
    1. Rahman K, Singh MK, Chandra D, Gupta R, Sarkar MK, Gupta P, Gupta A, Yadav S, Kashyap R, Nityanand S. CD26 expression on circulating CD34+/CD38- progenitor population is a specific and reliable tool for the rapid flow cytometric diagnosis of chronic myeloid leukemia-A single-center validation study. Int J Lab Hematol. 2022 Mar 21. doi: 10.1111/ijlh.13826. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35315228.

    2. Gupta A, Pandharipande A, Gupta M, Hashim Z, Sanjeev, Chauhan P, Gupta R, Chandra D, Singh MK, Kashyap R, Rahman K. Role of T Lymphocyte Activation Profile in Predicting SARS-CoV-2 Severity: Experience from Tertiary Care Centre of North India. Indian J Hematol Blood Transfus. 2023 Jan;39(1):15-24.

    3. Gupta, R., Gupta, P., Rahman, K. et al. Immunophenotypic Characterization and Ploidy Analysis of Neoplastic Plasma Cells by Multiparametric Flow Cytometry. Indian J Hematol Blood Transfus (2021).

    4. Singh, M.K., Paswan, V., Dwivedi, S. Gupta R, Rahman K, Chandra D, Yadav S, Gupta A, Kashyap R, Nityanand S. An Analysis of M-protein in Plasma cell Dyscrasia Patients Identifies that IgG Lambda Subtype is More Commonly Associated with Normal Serum Free Light Chain (SFLC) Ratio. Ind J ClinBiochem (2021).

    5. Chandra D, Singh MK, Gupta R, Rahman K, Yadav DD, Sarkar MKS, Gupta A, Sanjeev, Kashyap R, Nityanand S. Clinicopathological and immunophenotypic features of Early T Precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia: a flow cytometry score for the initial diagnosis. Int J Lab Hemat. 2021 Dec; 43(6):1417-1423.

    6. JyotikaSrivastavaChandraP.ChaturvediKhaliqurRahmanRuchiGupta(corresponding author)Akhilesh SharmaDinesh ChandraManish K. SinghAnshulGuptaSanjeev YadavSoniya Nityanand Differential expression of miRNAs and theirtargetgenes:Exploringanewperspectiveofacquiredaplasticanemiapathogenesis.

    7. Sujeet Kumar, Sanjeev, KhaliqurRahman, Manish Kumar Singh, Dinesh Chandra, AnshulGupta,RuchiGupta,RajeshKashyap&SoniyaNityanandWaldenstromMacroglobulinemia:Clinico-pathologicalProfileandTreatmentOutcomes ofPatientsfromaTertiaryCareCentreofNorthIndia.

    8. GuptaR,YadavS,ParasharY,etal.Morphologicalcharacteristics,cytogeneticprofile,andoutcome of RUNX1-RUNX1T1-positive acute myeloid leukemia: Experience of an Indiantertiary care center [published online ahead of print, 2019 Nov 14]. Int J Lab Hematol.2019;10.1111/ijlh.13121.

    9. GuptaR,YadavS,MittalN,RahmanK,SharmaA,GuptaA,NityanandS.Clinicopathologicalspectrumofhairy-cellleukemia:Asingle-centerstudywithbriefreviewof Indian literature.JCan ResTher [Epub aheadofprint][cited2019Jul19]

    10. Gupta R, Harankhedkar S, Rahman K, Singh MK, Chandra D, Mittal N, Gupta A, Nityanand S. Prevalence of Chromosome 7 Abnormalities in Myelodysplastic Syndrome

    11. and Acute Myeloid Leukemia: A Single Center Study and Brief Literature Review. Indian J Hematol Blood Transfus. 2018 Oct;34(4):602-611.

    12. Gupta R, Rahman K, Singh MK, Surabhi, Yadav G, Nityanand S. Clinico-pathologicalspectrum and novel karyotypic findings in myelodysplastic syndrome: Experience of atertiarycarecentreinIndia.MediterraneanJofHematologyandInfectiousDisease.MediterrJHematolInfect Dis. 2017;16;9(1):e2017048.

    13. Gupta R, Rahman K,SinghMK,Surabhi,YadavG,NityanandS.Utilityofasingletubesixcolour flow cytometrypanelforthediagnosisofMyelodysplasticsyndrome:Experienceofatertiary care centre in India. International Journal of Hematology-oncology and Stem cellresearch2017. (Accepted, in press)

    14. RahmanK, Gupta R,YadavG,HuseinN,Singh MK,NityanandS.UtilityofCD157asaCommon Leukocytes Marker for Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria Screening in aSingle Tube 5 Color Combinations. Ind J of Hematol Blood Transfus 2017. (Ahead ofPrint)

    15. Rahman K, Gupta R, Yadav G, Singh MK, Sarkar MK, Gupta A, Nityanand S. A triplenegativeprofile(CD34/HLADR/CD11bNegative),rapidlyandspecificallyidentifiesacutepromyelocyticleukemia.InternationalJournalofLabHematology2017.(AheadofPrint)

    16. Rahman K, Kumar P, Singh MK, Gupta R, Gupta A, Nityanand S. Role of CD200 indifferential diagnosis of Mature B cell neoplasm. Int Journal of Lab Hematol 2017;39:384-91.

    17. RahmanK, Gupta R,HusseinN,YadavG,SinghMK,KumarP,NityanandS.FluorescentAerolysin(FLAER) basedparoxysmalnocturnalhemoglobinuria(PNH) screening-asinglecentreexperiencefromIndia. Int JLabHematol2017;39(3):261-71.

    18. Khosla D, Gupta R, Srinivasan R, Patel FD, Rajwanshi A. Sarcomas of uterine cervix:clinicopathologicalfeatures,treatment,andoutcome.IntJGynecolCancer2012;22(6):1026-30.

    19. Gupta R, Srinivasan R, Nijhawan R, Suri V. Tissue transglutaminase 2 as a biomarker ofcervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) and its relationship to p16INK4A and nuclearfactorkappaBexpression. Virchows Arch 2010;456(1):45-51.

    20. Gupta R, Srinivasan R, Nijhawan R, Suri V, Uppal R Protein p 16INK4A expression incervicalintraepithelialneoplasiaandinvasivesquamouscellcarcinomaofuterinecervix.IndianJPatholMicrobiol 2010;53(1):7-11.

    21. SrinivasanR,GautamU,Gupta R,RajwanshiA,VasisthaRK.Synovialsarcoma:diagnosisonfine-needleaspirationbymorphologyandmolecularanalysis.Cancer.2009;25;117(2):128-36.

    22. Gupta R, Gupta P, Gupta K, et al. Nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma: An unusual case with peripheral blood atypical T-cell lymphocytosis. Int J Lab Hematol. 2023;45(4):586-588. doi:10.1111/ijlh.14027

    23. Desai N, Biswas S, Chandra D, Gupta R, Kashyap R. Bleeding Diathesis Secondary to a Heparin-Like Anticoagulant in a Patient with Multiple Myeloma—A Case Report and Review of Literature September 2023. Indian Journal of Medical and Paediatric Oncology. DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-1769789

    24. Gupta R, Biswas S, Das P, et al. When "milky fluid" was aspirated from the bone: Gorham-Stout syndrome-A report of a rare entity. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2023;70(2):e29896. doi:10.1002/pbc.29896

    25. Rahman K, Chandra D, Singh MK, et al. Biclonal cluster lymphoma: SLL/CLL and FL diagnosed on fine needle aspirate flow cytometry-Report of an interesting case. Cytometry B ClinCytom. 2022;102(4):320-322.

    26. Gupta P, Biswas S, Singh MK, Gupta R. Neutrophilic Erythrophagocytosis and Reticulocytopenia; A Rare Manifestation of Cold Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia. Turkish Journal of Hematology, doi: 10.4274/tjh.galenos.2021.2022.0008

    27. Chauhan P, Gupta A, Bhandari P C, Gupta R, Kashyap R. Primary pediatric myelofibrosis with a novel calreticulin gene mutation. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2022 May;69(5):e29597. doi: 10.1002/pbc.29597.

    28. Paswan, V., Chandra, D., Gupta, R. et al. Unusual Visitor in Bone Marrow-Metastatic Malignant Melanoma. Indian J Hematol Blood Transfus 37, 342-343 (2021).

    29. Sneha Tandon; Sanjeev Yadav, Gupta R, Soniya Nityanand. Intestinal gangrene as the presenting manifestation of acute promyelocytic leukemia. JCIMCR, Volume 2

    30. Sneha Tandon; Sanjeev Yadav, Gupta R, Soniya Nityanand. Sudden onset hearing and visual loss: An unusual presenting manifestation of chronic phase chronic myeloid leukaemia. JCIMCR, Volume 2, 2022

    31. Singh, P., Chandra, D., Gupta, R. et al. Circulating Micromegakaryocytes; Challenges and Clues to Diagnosis. Indian J Hematol Blood Transfus (2019) doi:10.1007/s12288-019-01201-x

    32. Gupta R, Yadav D, Chandra D, Rahman K. Spindle cell myeloma: A masquerader. Indian Journal of Hematology and blood transfusion. 2019; 35:382-83.

    33. Rahman K, Singh P, Chandra D, Yadav DD, Gupta R, Gupta A. Early T cell Precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia with Auer Rods- A case Report. Int J Lab Hematol. 2019. In press.

    34. Singh P, Chandra D, Gupta R, Rahman K, Sharma A, Gupta A, Nityanand S. Circulating micromegakaryocytes; challenges and clues to diagnosis. Hi Indian Journal of Hematology and blood transfusion. (Accepted)

    35. Rahman K, Harankhedkar S, Gupta R, Gupta T, Sharma S, Nityanand S. Microfilariae in bone marrow aspirate of a case of myelofibrosis: A cause or coincidence? Journal of Cancer res and Therapeutics (Ahead of print).

    36. P Kumar, K Rahman, N Hussein, Gupta R, S Nityanand. Primary prostatic non-Hodgkin's lymphoma presenting with features of prostatism. Journal of cancer research and therapeutics 15 (8), 178

    37. Gupta T, Gupta R, Mittal N, Rahman K, Nityanand S. B-acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia with Bright CD45 and Moderate Side Scatter Simulating Monocytoid Population: An Unusual Phenotype. Indian J Hematol Blood Transfus (2018) 34: 358.

    38. Harankhedkar S, Gupta R. MPO negative inclusions and Auer rod like structures in a case of AML with t(8;21). Blood 2017 130:1869.

    39. Gupta R, Singh M. Dysplastic eosinophils in myelodysplastic syndrome: association with complex karyotypes. Blood Res 2016;51(2):75.

    40. Gupta R, Singh MK, Rahman K, Sharma S. Microangiopathic Hemolytic anemia associated with bone marrow metastasis in a 12 Yr child. J Bone Res 2016;4:i101.

    41. Mittal N, Gupta R, Rahman K, Singh P, Nityanand S. A case of paraneoplastic hyperleukocytosis closely mimicking chronic neutrophilicleukaemia. Journal of Cancer research and Therapeutics 2016. (Ahead of print)

    42. Gupta R, Aggarwal G, Rahman K, Singh MK, Nityanand S. Acute myeloid leukemia following radioiodine therapy: Case report and brief literature review. Clin Cancer Investig J 2016;5:246-9.

    43. Gupta R, Singh MK. Dysplastic eosinophils in myelodysplastic syndrome: association with complex karyotypes. Blood Res. 2016;51(2):75.

    44. Singh MK, Gupta R, Rahman K, Yadav G, Sharma A, Nityanand S. De Novo Philadelphia Positive Acute Myeloid Leukemia with Extensive Basophilia: A Diagnostic Dilemma. Indian J Hematol Blood Transfus. 2016;32(Suppl 1):86-8.

    45. Singh MK, Gupta R, Rahman K, Kumar S, Sharma A, Nityanand S. Co-existence of AML1-ETO and BCR-ABL1 transcripts in a relapsed patient of acute myeloid leukemia with favorable risk group: A coincidence or clonal evolution? HematolOncol Stem Cell Ther. 2017;10(1):39-41.

    46. Kumar P, Rahman K, Surabhi, Singh MK, Gupta R, Nityanand S. Priapism as a presentation of CML. Journal of Cancer research and Therapeutics. 2016. (Ahead of Print)

    47. Rahman K, Surabhi, Gupta R, Singh MK, Yadav G Kumari N, Nityanand S. Atypical Presentation of Hairy cell Leukemia- Role of CD200. Journal of Cancer research and Therapeutics 2016. (Ahead of Print)

    48. Yadav G, Rahman K, Gupta R. Neutrophil Erythrocyte Rosettes: An Unusual Manifestation of Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia. Indian J Hematol Blood Transfus 2016;32(Suppl 1):309-10.

    49. Surabhi, Rahman K, Singh MK, Gupta R. Leishmaniadonovani bodies in neutrophils on a Peripheral blood smear examination - Report of an unusual incident in a clinically unsuspected case. Ind J PatholMicrobiol 2015;58(2):262-3.

    50. Singh MK, Gupta R, Surabhi, Rahman K. Auer rods in polymorphs in a case of acute myeloid leukemia. Clin Cancer Inv Journal 2015;4(2):476-8.

    51. Gupta R, Hussain N, Rahman K, Nityanand S. Plasma cell myeloma with unusual morphology--a series of 6 cases. Eur J Haematol 2014;93(2):165-70.

    52. Nath A, Aggarwal AN, Gupta R. Diffuse panbronchiolitis: report of a rare disease from India. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 2010;52(1):43-5.

    53. Gupta R, P. Dey, R. K. Vasishtha. Fine needle aspiration cytology in malignant mesothelioma of the tunica vaginalis testis. Cytopathology 2011;22(1):66-8.

    54. Gupta N, Gupta R, Rajwanshi A, Bakshi J. Multinucleated giant cells in HIV-associated benign lymphoepithelial cyst-like lesions of the parotid gland on FNAC. DiagnCytopathol 2009;37(3):203-4.

    55. Gupta R, Bal A, Das A, Kumar Marwaha R. Serous cystadenocarcinoma of the ovary in an 11-year-old girl with extensive dissemination and chylothorax: a case report and a brief review of literature.. J PediatrHematolOncol. 2009 Jul;31(7):533-5.

    56. Gupta N, Gupta R, Bakshi J, Rajwanshi A. Fine needle aspiration cytology in a case of fibrous dysplasia of jaw..DiagnCytopathol. 2009 Dec;37(12):920-2.

    57. Gupta R, Dey P, Jain V, Gupta N. Cervical tuberculosis detection in Papanicolaou-stained smear: case report with review of literature..DiagnCytopathol. 2009 Aug;37(8):592-5.

    58. Yashwant Kumar, Gupta R, Alka Bhatia, Nandita Kakkar & R.K. Vasishta. Undiagnosed DiGeorge anomaly in a child with recurrent chest infections: An Autopsy Report with Brief Review of Literature. The Internet Journal of Pathology. 2008; Volume 7, No. 1.


    1. Ruchi Gupta. Approach to Chronic Lymphoproliferative disorders by flow cytometry. InTilak V, Bharti A, Singh A, Rani D eds. Hematology Classic and New. Pp 57-67. ISBN:978-81-942340-9-8

    2. Gupta R and Rahman K. Role of micro RNA in Normal and Malignant Hematopoiesis.Chapter26.InRSaxenaandHPPatiEds.Hematopathology.SpringerNature,Singapore.2019

    3. Gupta R, Chandra D, Rahman K. Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura. Chapter 17pp244-255.In AbhishekPurohit andGKBohraeds HematologyPearls2019

    4. Chandra D and Gupta R. Role of laboratory in Role of Laboratory in management ofHematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. Chapter no 24. In R Saxena and H P Pati Eds.Hematopathology.Springer Nature, Singapore. 2019

    5. Chandra D, Rahman K, Gupta R. Enumeration of CD34+ Hematopoietic stem cells byFlowCytometry.Chapter17pp244-255.InAbhishekPurohitandGKBohraedsHematologyPearls 2018

    6. Varma N and Gupta R. Molecular biology of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. Non-HodgkinLymphoma2009,ByMBAggarwal

    7. VarmaNandGuptaR.ImmunophenotypingofNon-HodgkinLymphoma.Non-HodgkinLymphoma2009, ByMBAggarwal

    8. Dinesh Chandra, Ruchi Gupta. Screening Coagulation Assays. Chapter 43 in PGI Textbook of Laboratory and Clinical Hematology. Bhalani Publishing House, Mumbai, India. 2023. ISBN:9789381496763

    9. Dinesh Chandra, Ruchi Gupta. Mixing Studies and Factor Assays. Chapter 44 in PGI Textbook of Laboratory and Clinical Hematology. Bhalani Publishing House, Mumbai, India. 2023. ISBN:9789381496763

    10. Dinesh Chandra, Ruchi Gupta. Coagulation Inhibitor Screening and Assays. Chapter 45 in PGI Textbook of Laboratory and Clinical Hematology. Bhalani Publishing House, Mumbai, India. 2023. ISBN:9789381496763

    11. Ruchi Gupta, Dinesh Chandra. Thrombophilia Screening. Chapter 46 in PGI Textbook of Laboratory and Clinical Hematology. Bhalani Publishing House, Mumbai, India. 2023. ISBN:9789381496763

    12. Ruchi Gupta, Dinesh Chandra. Laboratory Approach to Heparin-induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT). Chapter 47 in PGI Textbook of Laboratory and Clinical Hematology. Bhalani Publishing House, Mumbai, India. 2023. ISBN:9789381496763

    13. Ruchi Gupta, Dinesh Chandra. Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura. Chapter 48 in PGI Textbook of Laboratory and Clinical Hematology. Bhalani Publishing House, Mumbai, India. 2023. ISBN:9789381496763

    14. Ruchi Gupta, Dinesh Chandra. Platelet Function Tests. Chapter 48 in PGI Textbook of Laboratory and Clinical Hematology. Bhalani Publishing House, Mumbai, India. 2023. ISBN:9789381496763

    Dinesh Chandra,Ruchi Gupta. Role of Laboratory in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation.Chapter no. 24 In R Saxena and H P Pati Eds. Hematopathology. Springer Nature, Singapore. no 406-416.