Visiting Guests

  • Prof. Yugan Mudaliar, Intensive Care Consultant and Director Westmead Hospital, Sydney Australia, Director, Simulation Education Center, Intensive Care Unit, Westmead Hospital visited the department as a visiting Professor from 8-10 February 2010. During his stay he conducted interactive sessions with the faculty, residents and nursing staff. He gave vital inputs in planning the new CCM-ICU.
  • Prof. Frank Shann, Staff Specialist in Intensive Care at the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne, Australia, Professor of Critical Care Medicine at the University of Melbourne, ex-Director of Intensive Care at the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne visited the department in 2011 and conducted a series of lectures in the department, interacted with the faculty and staff and gave vital inputs for overall growth of the department. He also stressed the need to have a strong research output of the department.