Have more than 19 years' experience in the field of Blood Transfusion & Immunohematology.
Have supervised all the specialized lab practices and clinical practices related to the field of Transfusion Medicine and Component therapy, such as :
Have in-depth knowledge of operational managements & trouble shootings of automated advanced equipment such as Platelet apheresis machines, Da-Vinci Quattro for ELISA testing, ECI Chemiluminescence , COBAS Chemiluminescence technique, VITROS biochemistry analyser , Solid phase red cell adherence based automated platform for blood grouping, EM technology based automated platform, T-ACE automated component extractor etc.
Played key role in establishment of NAT test in the department.
Successfully standardized of new facility for patient care "Use of Platelet Releasate (PRP) in clinical improvement" of following conditions:
Also implemented indigenous modified technique for preparation of platelet releasate by "Hyper-concentration and double freeze-thaw" technique
Standardization of indigenous Platelet Washing Solution at laboratory level and assessment in clinical settings.
Standardization of Molecular Technique for minor blood grouping for ensuring safe transfusion therapy in DAT positive and multi-transfused patients.
Evaluation of factors affecting QC of Plasma which in turn affect clinical outcome of Plasma transfusion
Comparison of lancets& evaluation of maneuvers in reducing finger prick pain during pre-donation Hb estimation.
Evaluation of INTERNAL QC Program of ELISA test by regular monitoring of test results.
Active involvement in AWARENESS PROGRAM in CMEs/ workshops at distt hospitals, Medical colleges and various stand alone blood banks of UP for "Safe Blood Transfusion" and "Rationale Use of Blood Components" as a guest speaker.
Always prompt for Promoting voluntary blood donation through MOTIVATIONAL LECTURES by addressing "Myths and Reality about Blood Donation" at various educational and public forums.