

    1. Visiting fellowship of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, London, 1999.

    2. Nestle Nutrition Scholarship Award (12 months), Nov. 1998 by Nestec Ltd., Switzerland.

    3. ISG J Mitra Memorial Endoscopy Award of 2010 of Indian Society of Gastroenterology

    4. V. Balagopal Raju Gold Medal for best scientific paper during 31st national conference of IAP, 1994.

    5. Pfizer Gold Medal for standing first in 3rd MBBS of University of North Bengal.

    6. Stood first in Surgery, Eye & ENT in 3rd MBBS examination.

    7. Stood first in 3rd MBBS examination of University of North Bengal.

    8. College scholarships during Ist and 2nd MBBS courses.

    9. Selected from India as one of two participants for "Train the Trainers" workshop of World Gastroenterology Organization (WGO) at Porto, Portugal, from 18th to 21st March, 2013.

    10. Chosen as a member of the consensus committee of Asia Pacific Association for the Study of Liver (APASL) for pre-primary and primary prophylaxis of portal hypertension-2007.


    1. Young Clinician Award, 11th Asian Pacific Congress of Gastroenterology, Hong-Kong, China, March 10-14, 2000.

    2. Young Investigator fellowship of European school of Oncology, Milan, Italy, for 3rd Educational convention of the school at Turin, Italy, May 28-30, 1998.

    3. Clinician from developing country Award for Asia Pacific Digestive Week, Sydney, Australia, September 23-27, 2001.

    4. International Travel Fellowship of Indian Society of Gastroenterology to attend APDW 2006 at Cebu City, Philippines from 26th to 29th November 2006.


    1. Presidential Poster of Distinction: 61st Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD), Boston, USA, October 29 to November 2, 2010. "Cure for perinatally acquired hepatitis B in Asian children: is it an achievable target with combo therapy with lamivudine/interferon?" Poddar U, Yachha SK, Sirvastava A.

    2. Best paper award at 10th Annual Conference of Pediatric Gastroenterology at Lucknow,Oct.14-15.2000;Changing spectrum of sporadic acute viral hepatitis in children. Poddar U, Thapa BR, Prasad A, Singh K.

    3. Second Best paper award at 10th Annual Conference of Pediatric Gastroenterology at Lucknow, Oct.14-15.2000; Role of serology in the diagnosis of celiac disease in India. Poddar U, Thapa BR, Prasad A, Singh K.

    4. Second Best paper award in the poster presentation at 43rd.Annual Conference of Indian Society of Gastroenterology at Cochin, Nov.20- 26.2002:"UDCA intervention in hepatobiliary scintigraphy for neonatal jaundice." Poddar U, Bhattacharya A, Thapa BR, Mittal BR, Singh K.

    5. Second Best paper award in the poster presentation at 43rd.Annual Conference of Indian Society of Gastroenterology and Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy of India at Cochin, Nov.20-26.2002: "Effect of sclerotherapy on portal hypertensive gastropathy and gastric varices in children with extrahepatic portal venous obstruction."Poddar U, Thapa BR, Singh K.

    6. Best paper award at 13th Annual Conference of Pediatric Gastroenterology at Pune, Sept 27-29,2003, "Does co-infection with multiple viruses adversely influence the course and outcome of sporadic acute viral hepatitis in children?" Yachha SK, Kumar A, Poddar U, Singh U, Aggarwal R.

    7. Second Best paper award at 14th Annual Conference of Pediatric Gastroenterology at Coimbatore, October 30-31, 2004, "multi-layered occurrence of hepatitis-B in children at tertiary center in north India. Itha SV, Poddar U, Yachha SK

    8. Best poster award at 14th Biennial Conference of Asia Pacific Association for the study of the Liver, New Delhi, India, December 11-15, 2004, "Positive impact of awareness campaign on referral of neonatal cholestatic syndrome in India" Sharma A, Poddar U, Yachha SK.

    9. Best poster award at 15th National Conference of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition, Hyderabad, October 15-16,2005. "Jaundice in children: Acute viral hepatitis or acute on chronic liver disease?"

    10. Best oral paper award in 47th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Gastroenterology (ISGCON 2006), Mumbai, November 8-12, 2006. "Cow’s milk protein intolerance (CMPI): an entity for recognition in India." Poddar U, Yachha SK, Khanna V, Krishnani N, Shukla P, Aggarwal R.

    11. Third Best Original Paper Published in the Journal in 2006 (Indian Journal of Gastroenterology), "Factor V Laden and prothrombin gene G 20210A mutations are uncommon in portal vein thrombosis in Indian." Sharma S, Kumar SI, Poddar U, Yachha SK, Aggarwal R

    12. Best paper award in 17th National Conference of Pediatric Gastroenterology subspecialty chapter of IAP, Chennai, September 21st to 23rd , 2007. "Idiopathic neonatal cholestasis: natural history and outcome in the current era." Paliwal M, Srivastava A, Poddar U, Khanna R, Yachha SK

    13. Second Best paper award in the poster presentation in 17th National Conference of Pediatric Gastroenterology subspecialty chapter of IAP, Chennai, September 21st to 23rd , 2007. "Clinical profile and outcome of Wilson’s disease and validation of new Wilson Index for predicting mortality." Khanna R, Srivastava A, Poddar U, Yachha SK.

    14. Third Best paper award in 17th National Conference of Pediatric Gastroenterology subspecialty chapter of IAP, Chennai, September 21st to 23rd , 2007. "Quality of life assessment in children with extrahepatic portal venous obstruction (EHPVO)." Radha Krishnan Y, Negi D, Yachha SK, Poddar U

    15. Award in the poster session of 48th National Conference of the Indian Society of Gastroenterology (ISGCON 2007), Bangalore, November 15-18, 2007. "Idiopathic neonatal cholestasis: Natural history and outcome in the current era." Paliwal M, Srivastava, Poddar U, Khanna R, Yachha SK.

    16. Third Best Original Paper published in the Journal in 2008 (Indian Journal of Gastroenterology), Role of IgG anti-beta-lactoglobulin antibody in the diagnosis of cow’s milk protein intolerance in India. Poddar U, Shukla P, Yachha SK, Aggarwal R, Krishnani N.

    17. Second Best paper award in the poster presentation in 18th Annual Conference of INASL, Bhubaneshwar, March 12-14, 2010. "Beta-blocker therapy: a viable option for making the liver biopsy possible in children with hypersplenism." Agarwal J, Poddar U, Yachha SK , Srivastava A.

    18. "Presidential Poster Award" in 53rd Annual Conference of Indian Society of Gastroenterology, Jaipur, November 28 to December 2, 2012: "Cure for immune tolerant hepatitis B in children: is it an achievable target with sequential combination therapy with lamivudine and interferon? Poddar U, Yachha SK, Agarwal J, Krishnani N.

    19. Best paper award in 23rd National Conference of Pediatric Gastroenterology subspecialty chapter of IAP, Pune, September 27th to 29th, 2013."Prevalence of hepatopulmonary syndrome in children with extrahepatic portal venous obstruction and cirrhosis." Borkar V, Poddar U, Kapoor A, Srivatsa NS, Sirvastava A,Yachha SK.

    20. Second Best paper award for oral presentation in 24th National Conference of Pediatric Gastroenterology subspecialty chapter of IAP, Cochin, September 19-21, 2014. Beta-blocker ameliorates thrombocytopenia due to hypersplenism and makes liver biopsy possible in children with liver disease. Poddar U, Shava U, Yachha SK, Agarwal J, Kumar S, Baijal SS, Srivastava A.

    21. Third Best paper award for oral presentation in 24th National Conference of Pediatric Gastroenterology subspecialty chapter of IAP, Cochin, September 19-21, 2014. Infections in children with decompensated chronic liver disease: predictors, risk factors and outcome (Bolia R, Srivastava A, Yachha SK, Poddar U.

    22. Second Best paper award in poster presentation in 24th National Conference of Pediatric Gastroenterology subspecialty chapter of IAP, Cochin, September 19-21, 2014. Peptic ulcer disease in children: etiology, clinical presentation and outcome. Shava U, Poddar U, Yachha SK, Srivastava A, Lal R.

    23. Best paper award in poster presentation in 24th National Conference of Pediatric Gastroenterology subspecialty chapter of IAP, Cochin, September 19-21, 2014. Galactosemia among Indian children: a fist time report on its presentation and outcome. Sarma MS, Srivastava A, Yachha SK, Poddar U, Mathias A.

    24. Plenary Oral Session Award: 25th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Indian National Association for Study of the Liver, August 3-6, 2017, New Delhi: Prospective evaluation of sclerosing cholangitis in children with autoimmune liver disease. Kumar N, Poddar U, Yadav R, Yachha SK, Srivastava A.

    25. Second Best paper award in oral presentation: 4th Annual conference of Indian Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, Guwahati, October 28-29, 2017. "Ascitic fluid culture after centrifugation in children with liver disease: Is it better than routine bedside method? Singh SK, Poddar U, Mishra R, SK Yachha, Srivastava A.

    26. Best paper award in oral presentation: 4th Annual conference of Indian Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, Guwahati, October 28-29, 2017. Prevalence, nature and predictor of colonic changes in children with extrahepatic portal vernous obstruction. Nagendra K, Srivastava A, Kumar N, Mittal S, Yachha SK, Nayez Z, Poddar U.

    27. Young Investigator Award: oral presentation of 51st Annual meeting of ESPGHAN, Geneva, Switzerland, May 9-12, 2018. Prospective evaluation of sclerosing cholangitis in children with autoimmune liver disease. Kumar N, Poddar U, Yadav R, Lal H, Pani K, Yachha SK, Srivastava A, Pandey R.

    28. Best paper award in poster presentation: 26th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Indian National Association for study of the Liver (INASL), New Delhi, August 2-5, 2018. Infants with portal hypertension: long-term endoscopic outcome of primary and secondary variceal prophylaxis in biliary atresia and extrahepatic portal venous obstruction. Ravindranath A, Sensarma M, Yachha SK, Srivastava A, Poddar U.

    29. Best paper award in oral presentation: C.P. Mittal Award: 5th Annual conference of Indian Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, Mumbai, October 26-28, 2018. Early renal dysfunction in non-azotemic cirrhotic children by renal resistive index and to assess the effect of paracentesis and albumin therapyA Prospective Observational Study. Prasad D, Sarma MS, Yachha SK, Srivastava A, Poddar U.

    30. Third Best paper awardin poster presentation: 5th Annual conference of Indian Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, Mumbai, October 26-28, 2018. Rising burden of difficult-to-treat and multidrug-resistant abdominal tuberculosis in children. Tripathi PR, Sen Sarma M, Yachha SK, Chennakeshava T, Srivastava A, Poddar U.

    31. National Scholar Award of United European Gastroenterology-2019 and oral prentation: UEGW-2019, Barcelona, October 19-23, 2019. Efficacy of single versus split dose polyethylene glycol for colonic preparation in children: a randomized control study. Tripathi PR, Poddar U, Yachha SK, Sen Sarma M, Srivastava A.

    32. Poster of Excellence: 6th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, Chennai, October 18-20, 2019. A study of effect of long-term oral steroids on intraocular pressure in children with autoimmune hepatitis. Prasad D, Poddar U, Kanaujia V, Yachha SK, Srivastava A.