Professor and Head,
Department of Biostatistics
SGPGIMS, Lucknow
The department of Biostatistics and Health Informatics was started in SGPGI in the year 1990as Biostatistics department and later in 2010, hospital information system (HIS) responsibility was given to the department and it became Biostatistics and Health informatics. It is an important specialty in medical sciences used for decision making in health and medical research. The major goals of the department as laid down by the Institute are dissemination of the knowledge of biostatistics through academic programs; to initiate research in the field of biostatistics and other areas of collaborative interest; to provide consultancy and data analysis service to the institute and to other organizations in the medical and health sectors; and to manage patient care information and development of new technology in the area of health informatics.
The department organizes basic course for DM/MCH/Ph.D./MD students of various department of the institute. The department also organize advanced courses in specialized areas of biostatistics and research methodology. In addition to teaching and research activities the department manages and maintain the Hospital Information System (HIS) and patient care data on various servers in the institute and provide wide internet and email facilities in the institute and campus. It was the first medical institute in the country to implement fully functional HIS. All the patient care activities are catered under this system. Department recently started e office that is useful to manage the official documents, tracking to their status which ultimately save time and manpower and easy to handle through online and it is the paperless work