
Research Projects - Extramural

    1. “Zr-89 production and Zr-89 Radiopharmaceuticals” Coordinated research program funded by International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna; Project tilte (2019-2024)

    2. Centres of Excellence (COE) on Translational Research on Bio-inspired Nanomaterials and Drugs from endophytes with Dr. Dr Absar Ahmad, Aligarh Muslim University as Principal Investigator; funded by DBT-New Delhi (.3.95 Crore, 2018-2023)

    3. Iodine-131-Radio-labeled hypoxia seeking pharmaceutical: Improving target to non-target binding kinetics to enhance the therapeutic effect in therapy resistant solid tumors” Alberta Innovates-Health Solutions, Collaborative Research and Innovation Opportunities, University of Alberta, Canada. (2013-2018, CAD 50,000.00).

    4. Use of 18F-FDG PET/CT for imaging TB patients and related (HIV/AIDS tuberculosis) focus on drug resistant extra pulmonary Tuberculosis” funded by International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria (Euro 18,000.0, 2015-2018)

    5. “Design and construction of computer controlled automated radiochemistry synthesizer” Funding agency: Ministry of Human Resources, New Delhi In collaboration with IIT-K (10 Lakhs, 2016-going on).

    Informat Awaited.....

    1. Coordinate a CRP on the use of sentinel lymph node detection in breast, melanoma, head and neck and pelvic cancers. Funded by International atomic energy agency., Completed

    Information Awaited...........

    1. Zr-89 production and Zr-89 Radiopharmaceuticals” Coordinated research program funded by International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna; Project tilte (2019-2024)

    2. Centres of Excellence (COE) on Translational Research on Bio-inspired Nanomaterials and Drugs from endophytes with Dr. Dr Absar Ahmad, Aligarh Muslim University as Principal Investigator; funded by DBT-New Delhi (.3.95 Crore, 2018-2023)

    3. Iodine-131-Radio-labeled hypoxia seeking pharmaceutical: Improving target to non-target binding kinetics to enhance the therapeutic effect in therapy resistant solid tumors” Alberta Innovates-Health Solutions, Collaborative Research and Innovation Opportunities, University of Alberta, Canada. (2013-2018, CAD 50,000.00).

    4. Use of 18F-FDG PET/CT for imaging TB patients and related (HIV/AIDS tuberculosis) focus on drug resistant extra pulmonary Tuberculosis” funded by International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria (Euro 18,000.0, 2015-2018)

    5. “Design and construction of computer controlled automated radio-chemistry synthesizer” Funding agency: Ministry of Human Resources, New Delhi In collaboration with IIT-K (10 Lakhs, 2016-going on).

Research Projects - intramural

    1. “Therapeutic application of the 64CuCl2 an Auger electron-emitting PET agent in recurrent high-grade brain tumors” (5.0 Lakhs, 2020-22).

    1. Renal functional reserve evaluation in healthy adults and patients with chronic kidney disease. (Completed)

    2. Evaluation of comparative palliative effect of samarium plus capecitabine and samarium alone in patients with painful skeletal metastasis. (Completed)

    3. Development of nanoparticle dual function probes for SPECT and CT imaging for small animals. (Completed)

    1. Renal functional reserve evaluation in healthy adults and patients with chronic kidney disease. (Completed)

    2. Evaluation of comparative palliative effect of samarium plus capecitabine and samarium alone in patients with painful skeletal metastasis. (Completed)

    3. Development of nanoparticle dual function probes for SPECT and CT imaging for small animals. (Completed)

    1. Non- invasive assessment of Rt. Heart function by equilibrium radionuclide ventriculography in pre & post Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting [CABG] patients.(completed).

    2. PET-CT evaluation of F-18 FDG uptake by mono cusp & tri-leaflet FAP [fresh autologous pericardium] valve at pulmonary position. (completed)

    1. “Therapeutic application of the 64CuCl2 an Auger electron-emitting PET agent in recurrent high-grade brain tumors” (5.0 Lakhs, 2020-22).

    2. Novel synthetic route of precursor synthesis for [18F]-Auximin PSMA PET Tracer: Chemistry Methodology Innovation, (5.0 Lakhs, 2020-22).

    3. Comparative Analysis of 68Ga-PSMA PET/CT with 99mTc-PSMA Gamma Camera Imaging In Recurrent Carcinoma Prostate” (4.5 Lakhs, 2020-22).

    4. “Cost Saving on PET Scan by recycling of recovered 18O-Enriched Water from Cyclotron.(3.70 Lakhs, 2018-20)

    5. “[Iodine-131]-Radio-labeled hypoxia seeking pharmaceutical: Improving target to non-target binding kinetics to enhance the therapeutic effect in therapy resistant solid Tumors” (2.5 Lakhs, 2016-18)

    6. “Automated synthesis and quality control tests for clinical grade production of [18F]-FDG, [18F]-FLT and [18F]-Choline derivatives in newly establishing facility” Funded by SGPGIMS, Lucknow. Funding Agency: SGPGIMS, Lucknow (2.0 Lakhs, 2016-18)