Patient Care

    OPD Schedule


    Name of the Clinic

    Days on which held


    Hematology OPD

    (New Registrations and Follow up)

    Tuesday and Thursday


    Chemotherapy OPD

    Monday to Saturday


    MPN Clinic



    Myeloma Clinic



    Aplastic Anemia Clinic



    Bone marrow transplant OPD

    Tuesday and Thursday

  • The Dept has a General Haematology Ward, an acute leukemia ward, a BMT ward, a chemotherapy ward and a day care facility.
  • The Dept of Haematology is the only centre of the State of Uttar Pradesh, performing Haemopoietic Stem cell/Bone Marrow Transplants (HSCT/BMT). Till date 94 transplants have been performed, 63 allogeneic and 30 autologous, with a 100-day mortality of 19% and overall survival of 65.2%. The Dept has also performed successfully two haploidentical HSCT.
  • The Dept also has a dedicated Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML) ward with 06 HEPA filter isolation rooms. Strict barrier nursing care and ready availability of intensive care facilities in this ward has resulted in less than 5% mortality in AML inductions.
  • The Dept also offers round the clock services for granulocyte transfusions which has dramatically brought down the mortality in patients with neutropenic sepsis, especially in those with multi drug resistant organisms.
  • For highly specialised care and data management, the Dept runs Specialty OPD Clinics from Monday-Saturday, with each day of the week earmarked for a set of haematological disorders.
  • The Dept. has a nodal role to play in the haemophilia care of the State of U.P. and coordinates with 26 district hemophilia treatment centres of the State, to provide comprehensive Haemophilia care including Clotting Factor Concentrate (CFC) replacement therapy, Immune tolerance induction therapy, physiotherapy and genetic counselling. The National Health Mission (NHM)/UP State Govt provides funds for supply of free CFC to all the haemophilia patients of the State. Dr Soniya Nityanand has been designated as the State Nodal Officer (Uttar Pradesh) for the Hemophilia Program.
  • The Dept gets financial support for HSCT/BMT of thalassemia patients, under an MOU signed between the Coal India Limited (CIL)-Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoH&FW) and SGPGIMS, in 2018. In addition, the Department also offers services for haemoglobinopathy diagnosis, genetic counselling of families and State Govt supported free transfusion support and chelation for thalassemic children.
  • The Dept through the Cuddles Foundation, is one of the few centres in the country offering nutritional support to its Paediatric patients, which plays a vital role in the outcome to chemotherapy in paediatric patients
  • Inpatient Services

    In patient ward beds: 63

    Chemotherapy Ward: 14

    Acute Leukemia Ward: 25

    General Ward: 24

    Day Care Chemotherapy beds: 10

    Bone Marrow Transplant beds: 09

    Laboratories Pertaining to the Department


    1.Morphology lab. The lab deals with complete blood count, peripherals smears examination, bone marrow aspiration smears, bone marrow biopsy, Lymph node biopsy and immunohistochemistry services. The lab is equipped with a decahead and trihead microscope used reporting and teaching. Morphology lab is enrolled in external quality assurance (EQA) program conducted by AIIMS, New Delhi. List of Services and turnaround time (TAT) are:






    6 hrs

    Serum Erythropoietin

    7 days


    6 hrs

    Specific Immunophenotyping

    4-5 days

    Mean Platelet Volume

    6 hrs

    Lymphoma Screening panel

    4-5 days

    Red Cell distribution width

    6 hrs

    Lymphoma Diagnostic Panel

    4-5 days

    Peripheral Smear Examination

    24 hrs

    Leukaemia Panel

    4-5 days

    Bone Marrow  Aspirate

    48 hrs

    Review of BM aspirate/Imprint

    1-2 days

    Bone Marrow-Biopsy

    4 days

    Small Biopsy/Lymph Node Biopsy

    3-4   days


    2.     Coagulation Lab: The coagulation lab of the department is one of the state-of-the-art labs which perform several routine as well as specialized investigations related to bleeding and coagulation disorders. The lab is enrolled in external quality assurance (EQA) program conducted by CMC Vellore. The lab is also one of the nodal centres for regional training programme conducted by world federation of haemophilia (WFH).List of Services and turnaround time (TAT) are as follows:





    Caogulation Screen (PT, aPTT, TT)


    Protein C


    Factor VIII/FIX  Levels

    3 Day

    Protein S


    Factor VIII inhibitor assay

    3 Day

    Anti B2 GP1


    Factor IX inhibitor assay


    Antithrombin III


    Factor XIII Screening assay


    Lupus Anticoagulant


    Factor X functional Assay


    Factor V Leiden mutation


    Factor V Functional Assay


    Platelet Function test


    Factor VII functional Assay


    Ristocetin Induced Platelet aggregation


    Von Willebrand Assay


    Fibrinogen Assay

    4 hrs


    3.     Flow Cytometry Lab: The lab is involved on a date to day basis in the diagnosis, classification, and monitoring of hematological disorders. It is one of the few labs in India which perform is 10 colour experiments on a routine basis. The lab is enrolled in the external quality assurance/Inter lab comparison program (ILCP) conducted by Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai. List of Services and turnaround time (TAT) are as follows:





    Acute Leukemia Screen Panel

    2 days

    CLL panel

    2 days

    Acute Leukemia Panel -Comprehensive

    2-3 days

    CLPD panel

    2-3 days

    PNH Screening Panel

    2 days

    Osmotic Fragility Test by Flow

    1 day

    MDS Screening Panel

    2-3 days

    CD34+ HSC analysis

    4 hrs

    B/T Minimal Residual Disease panel

    2 days

    Clonality Assay/

    1 day

    T Minimal Residual Disease panel

    2 days

    Customised panel for LL

    2-3 days


    4. Myeloma Lab: The lab is involved in the diagnosis and monitoring of multiple myeloma patients. A good number of patients suspected to have a plasma cell disorder are catered by the department. List of Services and turnaround time (TAT) are as follows:





    Serum Protein Electrophoresis

    3-4 days

    Serum Immunofixation

    3-4 days

    Serum Free Light Chain

    3-4 days

    Beta 2 microglobulin

    3-4 days

    Serum/Plasma Viscosity

    1-2 days

    Urine Protein electrophoresis

    3-4 days


    5. Microbial Hematology Lab: This lab is created lab with an aim to perform the specialized investigations related to microbial infestation in pateitns of Stem cells transplant and other hematological disorders.





    Glactomannan Antigen assay

    4 days




    6. Transplant biology lab: The transplant biology lab is involved in Human Leucocyte Antigen (HLA) typing for the potential bone marrow/haematopoietic stem cell transplantation patient.  Family screening is done using sequence specific primer based low to intermediate resolution HLA typing. Post-transplant monitoring of patients with chimerism analysis is also being performed using variable number tandem repeats (VNTR) sequences on a capillary sequencer. List of Services and turnaround time (TAT) are as follows:





    HLA Typing (Class I & II), Low resolution

    5 days

    HLA Typing Class II

    5 days

    Chimerism analysis

    4         days




    7. Molecular Haematology lab: The molecular haematology lab is involved in the diagnosis and monitoring of hematological neoplasm. Several RNA and DNA based tests are performed in the lab. List of Services and turnaround time (TAT) are as follows:





    BCR-ABL1 qualitative analysis

    5 days

    JAK2 V617F Mutation

    5 days

    BCR-ABL1 Quantitative assay- IS

    7 days

    CALR Mutation

    5 days

    RT- PCR  for AML-ETO

    5 days

    MPL Mutation

    5 days


    2 days

    NPM1 mutation

    5 days

    RT PCR for Inv16

    5 days

    FLT3 mutation

    5 days

    RT-PCR for MLL-AF4

    5 days

    BCR-ABL1 TKD Mutation

    7 days

    RT-PCR for TEL-AML

    5 days

    B RAF V600E mutation

    5 days

    RT- PCR for E2A-PBX

    5 days

    MYD88 mutation

    5 days


    2   days




    8.  Cancer Cytogenetics lab: The cancer cytogenetic lab is involved in conventional karyotyping and fluorescence in situ hybridization assay for the patients with haematological neoplasm. Additionally, chromosome breakage analysis using stress cytogenetics is also being performed.

    Test Parameter


    Test Parameter


    ALL Reflex FISH panel

    7 days

    FISH for ABL1 rearrangement

    7 days

    Multiple Myeloma FISH panel

    7-10 days

    FISH for CRLF2 gene rearrangement

    7 days

    Double Hit Lymphoma FISH panel, c-MYC, BCL2 & BCL6 gene rearrangement

    7 days

    FISH for PDGFR genes rearrangement

    7 days

    FISH for t(15;17)/PML-RARa fusion

    24 hours

    FISH for PDGFRagene rearrangement

    7 days

    FISH for ATM(11q22)/TP53(17p13) gene deletion in CLL)

    7 days

    FISH for PDGFRbgene rearrangement

    7 days

    FISH for inv(16)/CBFb rearrangement

    7 days

    FISH for KMT2A (MLL) gene rearrangement

    7 days

    FISH for del(7q)/(5q)

    7 days

    FISH for t(12;21)/ETV6-RUNX1 fusion

    7 days

    FISH for c-MYC gene rearrangement

    7 days

    FISH for BCL2 (18q21) gene rearrangement

    7 days

    FISH for t(11;14)/IgH-CCND1 fusion

    7 days

    FISH for IgH(14q32) gene rearrangement

    7 days

    FISH for del(17p13)/TP53 deletion

    7 days

    FISH for t(9;22)/BCR-ABL1

    7 days

    Stress Cytogenetics (Chromosomal breakage study from Peripheral blood)


    FISH for ABL1 gene rearrangement

    7 days

    Karyotyping from BM aspirate/ PB sample

    14-21 days

    FISH for CRLF2 gene rearrangement

    7 days