Khosla PK, Sharma K, Tiwari HK et al: Genetic markers in Juvenile diabetic retinopathy. Ind J Ophthalmol 37; 2-4: 1989.
Sharma K, Khosla PK, Tiwari HK et al: Anti-Insulin antibodies in Juvenile onset type I diabetic retinopathy. Ind J Ophthalmol 39; 174: 1991.
Sharma K, Rahim S: Vertical fusional amplitude in normal adults. Am J Ophthalmology 114; 636: 1991.
Sharma K, Agarwal S, Sharma RK: Ichthyosis associated spheroid corneal degeneration in HLA-DR identical brothers. Ind J Ophthalmology 41; 1991: 1993.
Sharma K, Gupta RK: CT negative neurocysticecrosis. Pediatric Neurosurgery 19; 206: 1993.
Sharma K, Sharma RK, Gulati S, Elhence R, Kher V. Leber’s congenital amaurosis with nephropathy. Ind J Ophthalmol 42; 83: 1994.
Khosla PK, Sharma K, Tiwari HK et al: Metabolic factors in the development of juvenile onset type I diabetic retinopathy .Ind J Ophthalmol 42; 23: 1994.
Baijal SS, Sharma K, Agarwal P, Phadke RV, Gujral RB: Ultrasound guided detection and cytology of orbital masses. Ann of Ophthalmol 27: 36: 1995.
Agarwal P, Sharma K, Gupta RK, Dutta NR, Kumar S, Gujral RB. Acute bilateral ophthalmoplegia secondary to metastatic prostatic carcinoma. J Neuro-Ophthalmology 15; 45: 1995.
Mishra UK, Jha S, Kalita J, Sharma K: Stroke a rare presentationofEale’sdisase. Angiology. 47; 73: 1995.
Singh JR, Singh VK, Shinohara T, Singh V, Sharma K, Agarwal SS: Cellular immune response to retinal – S antigen and interphotoreceptor retinoid binding protein fragments. Ind J Med Res 103; 222: 1996.
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Sunil Pradhan, N Pandey, RV Phadke, A Kaur, K Sharma, RK Gupta: Selective involvement of basal ganglia and occibital cortex in a patient with acute endosulfan poisoning. J of Neurological Sciences 147 (1997) 209-213.
Sharma K, Bhatia VL. Wolfram Syndrome: A case report & Family study. Annals of the Indian Academy of Neurology, 1998.
Kumar R, Behari S, Wahi J, Banerji D, Sharma K. Peduncularhallucinosis: an unusual sequel to surgical intervention in the suprasellar region. British J of Neurosurg. 1999; 13 (5): 500-503.
Sharma K, Verma A, Phadke RV, Jain VK. Migraine like visual hallucination in Neurocysticerosis published in Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology in June 2002 issue.
Prasad N, Gulati S, Gupta RK, Kumar R, Sharma K, Sharma RK. Is Reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy with severe hypertension completely reversible in all patients? PediatrNephrol 2003; 18: 1161-1166
Varma A, Sharma K, Gupta RK. Isolated abscess in extraocular muscle in two young patients. Orbit 2003 Mar; 22(1):67-72.
Sharma K, Pradhan Sunil, VarmaAtul, BhartiRathi. Irreversible blindness due to multiple tuberculomas in the suprasellar cistern. J Neuro-Ophthalmol 2003; 23: 211-212.
Kumar R, Varma A, Sharma K. Post traumatic pseudomeningocele of orbit in young boy. Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus 2003: 40 (2):110-112.
Sharma R, Tyagi I, Achari G, Sharma K, Kumar R. Angiofibroma surgery & visual improvement. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery 2003; 55 (2): 100-106.
Bhatia V, Arya V, Dabadgao P, Balasubramanian K, Sharma K, Verghese N, Bhatia E. Etiology and outcome of childhood and adolescent diabetes mellitus in North India. J of Pediatric Endocrin&Metabol, 17, No. 7, 2004.
Sharma K, Phadke RV, Pandey A, Verma A. Visual Loss and Epistaxis. Neuro-Ophthalmology 2005; 29: 85-89.
Phadke RV, Parihar A, Behari S, Sharma K. Localized congestive venous encephalopathy associated with cavernous dural arteriovenous malformation: A case report. Accepted for publication – Am J of Neuro-Radiology, 2005.
Sharma K, Verma A, Rathi B, Kumar R, Kanaujia V. Metastatic lesion of orbit presenting as pulsatile proptosis Ann Ophthalmol 2006; 38 (1) : 69-72.
Kumar R, Singhal N, Sahu RN,Kalra SK, Sharma K, Mahapatra AK: Isolated superior rectus abscess following traumatic blunt injury to the eye Journal ofPediatric Neurology 2008;6:1-6.
Sharma K, Kanaujia V, Verma A, Jaiswal AK. Jaiswal S. Unusual Neuro-ophthalmic manifestations of pituitary adenoma. Asian Journal of Neurosurgery 2008; 2:57-62.
Sharma K, Srivastava A.K., Kanaujia V, S. Jaiswal, Jaiswal A.K.: Monocular visual loss due to herniation of gyrusrectur: A case report with review of literature. Oman Journal of Ophthalmolgoy, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2010.
Sharma K, Kanaujia V, Lal H, JaiswalS l, Jaiswal AK: Isolated oculomotor nerve palsy: an unusual presentation of temporal lobe tumor. Asian Journal of Neurosurgery, Vol 4, No. 2, 2010.
K. Sharma, V Kanaujia, Annu Jain S. Bains.: Metastatic adenocarcinoma of the lung presenting as ill-fitting prosthesis. Orbit 2011 30 (2):118-9.
Sharma K, Kanaujia V, Jain A, Bains S, Suman S, Tuberculous Orbital Abscess Associated with Thyroid tuberculosis, Journal of Ophthalmic and Vision Research 2011, Vol. 6, No.3.
Sharma K, Kanaujia V, Srivastava AK, Jaiswal AK, Kumar R: Optic nerve glioma presenting as anterior palpable mass in the orbit. J. of Pediatric Neuro-Surgery, 9 (2011), 513-514.
Sharma K, Srivastava AK., Kanaujia V, Jain A, Jaiswal S, Jaiswal AK: Mid brain tuberculoma presenting with isolated ocular motility abnormality: a series of two cases and review of literature. Oman J Ophthalmol 2012, 5(1):61-3.
BainsS, Jain A, Sharma K, Choriodal Metastasis as the presenting feature in a case of testicular choriocarcinoma. Saudi Journal of Ophthalmology Volume 26, Issue2, 2012, 249 – 251.
Sharma K, Kanaujia V, Agarwal R, Mishra P, Tripathy A. Hypertensive retinopathy review article in Clinical Queries: Nephrology 2, 2013, 136-39.
Reddy SVB, Jain A, Yadav S.B., Sharma K and Bhatia E.: Prevalence of Graves’ Ophthalmopathy in patients with Graves’ disease presenting to a referral centre in north India. Indian J Med Res, 2014, 139; 99-104.
Singh. V, Phadke, RV, Udiya A, Shettey GS, Sharma K, Kanaujia V. Inferior perusal sinus route microcatherization study and embolization for primary orbital varix. Interventional Neuroradiology. 2015, 0 (00) 1-8.
Agarwal R, Kanaujia V, Mishra P, Phadke RV, Sharma K. A case report rim enhancing lesion at the orbital apex, ORBIT. 2017, Volume 36, (1), 27-29.
Mishra P, Kanaujia V, Sharma K, Tripathi A, Agarwal R. Ocular fundus involvement and visual outcome of leukemia patients: our experience in a tertiary hospital population of North India. IP international journal of Ocular oncology and oculoplasty, Oct – Dec 2017, 3(4), 266-72.
‘Tubulo interstitial nephritis and uveitis (TINU) syndrome: Our Experience’, case series accepted in Oman Journal of Ophthalmology (OJO).
Mishra P, Kanaujia V, Sharma K., Diagnosis dilemma of a case of bilateral macular cystic changes with drusen like depots Retina Oct. 30, 2017.
Jain VK, Singh V. Kanaujia V, Mishra P, Phadke RV, Sharma K. Papilledea revisiting after sinus angioplasty of chronic cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, in IJO 2018 Vol 66 (5) 714 – 716.
Kanaujia V, Jain V.K. Sharma K, Agarwal, R, Mishra P, Sharma R.K. Ethambutol induce optic neuropathy in renal disorder: a clinic electrophysiological study, Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology Available online August 25, 2018. In Press
Sharma K, Agarwal R, Kanaujia V, Singh V, Mishra P, Phadke RV, CCF: Natural history and clinical profile Angiology: Open access: Vol 16 issue 1, 2018.
Jain VK, Kanaujia V, Mishra P, Sharma K. “Encephalocele presenting as lower eyelid swelling” a rare case report, IJO 2018, Mar;66(3):453-454.
Kanaujia V, Jain VK, Sharma K, etal. “Ethambutol induced optic neuropathy in renal disorder: A clinic-electrophysiological study” Can J Ophthalmology 2018Jun;54(3):301-305.
Jain VK, Singh V, Kanaujia V, Mishra P, Phadke RV, Sharma KPseudotumorcerebri secondary to venous sinus occlusion” IJO 2018 66(5);714-717.
Sharma K, Kanaujia V, Agarwal R, Singh V, Mishra P. Mycotic Aneurysm of Intracavernous Internal Carotid Artery Presenting as Cavernous Sinus Syndrome. AJNS. A Case Report Volume 14, Issue 2 2019, 546 – 549.
Mishra P, Pal S, Kanaujia V, Sharma K. Retinal capillary hemanigioblastoma associated with retinochoroidalcoloboma in Von –Hippel-indau disease, Indian Journal of Ophthalmology 2019:67:688-90.
Agarwal R, Pal S, Chaudhary N, Sharma K, Kanaujia V. Limbalschwannoma: Clinicophathological study of a case with review of literature. Oman J Ophthalmol. 2019 Sep.-Dec;12(3):197-199.
Jain VK, Kesarwani D, Sharma K, Kanaujia V, Agarwal R. Ologen in Axenfiled –Reiger Anomaly with secondary Glaucoma: A case report with review of literature. Delhi Journal of Ophthalmol 2020:30(1):55-57
Agarwal R, Kanaujia V, Mishra P, Sharma K. Tubulo interstitial nephritis and uveitis (TINU) syndrome: our experience, case series accepted in Oman Journal of Ophthalmology (OJO). Ahead of print in Oman Journal of Ophthalmology.
Jain VK, Agarwal R, Shabari Pal, Kaushik J, Sharma K, Kanaujia V. Corneal biomechanical properties in paient with kidney transplant. Taiwan J Ophthalmology April 2020. Accepted
Jain VK, Singh V, Charlotte A, Kanaujia V, Sharma K. Turbulent flow in cavernous sinus lesions: Does it suggest something? Neuro-Ophthalmology June 2020. Accepted for publication.
Jain VK, Kesarwani D, yadav V, Sharma K Calotrpis induced corneal toxicity in Indian medicinal use: a rare case report with review of literature. TNOA J Ophthalmic Sci Res 2020;58:37-39.
Jain VK, Singh P, Sarswati, Ojha A, Sharma K. Keyser-Fleischer ring with sunflower cataract: a clinching sign of Wilson’s disease. TNOA J Ophthalmic Sci Res 2020;58-57
Agarwal R, Pal S, Sharma K. Jain VK, Mishra P. Fungal infections of the orbit: The present scenario in developing country. Indian J ClinExpOphthalmol May 2020. Accepted for publication.
Jain Vaibhav K, Singh Vivek, Charlotte A, Kanaujia V, Sharma K. Turbulent Flow in a Cavernous sinus lesion : Does is suggest something. Neuro-ophthalmology July 2020 online.
SrivastavArun K, Singh S, Khatri D, Jaiswal AK, Shaker R, Palliwal VK, Neyaz Z, Sharma K, Behari S. Neurol Endoscopic Endonasal optic nerve decompression with durotomy: PisAller in the Mind of a Blind Neurol. India Jan-Feb 2020; 68(1):54-60.