Research Projects - Extramural
“Evaluation of Impact of DST-FIST Program”, Central Region:PI- Prof. Uttam Singh, Co-PI :Dr Jaikishun.
“Evaluation of Impact of DST-FIST Program”, Central Coordination Unit:PI- Prof. Uttam Singh, Co-PI: Dr. Anup Kumar.
Concurrent Evaluation of Health Care Programs in Uttar Pradesh. Sponsored by European Commission (PI : Dr Uttam Singh)
Status of Research and Development Activities in the State of UP by Broad Research Areas.(PI : Dr Uttam Singh)
Extramural grants from department of Biotechnology (DBT) for the project "Incidence, determinants and development of risk scoring system of long-term
complications in Covid-19 recovered patients: A cohort study" for the duration of 2023-2026 (Total Rs. 34.51 Lakh). PI: Dr. Prabhaker Mishra
Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on quality of life amaong elderly people: A cross sectional study of Lucknow district. (Total Rs 5.0 Lakh) : PI: Dr. Jai Kishun