;12(2):192-195. doi: 10.4103/jpn.JPN_188_16.

    96. Sridhar K, Turel MK, Tripathi M, Yadav R, Srijithesh PR, Takkar A, Mehta S, Das KK, Mehrotra A et al A summary of some of the recently published, seminal papers in neuroscience. Neurol India. 2017;65(3):607-19.

    97. Gupta S, Pal L, Sardhara JC, Jaiswal AK, Srivastava A, Mehrotra A, Das KK, et al Recurrent or symptomatic residual posterior fossa hemangioblastomas: how are they different from their primary counterparts?Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2017;159(8):1497-1510.

    98. Sridhar K, Turel MK, Tripathi M, Yadav R, Srijithesh PR, Takkar A, Mehta S, Das KK, Mehrotra A et al A summary of some of the recently published, seminal papers in neuroscience.Neurol India. 2017;65(4):850-62.

    99. Singh AK, Srivastava AK, Sardhara J, Bhaisora KS, Das KK, Mehrotra A, et al Skull base bony lesions: Management nuances; a retrospective analysis from a Tertiary Care Centre. Asian J Neurosurg. 2017;12(3):506-13.

    100. Sridhar K, Turel MK, Tripathi M, Yadav R, Srijithesh PR, Takkar A, Mehta S, Das KK, Mehrotra A et al A summary of some of the recently published, seminal papers in neuroscience. Neurol India. 2017;65(5):1112-26.

    101. Sridhar K, Turel MK, Tripathi M, Yadav R, Takkar A, Mehta S, Das KK, Mehrotra A et al A summary of some of the recently published, seminal papers in neuroscience. Neurol India. 2017;65(6):1378-1390.

    102. Mehrotra A, Sharma P, Das KK, Bhaisora KS, Sardhara J, Gupta S, Pandey S, Jaiswal AK, Sahu RN, Srivastava AK, Behari S Mirror aneurysms among multiple aneurysms: Lesser of the two evils. World Neurosurg. 2016 Aug;92:126-32. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2016.04.124

    103. Mehrotra A, Jamdar J,Verma A, Das KK, Sardhara JC, Bhaisora KS, Behari S, Jaiswal AK, Sahu RN, Srivastava AK, Gosal JS.Rectal manometric findings and associated clinical changes in myelopathy from extradural spine pathologies.World Neurosurg. 2016;90:45-50.DOI:

    104. Sharrma P, Mehrotra A, Das KK, Bhaisora KS, Sardhara J, Srivastava AK, Sahu RN, Jaiswal AK, Behari S. Factors affecting outcome in surgically managed cases of multiple aneurysms. World J Neurosurg 2016;90:29-37. DOI:

    105. Mehrotra A, Srivastava A, Sahu RN, Kumar R. Role of effective canal diameter in assessing the pre-operative and the post-operative status of patients with bony Cranio-vertebral anomalies. Asian J Neurosurg 2016;11:396-401

    106. Mehrotra A, Srivastava A, Sahu RN, Kumar R. Evaluation of Modified Kumar and Kalra myelopathy scoring System in sub-axial spinal pathologies. Asian J Neurosurg 2016;11:378-83.

    107. Sardhara J, Pavaman S, Das K, Srivastava A, Mehrotra A, Behari S.Congenital spondylolytic spondylolisthesis of C2 vertebra associated with atlanto-axial dislocation, Chiari type 1 malformation and anomalous vertebral artery: A case report with review of literature. World Neurosurg. 2016 Aug 12. pii: S1878-8750(16)30676-3. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2016.08.010. [Epub ahead of print]

    108. Singh B, Behari S, Jaiswal AK, Sahu RN, Mehrotra A, Mohan BM, et al. Spinal arteriovenous malformations: Is surgery indicated?. Asian J Neurosurg 2016;11:134-42.

    109. A summary of some of the recently published papers in Neuroscience. Sridhar K, Turel MK, Kumar N, Garg RK, Paliwal V, Das KK, Mehrotra A. Neurol India. 2016;64:137-51

    110. A summary of some of the recently published seminal papers in Neuroscience. Sridhar K, Turel MK, Bhoi SK, Das KK, Mehrotra A. Neurol India. 2016; 64:311-24.

    111. Sridhar K, Turel MK, Mukherjee KK, Tripathi M, Singh V, Das KK, Mehrotra A. A summary of some of the recently published seminal papers in neurosciences. Neurol India 2016;64(2): 137-51.

    112. Sridhar K, Paliwal V, Kohat AK, Takkar A, Yadav R, Turel MK, Tripathi M, Das KK, Mehrotra A.A summary of some of the recently published, seminal papers in neuroscience. Neurol India. 2016; 64(4):758-81

    113. Bettaswamy G, Ambesh P, Das KK, Sahu R, Srivastava A, Mehrotra A, et al. Extradural spinal meningioma: Revisiting a rare entity. J Craniovert Jun Spine 2016;7:65-8.

    114. Sharma P, Das KK, Mehrotra A, Srivastava AK, Sahu RN, Jaiswal A, et al. Cervicomedullary intramedullary peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor with intratumoral bleed: Report of one case and review of literature. J Craniovert Jun Spine 2016;7:111-4.

    115. Sindgikar PP, Das KK, Jaiswal AK, Sahu RN, Srivastava AK, Mehrotra A, Sardhara JC, Bhaisora KS, Behari S. Resurgery in Craniovertebral Junction Abnormalities. Neurosurgery. 2016; 63 (Suppl 1):168

    116. Bhaisora KS, Godbole C, Das KK, Mehrotra A, Jayesh S, Sahu RN, Behari S, Srivastava AK, Jaiswal AK. Delayed intramedullary abscess in operated case of spinal lipoma. J Pediatr Neurosci. 2016 Jul-Sep;11(3):234-236.

    117. Singh S, Sardhara J, Singh AK, Srivastava AK, Bhaisora KS, Das KK, Mehrotra A, Sahu RN, Jaiswal AK, Behari S. Spinal intradural hydatid cyst causing arachnoiditis: A rare etiology of cauda equina syndrome. J Craniovertebr Junction Spine. 2016 Oct-Dec;7(4):282-284.

    118. Bhaisora KS, Godbole C, Das KK, Mehrotra A, Jayesh S, Sahu RN, Behari S, Srivastava AK, Jaiswal AK. Delayed intramedullary abscess in operated case of spinal lipoma. J Pediatr Neurosci. 2016 Jul-Sep;11(3):234-236.

    119. Sridhar K, Turel MK, Tripathi M, Yadav R, Takkar A, Das KK, Mehrotra A, Malhotra HS. A summary of some of the recently published, seminal papers in neuroscience. Neurol India. 2016 Nov-Dec;64(6):1285-1302. doi: 10.4103/0028-3886.193784

    120. Sindgikar P, Das KK, Sardhara J, Bhaisora KS, Srivastava AK, Mehrotra A, Jaiswal AK, Sahu RN, Behari S. Craniovertebral junction anomalies: When is resurgery required? Neurol India. 2016 Nov-Dec;64(6):1220-1232. doi: 10.4103/0028-3886.193781.

    121. Sardhara J, Pavaman S, Das K, Srivastava A, Mehrotra A, Behari S. Congenital Spondylolytic Spondylolisthesis of C2 Vertebra Associated With Atlanto-Axial Dislocation, Chiari Type I Malformation, and Anomalous Vertebral Artery: Case Report With Review Literature. World Neurosurg. 2016 Nov;95:621.e1-621.e5. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2016.08.010. Epub 2016 Aug 12. Review.

    122. Sindgikar PP, Das KK, Jaiswal AK, Sahu RN, Srivastava AK, Mehrotra A, Sardhara JC, Bhaisora KS, Behari S. Resurgery in Craniovertebral Junction Abnormalities. Neurosurgery. 2016 Aug;63 Suppl 1:168. doi: 10.1227/01.neu.0000489740.77340.df

    123. Sridhar K, Tripathi M, Yadav R, Takkar A, Turel MK, Das KK, Mehrotra A. A summary of some of the recently published, seminal papers in neuroscience. Neurol India. 2016 Sep-Oct;64(5):1016-32. doi: 10.4103/0028-3886.190294.

    124. Sridhar K, Paliwal V, Kohat AK, Takkar A, Yadav R, Turel MK, Tripathi M, Das KK, Mehrotra A. A summary of some of the recently published, seminal papers in neuroscience. Neurol India. 2016 Jul-Aug;64(4):758-81. doi: 10.4103/0028-3886.185387

    125. Singh G, Mehrotra A, Sardhara J, Das KK, Jamdar J, Pal L, Srivastava AK, Sahu RN, Jaiswal AK, Behari S. Multiple glioblastomas: Are they different from their solitary counterparts? Asian J Neurosurg 2015;10:266-71

    126. Sridhar K, Mehrotra A, Pandey S. A summary of some of the recently published seminal papers in Neuroscience. Neurol India 2015;63:762-70.

    127. Sridhar K, Mehrotra A. A summary of some of the recently published seminal papers in Neuroscience. Neurol India 2015;63:597-603.

    128. Sahu RK, Das KK, Bhaisora KS, Singh AK, Mehrotra A, Srivastava AK, Sahu RN, Jaiswal AK, Behari S. Pediatric intramedullary spinal cord lesions: Pathological spectrum and outcome of surgery. J Pediatr Neurosci 2015;10:214-21.

    129. Singh G, Das KK, Sharma P, Bettaswamy G, Jaiswal S, Mehrotra A, Srivastava AK, Sahu RN, Jaiswal AK, Behari S Cerebral Gliosarcoma: Analysis of 16 patients and review of literature Asian J Neurosurg. 2015; 10:195-202.

    130. Shukla M, Behari S, B G, Das KK, Mehrotra A, Srivastava AK, SahuRN,Jaiswal AK, Jain M. Spinal neurenteric cysts: Associated developmental anomalies and rationale of surgical approaches. Acta Neurochir (Wien).2015; 157:1601-10.

    131. Singh D, Behari S, Jaiswal AK, Sahu RN, Srivastava AK, Mehrotra A, Dabadgaon P. Pediatric anterior visual pathway gliomas: trends in fluid and electrolyte dynamics and their management nuances. Childs Nerv Syst.2015; 31: 359-71.

    132. Sardhara J, Behari S, Mohan BM, Jaiswal AK, Sahu RN, Srivastava A, Mehrotra A, Lal H. Risk stratification of vertebral artery vulnerability during surgery for congenital atlanto-axial dislocation with or without an occipitalized atlas.Neurol India. 2015; 63: 82- 91.

    133. Ashish K, Prasad G, Das KK, Mehrotra A, Srivastava AK, Sahu RN, Jaiswal S, Jaiswal AK, Behari S Olfactory groove meningioma: an analysis based on 24 cases International Journal of Advanced Research 2015;3:126-33.

    134. Nair AP, Mehrotra A, Das KK, Kumar B, Srivastava AK, Sahu RN, Kumar R Calvarial tuberculosis of the parietal bone: A rare complication after dental extraction. Asian J Neurosurg. 2015;10:219-21.

    135. Kumar R, Das KK, Mehrotra A, Srivastava AK, Sahu RN, Jaiswal AK, Behari S Clear cell meningioma: A case report and review of literature-Asian J Neurosurg 2015; 10: 53-55.

    136. Bhaisora KS, Sharma P, Srivastava AK, Mehrotra A, Das KK, Sardhara J, et al. Single staged complete length excision of the holocord ependymoma: Team work. J Pediatr Neurosci 2015;10: 396-8.

    137. Ashish K, Sardhara J, Jaiswal S, Jaiswal A, Das K, Mehrotra A Intracranial myxoma: A case report and review of literature African Jour of Neurosciences 2015; 33: 75-9

    138. Bhaisora KS, Jaiswal AK, Mehrotra A, Sahu RN, Srivastava A, Jaiswal S, Behari S. Solitary juvenile xanthogranuloma of the cervical spine in a child: A case report and review of literature. Asian J Neurosurg. 2015; 10: 57.

    139. Nair P, Sardhara J, Kumar A, Mehrotra A, Srivastava AK, Kumar R ,Sahu RN, Das KK, Bhaisora KS. Deep vein thrombosis in a neurosurgical intensive care: An institutional experience. Indian J Neurosurg 2014;3:93-6

    140. Sardhara JC, Ashish K, Mehrotra A, Srivastava AK, Das KK. Acromesomelic dysplasia (Marotaeux type) associated with craniovertebral junction anomaly: A report of a rare case and review of literature. Indian J Neurosurg 2014;3:106-9.

    141. Nair A, Mehrotra A, Das KK, Srivastava AK, Sahu RN, Kumar R. A Clinico-radiological profile and nuances in the management of cervicomedullary junction intramedullary tumours. Asian J Neurosurg. 2014;9(1):21-8.

    142. Das KK, Nair P, Mehrotra A, Sardhara J,Sahu RN, Jaiswal AK, Kumar R Remote cerebellar hemorrhage: Report of 2 cases and review of literature. Asian J Neurosurg. 2014;9(3):161-4.

    143. Das KK, Kumar R, Kumar A, Guruprasad B, Mehrotra A, Jaiswal S, Sahu RN, Jaiswal AK, Behari S. Extramedullary foramen magnum tumours and their surgical management: An experience with 29 cases. Asian J Neurosurg 2014;9(4):223-32

    144. Behari S, Das KK, Kumar A, Mehrotra A, Srivastava AK, Sahu RN, Jaiswal AK. Large/giant meningiomas of posterior third ventricular region: Falcotentorial or velum interpositum? Neurol India 2014; 62 : 290-5.

    145. Kumar R, Das KK, Sahu RK, Sharma P, Mehrotra A, Srivastava AK, Sahu RN, Jaiswal AK, Behari S. Angio negative spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage: Is repeat angiogram required in all cases? Surg Neurol Int. 2014; 5: 125.

    146. Ashish K, Das KK, Mehrotra A, Jaiswal A, Jaiswal S, Sahu R, Srivastav A. Intracranial dural metastasis presenting as chronic subdural hematoma: a case report and review of literature. Turk Neurosurg. 2014; 24 : 992-5.

    147. Jaiswal, A, Jaiswal S, Mehrotra A, Srivastava A, Sahu RN, Behari S. "Choroid plexus papilloma in children: an analysis of 18 cases." (2014, June) in Neuro-oncology 2014;16:107.

    148. Mehrotra A, Chunnilal JS,Das KK, Srivastava A, Kumar R. Atlanto-axial dislocation associated with anomalous single vertebral artery and agenesis of unilateral internal carotid artery. Asian J Neurosurg 2013;8(3):1-3.

    149. Kumar R, Mehrotra A, Banerji S. Neuro-orthopaedic conditions in spina bifida: natural course and their management and long term outcomes. Childs Nerv Syst. 2013;29:1581-87.

    150. Sardhara J C, Behari S, Jaiswal AK, Srivastava AK, Sahu RN, Mehrotra A, Phadke S. Syndromic versus non-syndromicatlantoaxial dislocation: Do clinico-radiological differences have a bearing on management?ActaNeurochiruga(Wien) 155(7): 1157-1167, 2013.

    151. Mehrotra A, Das KK, Nair A, Kumar R, Srivastava A, Sahu RN, Kumar R. Paediatric Craniovertebral junction tuberculosis: Management nuances. Childs Nerv Syst. 2013;29;809-14.

    152. Mehrotra A, Behari S, Jaiswal AK, Sahu RN. Surgery for Spontaneous Intracranial Haemorrhage: Is it needed? CME Conference book, NEUROCON 2013; 32-8.

    153. Mehrotra A, Das KK, Nair A, Kumar R, Srivastava A, Sahu RN, Kumar R. Paediatric Craniovertebral junction tuberculosis: Management nuances. Childs Nerv Syst. 2013;29;809-14.

    154. Singh DK, Das KK, Mehrotra A, Srivastava AK, Jaiswal AK, Gupta P, Behari S, Kumar R. Aggressive osteoblastoma involving the craniovertebral junction: A case report and review of literature. J Craniovert Jun Spine 2013; 4: 69-72.

    155. Das KK, Mehrotra A, Sahu RN, Srivastava AK, Jaiswal AK, Behari S. Unilateral lateral mass hypertrophy: An extremely rare congenital anomaly of Atlas. J Craniovert Jun Spine 2013;4:73-5

    156. Mehrotra A, Nair A, Das KK, Sardhara JC, Srivastava A, Sahu RN, Kumar R. Congential Paediatric Atlanto-axial Dislocation: Clinico-radiological profile and surgical outcome. Childs Nerv Syst. 2012;28(11): 1943-50

    157. Mehrotra A, Nair A, Das KK, Srivastava A, Sahu RN, Kumar R. Clinical , radiological profile and outcome of patients of Paediatric intra-cranial aneurysms. J Neurosug:Paediatrics 2012; 24:1-7.

    158. Das KK, Mehrotra A, Nair A, Kumar S, Srivastava A, Sahu RN, Kumar R. PaediatricGlioblastoma: Clinicoradiological profile and factors affecting outcome. Childs Nerv Syst. 2012;28(12):2055-62.

    159. Nair A, Kumar R, Mehrotra A, Srivastava A, Sahu RN, Nair P. Clinical, radiological profile and outcome in pediatric spetzler-martin grades I-III arteriovenous malformations. Childs Nerv Syst. 2012;28(4):593-8.

    160. Kumar B, Kumar R, Sahu RN , Srivastava AK , Nair A,Mehrotra A. Surgically repaired posttraumatic CSF rhinorrhea - an institutional experience and review of literature. Ind J Neurosurg. 2012; 1(1): 23-7.

    161. Jha VC, Srivastava A, Mehrotra A, Kumar R. A case series of 12 patients with Incidental Asymptomatic Dandy Walker Syndrome and management. Childs Nerv Syst.2012;28(6):861-7.

    162. Das KK, Mehrotra A, Srivastava A, Sahu RN, Kumar R. An unusual case of post- traumatic intradiploic leptomeningeal cyst and review of literature. Neurol India. 2012; 60(2):31-2.

    163. Rajput D, Mehrotra A, Srivastava A, Kumar R, Rao RN.Cerebral phaeohyphomycosis mimicking glioma. PanArab J Neurosurg2011 ;15(1): 87-90.

    164. Jaiswal AK, Mehrotra A, Kumar B, Jaiswal S, Vij M, Behari S, Pal L.Lipomatous Meningioma: A study of fivecases with brief reveiw of literature. Neurol India 2011;59(1): 87-91.

    165. Jaiswal S, Vij M, Mehrotra A, Jaiswal AK, Srivastava AK, Behari S .A clinicopathological andneuroradiological study of 12 patients with paediatricmeningiomas from a single centre.J ClinNeurosci 2011;18(8):1084-9.

    166. Kumar R, Kawal P, MehrotraA ,Mahapatra A K.Low grade medullary astrocytoma presenting withsupratentorial malignant glioma. Is it dissemination and malignant transformation ? J PaedNeurol2011;9(2):265-9.

    167. Jaiswal S, Vij M, Rajput D,Mehrotra A, Jaiswal AK, Srivastava AK, Behari S, Krishnani N. A clinicopathological ,immunohistochemical and neuroradiological study of eight patients with central neurocytoma. J ClinNeurosci 2011; 18(3):334-9.

    168. Rajput D, Mehrotra A, Srivastava AK, Kumar R, Mahapatra A K. Bilateral thalamic glioma in a 6-year-oldchild. J PaediatrNeurosci 2010; 5:45-8


    1. Manogaran RS, Bhuskute GS, Mehrotra A, Mathialagan A, Dubey AK, Behari S. Transfacial approach for an extensive facial haemangioma with infra-orbital and infratemporal fossa extension. Operative Manual of Neurosurgery: a step by step pictorial Atlas, Jaypee Publishers, Balaji Pai S (Editor-in-chief) Vol 1 pg 623-38

    2. Rangari KV, Mehrotra A, Sardhar J. Corpus Callostomy Operative Manual of Neurosurgery: a step by step pictorial Atlas, Jaypee Publishers, Balaji Pai S (Editor-in-chief) Vol 2 pg 1016-25

    3. Sardhara J, Mehrotra A, Kumar A, Mani VE, Nangarwal B. Functional Hemispherotomy: Vertical parasagittal hemispherotomy (Delande procedure). Operative Manual of Neurosurgery: a step by step pictorial Atlas, Jaypee Publishers, Balaji Pai S (Editor-in-chief) Vol 2 pg 1025-33.

    4. Rangari KV, Dikshit P, Mehrotra A. Surgery for syringomyelia. Operative Manual of Neurosurgery: a step by step pictorial Atlas, Jaypee Publishers, Balaji Pai S (Editor-in-chief) Vol 2 pg 1489-96

    5. Kumar A, Sardhar J, Mehrotra A. Expanding horizons of endoscopic spine surgery. Operative Manual of Neurosurgery: a step by step pictorial Atlas, Jaypee Publishers, Balaji Pai S (Editor-in-chief) Vol 2 pg 1509-17

    6. Jaiswal AK, Arulalan M, Ravishankar M, Nangarwal B, Raiyani V, Das KK, Mehrotra A Clival Chordoma excision via extended endonasal transsphenoidal approach, Operative Manual of Neurosurgery: a step by step pictorial Atlas, Jaypee Publishers, Balaji Pai S (Editor-in-chief) Vol 2, pg 913-925, 2022

    7. Jaiswal AK, Mehrotra A, Das KK, Verma PK, Dixit P Endoscopic Surgery for Intraventricular Tumors in Progress in Clinical Neurosciences, Volume 5, pages 133-142, Thieme Publishers, 2022

    8. Behari Sanjay, Mehrotra A, Datta A, Verma PK. Lateral Sphenoid wing meningioma. Bohr publication, Meningioma: PGINS monograph series Chapter 28, 373-383.

    9. Jaiswal AK, Dikshit P, Deivasigamani B, Dwivedi VK, Verma PK, Das KK, Mehrotra A, Jaiswal S. Orbital Meningiomas. Bohr publication, Meningioma: PGINS monograph series Chapter 19, 249-259.

    10. Mehrotra A, Dikshit P, Rangari K, Das SK, Jaiswal AK. Endoscopic Interlaminar approach for hypertrophied/ossified ligamentum flavum and extradural arachnoid cyst in the thoracic spine. Neuroendoscopic surgery: A comprehensive approach

    11. Mehrotra A, Kumar S, Verma PK, Das KK, Jaiswal AK. Endoscopic Interlaminar approach for tethered cord syndrome. Neuroendoscopic surgery: A comprehensive approach.

    12. Verma PK, Mehrotra A, Das KK, Singh S. Parietal parasagittal craniotomy in prone position for excision of a parasagittal meningioma. The operative atlas of Neurosurgery. Chapter 1.15, 163-170.Thieme publication

    13. Verma PK, Mehrotra A, Jaiswal AK, Dikshit P. Anterior interhemispheric approach to an interhemispheric epidermoid. The operative atlas of Neurosurgery. Chapter 1.24, 253-260.Thieme publication

    14. Dikshit P, Verma PK, Mehrotra A. Anterior temporal lobectomy with tumour resection for a patient with temporal lobe glioma presenting with epilepsy. The operative atlas of Neurosurgery. Chapter 1.35, 399-414. Thieme publication

    15. Mehrotra A, Manogaran RS, Mathialagan A, Rangari K, Kanjilal S. Surgery for vagal paraganglioma. The operative atlas of Neurosurgery. Chapter 3.3, 611-622. Thieme publication

    16. Mehrotra A, Manogaran RS, Mathialagan A, Attri GS, Rangari KV, Verma PK. Preauricular transmandibular excision of an infratemporal fossa trigeminal schwannoma. The operative atlas of Neurosurgery. Chapter 5.5, 745-756. Thieme publication

    17. Mehrotra A, Kumar A, Dikshit P, Kumar S, Verma PK. Endoscopic excision of an intradural - extradural extramedullary schwannoma of the thoracic spine. The operative atlas of Neurosurgery. Chapter 8.9, 1393-1404. Thieme publication

    18. Manogaran RS, Singh N, Mehrotra A, Mathialagan A, Keshri AK. Fisch type A-infratemporal fossa approach for excision of a glomus jugulare. The operative atlas of Neurosurgery. Chapter 5.6, 757-776. Thieme publication

    19. Mehrotra A, Baghel S, Manogaran RS, Attri GS, Kanjilal S, Dikshit P, Verma PK. Laminectomy and excision of a giant dumb-bell shaped schwannoma situated at the atlanto-axial level. The operative atlas of Neurosurgery. Chapter 8.10, 1405-1418. Thieme publication

    20. Manogaran RS, Bhuskute GS, Mathialagan A, Das KK, Mehrotra A, Pearly PK, Singh N. Fisch type D- Pre auricular infratemporal fossa approach for excision of a carcinoma-ex-pleomorphic adenoma of the parotid. The operative atlas of Neurosurgery. Chapter 5.9, 813-826. Thieme publication

    21. Manogaran RS, Baghel SS, Mehrotra A, Verma PK, Bhuskute GS, Singh N. Intra-diploic epidermoid cyst of the temporal bone. The operative atlas of Neurosurgery. Chapter 5.13, 863-872. Thieme publication

    22. Mehrotra A, Jaiswal AK, Behari S. Brain tumour: An overview. Chapter in the souvenir of Indian Medical Association

    23. Mehrotra A, Behari S, Jaiswal AK, Sahu RN, Srivastava AK, Das KK, Guruprasad. Spontaneous Intracranial haemorrhage: Role of surgery. Chapter in Journal of Indian Medical association

    24. Behari S, Guruprasdh B, Mehrotra A. Half and half approach to the skull base. Atlas of Neurootology and lateral skull base surgery


  • Bhaisora KS, Behari S, Gosal JS, Mehrotra A, Das KK. Extreme and Far lateral transcondylar approach: Has the technique been relegated to the Mesozoic era? Neither to be learnt or to be utilized. Progress in Clinical Neurosciences, Chapter 12; 129-144.
  • 26. Behari S, Mehrotra A, Sardhara J, Guruprasad B, Sahu RN. A patient with cerebellopontine angle syndrome Practical Neurosurgery: A study of clinical cases, Chapter 14; 127-144.

    27. >Mehrotra A, Khatri D, Honna R. Endoscopic discectomy: The interlaminar approach. Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery: A Ready Reckoner. Chapter 11;81-87.

    28. Mehrotra A, Sardhara J, Paliwal V. Presurgical evaluation for epilepsy surgery. Neurosciences update:Back to Basics. 2019

    29. Mehrotra A, Joseph J, Tandon A. Minimally invasive trans-foraminal lumbar interbody fusion(MI-TLIF). Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery: A Ready Reckoner. Chapter 14; 121-129.

    30. Behari S, Mehrotra A. Guideline for management of Craniovertebral junction tuberculosis. AOSPINE guidelines