1. Chandra A, Kumar A, Noushif M, Gupta N, Kumar V, Chauhan N. K, & Gupta V. Feasibility of Neurovascular Antropylorus Perineal Transposition with Pudendal Nerve Anastomosis Following Anorectal Excision: A Cadaveric Study for Neoanal Reconstruction. Ann Coloproctol 2013; 29:7-11.
2. Kapoor V K, Gupta N, Behari A, Sharma S, Kumar II A, Prakash A, Singh R K, Kumar A, Saxena R. Omental flap to protect gastro-duodenal artery stump from pancreatic anastomotic leak in pancreato-duodenectomy. JOP. J Pancreas 2016 May 09; 17:289-293.
3. Kapoor VK, Singh R, Behari A, Sharma S, Kumar A, Prakash A, Singh RK, Kumar A, Saxena R.. Anticipatory Extended Cholecystectomy. The Lucknow Approach for Thick Walled Gall Bladder with Low Suspicion of Cancer. Chin Clin Oncol. 2016; 5:8.doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2304-3865.2016.02.07
4. Chandra A, Kumar A, Noushif M, et al. Neurovascular antropylorus perineal transposition using inferior rectal nerve anastomosis for total anorectal reconstruction: preliminary report in humans. Techniques in Coloproctology. 2014;18 :535-542. DOI: 10.1007/s10151-013-1092-x. PMID: 24258390.
5. Nishant Kumar Malviya, Anu Behari, Ashok Kumar, Vinay Kumar Kapoor, Rajan Saxena. Unconventional shunts in extra hepatic portal venous obstruction - Friends in need! Journal of clinical and experimental hepatology 2022:12; 503-509.
6. Chandra A, Kumar A, Noushif M, et al. Perineal antropylorus transposition for end-stage fecal incontinence in human: initial outcome. Dis Colon Rectum 2013; 56: 360–366.
7. Chandra A, Ghoshal UC, Gupta V, Jauhari R, Srivastava R N, Misra A, Kumar A and Kumar M. Physiological and functional evaluation of the transposed human pylorus as a distal sphincter. J Neurogastroenterol Motil 2012; 18:269-277.
8. Chandra A, Gupta V, Kumar M, Parihar A, Kumar A, Jauhari R, Singh D, Srivastava P K, Kumar P.Anatomical basis of antropyloric transposition for fecal incontinence in humans: the infrapyloric approach. Surg Radiol Anat 2012; 35:67–74.
9. Kumar A, Behari A, Kapoor VK, Shomnath Reddy, Anand Prakash. The learning curve of laparoscopic colorectal surgery- single center initial experience at a tertiary hospital. J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc. 2020; 7, 1209-1214. DOI: 10.18410/jebmh/2020/258.
10. Manas Agrwal, Anu Behari, Ashok Kumar, V.K Kapoor. Role of Diffusion Weighted MRI Imaging in Diagnosing Malignancy in Patients with Thick wall Gallbladder. Int J Cur Res Rev 2020: 12; (18), 100-106.
11. Ashok Kumar1*, Shomnath Reddy2, Anu behari3, V.K kapoor4, Anand Prakash5. Laparoscopic subtotal cholecystectomy a salvageable procedure in patients with comorbidities. IJMHS 10 (03), 862–870 (2020).
12. Laxmi Kant Bharti1, Jai Kishun2, Ashok Kumar3, Basant Kumar4. Nutritional Status Assessment in Children with Chronic Liver Disease. Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research; Vol.5; Issue: 2; April-June 2020.
13. Hira Lal, Aparna Juneja, Pragati verma, Ashok Kumar, Raghunandan Prasad. Role of multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) in evaluation of main and right portal vein branching patterns and its clinical significance. DOI: 10.18231/2394-2126.2018.0056.
14. Ghosh, N. K., Rahul, R., Singh, A., Sharma, S., Kumar, A., Singh, R. K., Behari, A., Kumar, A., Kapoor, V. K., & Saxena, R. 2022. Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Metastasis in Gallbladder Cancer: As Bad as Distant Metastasis. south asian journal of cancer, 11, 195–200.
15. Nalini Kanta Ghosh, Rahul R, Ashish Singh, Somanath Malage, Supriya Sharma, Ashok Kumar, et al. Surgery for symptomatic hepatic hemangioma:Resection vs. enucleation, an experience over two decades. Ann Hepatobiliary Pancreat Surg: https://doi.org/10.14701/ahbps.22-130.
16. II AK, Ghosh N, Victor AJ, Behari A, Sharma S, Singh RK, I AK, . Gall bladder perforation: a case-series & proposal of the algorithm to a management plan.. Int J Surg Med. Online First: 29 May, 2023. doi:10.5455/ijsm.136-1672121303
17. Ashok Kumar II *, Nalini Kanta Ghosh, Anu Behari, Ashish Singh, Rahul Rai,Somanath Malage, Rajneesh Kumar Singh. Laparoscopic Management of Hydatid cyst using long ribbon gauze: An Initial Experience of Consecutive 37 Cases. Laparoscopic, Endoscopic and Robotic Surgery. Accepted april 2023.
18. Kumar A, Kapoor V K, Behari A, and Verma S. Splenic tuberculosis in an immunocompetent patient can be managed conservatively: A case report. Gastroenterol. Rep. 2015:1-3.
19. Kumar A, Behari A, Singh A, Kapoor VK, K Narendera. Colorectal duplication cyst, presenting with recurrent acute intestinal obstruction in a young adult patient. JCR 2016;6:63-67.
20. Kumar A, Kapoor V K, Behari A and Verma A. Post-endoscopic intra-oral prolapse of a giant esophageal fibrovascular polyp: A rare presentation. Taiwan Journal of Surgery 2016;49:165-168.
21. Shekhar C, Kumar A, Chandra A. Post open cholecystectomy transmural migration of surgical sponge into stomach with subsequent?ly causing Gastric outlet obstruction?n: A rare presentation of gossypibom?a. Indian Journal of Gastroente?rology2013;3:208.
22. Noushif M, Chandra A, Gupta V, Kumar A. Carneys triad. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 2013; 4:310-9.
23. Kumar A. Behari, A., Rajan, A., Kapoor, V., & Yadaw, R. (2016). Iatrogenic bile duct injury during open nephrectomy. Southeast Asian Journal of Case Report and Review 2016: 5: 2343-2348.
24. Venkata Vishwanath Reddy, Ashok Kumar, Manas Aggarwal, Kailash Chand Kurdia. Type VI choledochal cyst with gall bladder carcinoma. BMJ Case Rep 2019;12:e232715. Doi: 10.1136/bcr-2019-232715.
25. Nalinikanta Ghosh, Ashok Kumar. Colonic Metastasis of Palatine Tonsillar Melanoma Presenting As Colo-Colic Intussusception. Turk J Colorectal Dis 2020; 30:198-200.
26. Kumar A, Agarwal M, Malviya N. Chronic Pancreatitis in Annular Pancreas, Presenting with Gastric Outlet Obstruction and Bile Duct Stricture. JCR 2020;10:120-123.
27. Ashok Kumar1*, Nalinikanta ghosh 2."Laparoscopic management of hydatid cyst of spleen: A rare case report. World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery 2021:14;55-57.
28. Ashok Kumar II, Nalinikanta Ghosh, Ashok Kumar, Nishant Malviya. Neoadjuvant Imatinib Therapy Followed by Surgery in a Rare Case of Rectal Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor. The Journal of Medical Sciences 2019;5(4):103–105.
29. Ashok Kumar1, Manas Agarwal2, Nalinikanta Ghosh3, Ashish Bansal4. Segment 3 Bile Duct Injury, During Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiography: A Rare Case Report. JMSCR 08; 04:261-264.
30. Kumar A, Behari A, Lal H. Laparoscopic Repair of Right Paraduodenal Hernia: A Rare Case Report. Global journal for research analysis 2016; 5: 2277 – 8160.
31. Arya Asmita , Lal Hira, Kumar Ashok.“Adult Choledochal Cyst Associated with Carcinoma Gall Bladder: A Rare Entity” Journal of Medical Science and clinical Research 2; (Volume 05 Issue 11 November 2017).
32. 15. Nalinikanta Ghosh, Ashok Kumar, Vijay Sharma, Vikrant Verma. Hypoglycaemic Episodes in a Case of Metastatic Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor: A Rare Paraneoplastic Syndrome. Apollo Medicine 19(4)2022.
33. Microfilaria in a case of splenic littoral cell angioma, journal of pathology and microbiology. Indian journal of pathology and microbiology. 2023;ip:
34. Symptomatic Transverse Colon Lipoma: A Case Report and Review of Literature. Journal of case report. Accepted
35. Ashok Kumar, Nalinikanta Ghosh, Nishant Malviya. "Laparoscopic Multivisceral Resection of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor Post Neoadjuvant Imatinib Therapy: A Series of Two Cases." International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports 2020:2020; 4: 121-125.
36. Ashok Kumar1*, Nalinikanta Ghosh, Anu Behari, Somnath Reddy. Laparoscopic tension free, mesh repair in adult cases of diaphragmatic defects: a series of four cases. 2020; 6: 2277 - 8179 | DOI: 10.36106/ijsr.
37. Ashok Kumar, Nalinikanta Ghosh. Innovative Technique to Control the Covid-19 Transmission By surgical Fume: Could It’s Possible to Capture the Betal inside the Bottle. World j of laparoscopic surgery 2020.13:140-142.
38. Ashok Kumar, Alister Victor. Use of Rigid Laparoscope for intra-operative bowel endoscopy: An easy & novel technique.World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery. Accepted
39. Ashok Kumar, Nalinikanta Ghosh, "Stapled side to side coloanal anastomosis for middle and upper rectal tumors. A modification in Baker’s technique". World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery. Accepted.
· Chair the session 2nd Jaipur Surgical Festival (JSF), Theme: HPB Oncology, Chair the session of Oral papers, videos, and interesting cases.
· Video Presentation Laparoscopic Extended Cholecystectomy: Demonstration of a technique. Video presentation AMASICON 2022 Guwhati .
· Chair the session Technical Advances in inguinal hernia repair, CME, and Live Workshop held at Chandan Hospital, Lucknow.
· Invited Lecture Presentation as Faculty In T.P Banerjee Symposium ( U.P Chapter ASI, Oct 2021)
· Chair the session in UPASICON-2020, 46th Annual Conference of Association of Surgeon of India (UP- Uttarakhand Chapter) 05-06th December, 2020.
· Chair the session in SGE WEEK 2019, CME on haemorrhagic complications, 23th -25th August 2019 SGPGI, Lucknow.
· Chair the session in Proctology Update 2019, CME on Benign Anorectal disease , King George Medical University, August 4th 2019 , Lucknow
· Chair the session in AMASICON 2018, 13rd International Congress of Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India 15th -17th November 2018 SGPGI, Lucknow.
· Chair the session in Workshop and Masterclass on Fistula, Fissure and Haemorrhoids. March 30-31, 2018, Dept of Surgical Gastroenterology, SGPGI, Lucknow.
· Chair the session in Surgery Update -2018, CME cum Live Anal Diseases Workshop29th April, 2018, Dept of Surgery, GSVM, Kanpur.
· Chair the session in 21st Surgical Gastroenterology (SGE) Week Reoperative GI Surgery March/April, 2017 SGPGIMS, Lucknow
· Chair the session in WORLDCON 2016, 3rd Conference of International Society of Colo-Proctology 25 to 27th March, 2016, Jaipur.
· Chair the session in UPASICON-2016, 11-12 NOV 2016, MLNMC, Allahabad.
· Chair the session inACRSICON 2014, SGPGIMS, Lucknow, and 26th-28th Sept 2014.
· Oral Presentation in SURGICON 2015, Annual Conference of Delhi State Chapter of Association of Surgeon of India, 27-29th November, 2015.
· Oral Presentation in HSICON 2015, 9th Annual Hernia Society of India Conference, 10-12th Sept 2015.
· Delivered a lecture in UPASICON-2015, 41st Annual Conference of Association of Surgeon of India (UP CHAPTER) 19-22th November, 2015.
· Presented Posters in IASGCON 2015, 25th Indian Association of Surgeon Gastroenterology Conference, Pune 1st- 4th Oct 2015
· Presented Posters in VSICON 2014, 21st Annual Conference of the Vascular Society of India 15th-18 Oct, 2014.
· Presented Posters in IASG 2011,Evidence Based Practice of G.I. Endoscopy August 7, 2011.