Professor and Head,
Department of Critical Care Medicine
SGPGIMS, Lucknow
The department of Critical Care Medicine came into existence in the year 2002 and started functioning from the ICU acquired from department of Anesthesiology. The department is credited to be the first academic department of the country in the field of Critical Care Medicine boasting a closed ICU model.
In a short period after creation, the department has reached to a point where the quality and spectrum of its clinical services are comparable to international standards. The highlights include 24×7 rapid response team, triage team, critical patient transport team within the hospital for all radiological and other procedures, bedside renal replacement therapy and plasmapheresis, bronchoscopy guided percutaneous tracheostomy, bedside ultrasonographic evaluation of the critically ill patient including echocardiography, placement of arterial and venous catheters and percutaneous drain placement, diagnostic and therapeutic bronchoscopy.
The department commenced its first academic programme in the form of Post-Doctoral Certificate Course (PDCC) in the year 2005 and DM in 2013. Till date, nearly 150 students have received training including 50 PDCC and 10 DM awardees. These alumni are serving in public as well as private healthcare establishments across the country and also internationally. The departments ICU is designed to minimize hospital acquired infections, has a waiting lounge for patient relatives, and an academic floor with a lecture theatre