Dr Ujjal Poddar

    Professor and Head,
    Department of Pediatric Gastroentrology
    SGPGIMS, Lucknow

About Department

The Pediatric Gastroenterology department first started functioning as a unit in the Department of Gastroenterology in this institute in November 1991. Since then it has gradually expanded its clinical services and introduced a training program, and eventually reached the status of a full-fledged department in October 2005. This department has emerged as an apex center for referral in India and one of the prominent centres in Asia. The department has evolved over time as a centre of excellence in Pediatric Gastroenterology in India providing comprehensive care for gastrointestinal, liver and nutritional disorders in children. It started the first Doctorate of Medicine (DM) in Pediatric Gastroenterology course in India in 2011. Since 2001, it also offers specialized training courses in the form of a Post Doctoral Certificate Course (PDCC) in the field of Pediatric Gastroenterology. Every year 6 students (DM-2, PDCC-4) are enrolled for advanced training in Pediatric gastroenterology. Seven batches comprising of fourteen students have so far completed a formal training in DM Pediatric Gastroenterology from the institute, and the graduates are now working in various institutes in India and abroad.