About Department
General Hospital has the privilege of being the first department in SGPGIMS where clinical services started in 1987.The very first indoor patients were admitted in the Gynaecology unit and the first surgical procedures were performed by the Gynaecology and Surgery Units of General Hospital.General Hospital was created to provide General Medical, Surgical, Paediatric, Gynae-Obs, Orthopaedic and Dermatological care to:
The employees of the institute and their family members
The population of neighbouring villages and town
To facilitate screening of unreferred patients. Over the last decade,GH was opened to General public(Non employees)too.
Since its inception ,the General Hospital has complemented the Tertiary care Institute by serving as the first and second level care center for the Institute.
The General Hospital is a 30 bedded hospital with fully equipped OPDs, OTs, Delivery Room and other ancillary services
General Hospital offers Outpatient, Inpatient,Family planning and Immunization services to the General public as well as the staff and dependants of the Institute,as well as General Public(opened up for nonemployees over last decade)
The dedicated team of specialists also provide emergency services for conditions like Bites,Poisonings, Injuries, Ectopic pregnancies, Newborn care, Caesarean sections and Steven johnsons syndrome etc.
Periodically, the General Hospital holds Asthma camps, Social awareness camps like Adolescent health camp, Cervical cancer screening and vaccination,Nutritional advice Contraception updates ,Tuberculosis ,Wound care,Animal bite management etc.
National programmes for larger interest e.g National Polio Eradication and NTEP(National Tuberculosis Eradication Program)are also being implemented through the General Hospital.
Medicine OPD ,GH sees a gamut of patients raging from Pyrexia of Unknown Origin Anaemias, Respiratory Disorders like Swine Flu, Asthma, COPD and Infectious diseases like Typhoid ,Malaria, Dengue, Chikangunya, Leptospirosis, Tuberculosis ,Filariasis etc. Modern day afflictions and lifestyle disorders like Diabetes, Hypertension, Obesity are screened, diagnosed, treated and counseling regarding prevention and lifestyle management also ensured to the needy patients.Cross consultation is provided to specialities and superspecialities.
DOT(Directly Observed Treastment)centre under the NTEP program provides free screening for Sputum positive Pulmonary Tuberculosis and free treatment for all types of Pulmonary extra-Pulmonary ,Drug sensitive or Resistant(Mono or MDR) TB.Antirabiesmanagement and other adult Vaccinationsas per guidelines are provided .
The Pediatric OPD provides routine medical aid to pediatric patients with weekly vaccinnation services. All normal and caeserean section deliveries are also attended by the Pediatrician. Referral services as a backup to the tertiary departments of the institute in Pediatric cases is also provided by the Pediatrician. Research and teaching activities are also carried on from time to time along with routine services.
The Obstetrics &Gynaecological services of SGPGIMS is one of the oldest and core health facility being provided to patients in need. A wide spectrum of health problems faced by the females from adolescence to menopause are being dealt with in the Obstetrics &Gynaecology unit of the General Hospital. Preventive gynaecology oncology is being delivered at general hospital by Cervical screening by Pap smear, HPV DNA testing, colposcopy and the various ablative and excisional procedures. Gynaecology oncology has taken a new impressive dimension in managing such cases in recent years. A large number of complicated and referred gynaecological cases are being managed with supporting departments at general hospital. Over the years the unit has grown keeping pace with the ever increasing advances in the field of medicine.
The Surgical OPD and OT provide comprehensive management for Hernias,Benignproctological conditions and woundcare.Routine laparoscopic abdominal surgeries have also been started recently. Latest procedures like Laser and Radio Frequency Ablation (RFA) of the varicosities of lower limbs have added a new dimension to the surgical list.
Dermatology & Venereology unit provides patient care through regular OPD consultation and minor procedures.It also provides bedside consultation to all superspecialty departments of the Institute.
All the General Hospital specialists actively are involved in Teaching,Training and Research Activities as well as awareness programs for general public.