
Name: Ashok Kumar, Additional Professor, Dept of Surgical Gastroenterology.

Date of Birth: 30 / June / 1980

Date of Joining SGPGIMS: 29 / May /2013


Working as consultant (Additional Professor) for 10 years in Dept of Surgical Gastroenterology, SGPGIMS

Aslo worked as

Assistant Professor in Department of Surgical Gastroenterology, Dr. RMLIMS, Lucknow.

Assistant Professor in Department of Surgery, RIMS and R, Saifai.

Lecturer in Department of Surgery, S.N.M.C, Agra and G.SV.M, Kanpur.

AREA OF INTEREST: Advance Laparoscopic GI Surgery

Procedure doing:

Open procedures: D2 Gastrectomy, Oesophagectomy, Extended cholecystectomy, Whipple procedure, Hepatectomy and all other routine of Gastrointestinal open procedure.

Advance Laparoscopic Gastrointestinal Procedure: Laparoscopic whipple procedure, Lap hepatectomy, Lap lateral pancreaticojejunostomy, Lap choledochal cyst excision with HJ, Lap D2 Gastrectomy, Lap Extended cholecystectomy, Lap Mac keon Oesophagectomy, Lap Multivisceral resection of GIST, Lap hellers myotomy , Lap Trunchal Vagotomy and GJ, Lap Fundoplication, Lap hernias repair (Lap inguinal hernia, Lap incisional hernia, Lap Epigastric/Paraoesophageal hernia, Lap diaphgramatic repair), Lap cystogastrostomy), Lap right and Left colectomy, Lap total colectomy, Lap LAR, Lap APR, Lap ventral rectopexy, Lap cholecystectomy/subtotal cholecystectomy, lap appendectomy, Lap CBD exploration, Lap completion cholecystectomy for residual gall bladder.