List of publications:
1. Mundada K, Goel A, Paliwal VK, Singh TP, Rai P, Aggarwal R. Short course of low-dose pregabalin is effective for the treatment of restless leg syndrome in patients with cirrhosis: A pilot study. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2022 Feb 16. doi: 10.1111/jgh.15803. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35174537.
2. Dongre N, Ambwani V, Mani VE, Paliwal VK, Alien-hand syndrome with mirror movements in hereditary diffuse leukoencephalopathy with spheroids. Pract Neurol. 2022 Mar 24:practneurol-2021-003237. doi: 10.1136/practneurol-2021-003237. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35332077.
1. Garg RK, Paliwal VK, Gupta A. Spinal cord involvement in COVID-19: A review. J Spinal Cord Med. 2021 Mar 11:1-15. doi: 10.1080/10790268.2021.1888022. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33705268.
2. Sengar P, Verma R, Singh VK, Paliwal VK, Pearls & Oy-sters: "Quiet Nerve Paralysis" due to Symmetrical Neuropathy in Pure Neuritic Leprosy. Neurology. 2021 May 11;96(19):e2451-e2453. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000011880. Epub 2021 Mar 24. PMID: 33762422.
3. Garg RK, Paliwal VK, Malhotra HS, Sharma PK. Neuroimaging Patterns in Patients with COVID-19-Associated Neurological Complications: A Review. Neurol India. 2021 Mar-Apr;69(2):260-271. doi: 10.4103/0028-3886.314531. PMID: 33904434.
4. Anand S, Vibhute AS, Das A, Pandey S, Paliwal VK, Ketogenic Diet for Super-refractory Status Epilepticus: A Case Series and Review of Literature. Ann Indian Acad Neurol. 2021 Jan-Feb;24(1):111-115. doi: 10.4103/aian.AIAN_170_20. Epub 2021 Feb 5. PMID: 33911401; PMCID: PMC8061522.
5. Paliwal VK, Uniyal R. Paroxysmal Hemicrania: An Update. Neurol India. 2021 Mar-Apr;69(Supplement):S135-S143. doi: 10.4103/0028-3886.315982.
6. Garg RK, Paliwal VK, Spectrum of neurological complications following COVID-19 vaccination. Neurol Sci. 2022 Jan;43(1):3-40. doi: 10.1007/s10072-021-05662-9. Epub 2021 Oct 31. PMID: 34719776; PMCID: PMC8557950.
7. Paliwal VK, Uniyal R. Paroxysmal Hemicrania: An Update. Neurol India. 2021Mar-Apr;69(Supplement):S135-S143. doi: 10.4103/0028-3886.315982. PMID: 34003159.
8. Nayak S, Sarangi AN, Sahoo SK, Mangla P, Tripathy M, Rao S, Gupta S, PaliwalVK, Sudhanshu S, Ravi C, Joshi K, Bhatia V, Bhatia E. Neonatal DiabetesMellitus: Novel Mutations. Indian J Pediatr. 2021 Aug;88(8):785-792. doi:10.1007/s12098-020-03567-7. Epub 2021 Jan 7. Erratum in: Indian J Pediatr. 2021Apr 29;: PMID: 33409956.
9. Paliwal VK, Garg RK. Hydrocephalus in Tuberculous Meningitis - Pearls and Nuances. Neurol India. 2021 Nov-Dec;69(Supplement):S330-S335. doi: 10.4103/0028-3886.332275. PMID: 35102984.
10. Paliwal VK, Garg RK. Neurological Complications of Dengue: Beware of StrikingSimilarities with Severe COVID-19. Ann Indian Acad Neurol. 2021 Sep-Oct;24(5):645-647. doi: 10.4103/aian.aian_470_21. Epub 2021 Oct 14. PMID:35002119; PMCID: PMC8680904.
11. Nayak S, Sarangi AN, Sahoo SK, Mangla P, Tripathy M, Rao S, Gupta S, PaliwalVK, Sudhanshu S, Ravi C, Joshi K, Bhatia V, Bhatia E. Correction to: NeonatalDiabetes Mellitus: Novel Mutations. Indian J Pediatr. 2021 Aug;88(8):847. doi:10.1007/s12098-021-03769-7. Erratum for: Indian J Pediatr. 2021Aug;88(8):785-792. PMID: 33914270.
12. Singh S, Mehrotra A, Kanjilal S, Paliwal VK, Effect of seizure timing onlong-term survival in patients with brain tumor. Epilepsy Behav.2021Apr;117:107566. doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2020.107566. Epub 2021 Feb 17. PMID:33610463.
13. Nigam H, Gambhir S, Pandey S, Garg RK, Verma R, Paliwal VK, Malhotra HS,Sharma PK, Kumar N, Rizvi I, Jain A, Kohli N, Saini VK, Uniyal R. 18FDG-PositronEmission Tomography in patients with Tuberculous Meningitis: A ProspectiveEvaluation. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2021 Jul 19;105(4):1038-1041. doi:10.4269/ajtmh.21-0102. PMID: 34280149; PMCID: PMC8592133.
14. Mehrotra A, Singh S, Kanjilal S, Attri G, Rangari K, Paliwal VK, Mani V, Verma PK, Maurya VP, Sardhara J, Bhaisora KS, Das KK, Srivastava AK, Jaiswal AK,Behari S. Resistant Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: Initial Steps into a Bigger EpilepsySurgery Program. J Neurosci Rural Pract. 2021 Jan;12(1):193-196. doi:10.1055/s-0040-1716796. Epub 2020 Nov 4. PMID: 33531782; PMCID: PMC7846332.
15. Puri R, Mehta V, Iyengar SS, Srivastava P, Yusuf J, Pradhan A, Pandian JD, AV, Shetty S,Narasingan SN, Nair DR, Bansal M, Prabhakar D, Varma M, Paliwal VK, Kapoor A,Mukhopadhyay S, Mehrotra R, Patanwala RM, Aggarwal R, Mahajan K, Kumar S,Bardoloi N, Pareek KK, Manoria PC, Pancholia AK, Nanda R, Wong ND, Duell PB.Management of Dyslipidaemia for the Prevention of Stroke: Clinical PracticeRecommendations from the Lipid Association of India. Curr Vasc Pharmacol. 2021Nov 9. doi: 10.2174/1570161119666211109122231. Epub ahead of print. PMID:34751121. Sharma VK, Renjen PN, Muruganathan A, Mugundhan K, Srinivasan
16. Sengar P, Verma R, Singh VK, Paliwal VK, Pearls & Oy-sters: "Quiet Nerve Paralysis" due to Symmetrical Neuropathy in Pure Neuritic Leprosy. Neurology.2021May11;96(19):e2451e2453.doi:10.1212/WNL.0000000000011880. Epub 2021 Mar24. PMID: 33762422.
17. Raiyani V, Singh S, Sardhara J, Mehrotra A, Mani V, Paliwal VK, Pal L, KumarA, Dikshit P, Maurya VP, Verma PK, Behari S. Seizure Outcome after LesionectomyWith or Without Concomitant Anteromedial Temporal Lobectomy for Low-GradeGliomas of the Medial Temporal Lobe. Asian J Neurosurg. 2021 Sep14;16(3):518-524. doi:10.4103/ajns.AJNS_496_20.PMID: 34660363; PMCID:PMC8477827.
18. Uniyal R, Chhirolya R, Tripathi A, Mishra P, Paliwal VK, Is new daily persistent headache a fallout of somatization? An observational study. Neurol Sci. 2022 Jan;43(1):541-547. doi: 10.1007/s10072-021-05236-9. Epub 2021May 15.PMID: 33991261.
19. Gupta M, Paliwal VK, Babu GN. Serum fractalkine and 3-nitrotyrosine levels correlate with disease severity in Parkinson's disease: a pilot study. Metab Brain Dis. 2022 Jan;37(1):209-217. doi: 10.1007/s11011-021-00801-9.Epub2021Aug 3. PMID: 34342811.
1. Garg RK, Paliwal VK, Gupta A. Encephalopathy in patients with COVID-19: A review. J Med Virol. 2020 Jun 19. doi: 10.1002/jmv.26207. Online ahead of print. PMID: 32558956
2. Paliwal VK, Garg RK, Gupta A, Tejan N. Neuromuscular presentations in patients with COVID-19.Neurol Sci. 2020 Nov;41(11):3039-3056. doi: 10.1007/s10072-020-04708-8. Epub 2020 Sep 15. PMID: 32935156
3. Gupta A, Paliwal VK, Garg RK. Is COVID-19-related Guillain-Barre syndrome different?Brain Behav Immun. 2020 Jul;87:177-178. doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2020.05.051. Epub 2020 May 20. PMID: 32445789
4. Verma R, Paliwal VK, Idiopathic inflammatory myopathy: From muscle biopsy to serology. Indian J Rheumatol [Epub ahead of print] [cited 2020 Dec 18]. Available from:
5. Mehrotra A, Singh S, Kanjilal S, Pal L, Paliwal VK, Sardhara J, Behari S. Seizure-outcome after surgery of low-grade epilepsy associated neuro-epithelial tumors. J Neurosurg Sci. 2020 Dec 15. doi: 10.23736/S0390-5616.20.05144-9.
6. Mehrotra A, Singh S, Kanjilal S, Kumar A, Pal L, Mathur V, Paliwal VK, Sardhara J, Bhaisora KS, Srivastava AK, Jaiswal AK, Behari S. Long-Term Epilepsy-Associated Tumors (LEATs): A Single-Center, Retrospective Series and Review of Literature on Factors Affecting the Seizure Outcome. World Neurosurg. 2020 Dec;144:e149-e155. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2020.08.036. Epub 2020 Aug 10. PMID: 32791221.
7. Mehrotra A, Singh S, Kanjilal S, Pal L, Paliwal VK, Sardhara J, Verma PK, Maurya VP, Bhaisora KS, Das KK, Srivastava AK, Jaiswal AK, Behari S. Factors affecting seizure outcome in Long-term epilepsy associated tumors (LEATs) in children and young adolescents. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2020 Oct;197:106104. doi: 10.1016/j.clineuro.2020.106104. Epub 2020 Jul 23. PMID: 32738652
8. Das A, Babu GN, Gupta A, Kanaujia V, Paliwal VK, Vivid visual hallucinations in visually impaired: Charles bonnet syndrome – An analog to “phantom-limb phenomenon”. Ann Indian Acad Neurol 2020;23:734-5.
9. Ambwani V, Dongre N, Singh V, Paliwal VK, Fluorosis causing spinal cord compression. Pract Neurol. 2020 Aug 7:practneurol-2020-002618. doi: 10.1136/practneurol-2020-002618. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32769148.
10. Gupta P, Muthukumar N, Rajshekhar V, Tripathi M, Thomas S, Gupta SK, Lal V, Pal P, Abraham M, Behari S, Paliwal V, Singh D, Pandey S, Narasimhan L, Srinivas D, Panda S, Kale S S, Chandra P S. Neurosurgery and Neurology Practices during the Novel COVID-19 Pandemic: A Consensus Statement from India. Neurol India 2020;68:246-54.
11. Srivastava AK, Singh S, Khatri D, Jaiswal AK, Sankar R, Paliwal VK, Neyaz Z, Sharma K, Behari S. Endoscopic Endonasal Optic Nerve Decompression with Durotomy: Pis Aller in the Mind of a Blind. Neurol India. 2020 Jan-Feb;68(1):54-60. doi: 10.4103/0028-3886.279701. PMID: 32129244.
12. Paliwal VK, Anand S, Singh V. Pyogenic Brain Abscesses in a Patient With Digital Clubbing. JAMA Neurol. 2020 Jan 1;77(1):129-130. doi: 10.1001/jamaneurol.2019.3327. PMID: 31589274.
2019 (n=6)
1. Paliwal VK, Uniyal R, Anand S. Hypertension and its relation to headache and other craniofacial neuralgiform pain. Hypertens 2018;4(1): 26-30.
2. Anand S, Paliwal VK, Singh LS, Uniyal R. Why do neurologists miss catatonia in neurology emergency? A case series and brief literature review. Clin Neurol Neurosurg 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.clineuro.2019.105375. PMID: 31147176
3. Paliwal VK, Uniyal R, Aneez A, Singh LS. Do paroxysmal hemicrania and hemicrania continua represent different headaches? A retrospective study. Neurol Sci. 2019 Jun 29. doi: 10.1007/s10072-019-03980-7. PMID: 31256266
4. Anand S, Paliwal VK, Neyaz Z, Srivastava AK. Spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma and septic encephalopathy secondary to postpartum septicemia. Neurol India. 2019 Jan-Feb;67(1):268-269. doi: 10.4103/0028-3886.253608. PMID: 30860131
5. Paliwal VK, Anxiety, Depression, and its Relationship with Migraine. Neurosci Rural Pract. 2019 Jan-Mar;10(1):4-5. doi: 10.4103/jnrp.jnrp_321_18. PMID: 30765961
6. Halkurike-Jayadevappa VK, Goel A, Paliwal VK, Rai P, Aggarwal R. Liver disease severity is poorly related to the presence of restless leg syndrome in patients with cirrhosis.Neurol India. 2019 May-Jun;67(3):732-737. doi: 10.4103/0028-3886.263171. PMID: 31347545
7. Ambwani V, Warrier S, Dongre N, Paliwal VK, Late onset familial sensory-motor polyneuropathy: hereditary motor sensory neuropathy or not. Indian J Clin Neurosciences. 2019:1;10-14.
8. Warrier S, Ambwani V, Dongre N, Paliwal VK, “Molar tooth sign” and Joubart syndrome related-disorders: report of two cases. Indian J Clin Neurosciences. 2019:1;15-17.
2018 (n=8)
1. Anand S, Rai AS, Chhirolya R, Paliwal VK Acute intractable vomiting: Do I belong somewhere else?Indian J Gastroenterol. 2018 Jul;37(4):365-369. doi: 10.1007/s12664-018-0868-3. Epub 2018 Aug 8.
2. Paliwal VK, Tejan N.Clinical utility of latex agglutination test for the rapid diagnosis of acute bacterial meningitis.Neurol India. 2018 Jul-Aug;66(4):1050-1051. doi: 10.4103/0028-3886.237007.
3. Uniyal R, Paliwal VK, Anand S, Ambesh P. New daily persistent headache: An evolving entity.Neurol India. 2018 May-Jun;66(3):679-687. doi: 10.4103/0028-3886.232291.
4. Paliwal VK, Rai AS, Kumar S, Verma R, Agarwal V.Proximal Muscle Weakness With Overlying Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis in Sjögren Syndrome: Report of 6 Cases.J Clin Rheumatol. 2018 Apr 5. doi: 10.1097/RHU.0000000000000776.
5. Paliwal VK, Chhirolya R, Neyaz Z, Agarwal V.Clinical Reasoning: A 30-year-old man with acute paraplegia and left foot gangrene.Neurology. 2018 Apr 10;90(15):e1355-e1359. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000005300
6. Nagesh Babu G, Gupta M, Paliwal VK, Singh S, Chatterji T, Roy R. Serum metabolomics study in a group of Parkinson's disease patients from northern India.Clin Chim Acta. 2018 May;480:214-219. doi: 10.1016/j.cca.2018.02.022.
7. Tejan N, Uniyal R, Paliwal VK, Malhotra HS, Garg RK. Campylobacter jejuni vertebral osteomyelitis or tuberculosis: persisting diagnostic ambiguity.Lancet Infect Dis. 2018 Feb;18(2):141-142. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(17)30699-0
8. Uniyal R, Paliwal VK, Malhotra HS, Garg RK, Kumar N.Author response: Teaching NeuroImages: Amlodipine-responsive trigeminal neuralgia: An alibi for vascular compression theory.Neurology. 2018 Jan 30;90(5):248. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000004881.
2017 (n = 6)
1. Uniyal R, Paliwal VK, Garg RK.The puzzle of V1 trigeminal neuralgia and SUNCT.
Cephalalgia. 2017 Jan 1. doi: 10.1177/0333102417735848
2. Mani A, Yadav P, Paliwal VK, Lal H. Isolated clival metastasis: a rare presentation of renal cell carcinoma. BMJ Case Rep. 2017 Aug 11;2017.. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2017-221570
3. Uniyal R, Paliwal VK, Kumar N, Malhotra HS, Garg RK, Neyaz Z. Teaching NeuroImages: Amlodipine-responsive trigeminal neuralgia: An alibi for vascular compression theory.Neurology. 2017 Jul 18;89(3):e20. doi: 10.1212/WNL.000000000000411
4. Uniyal R, Paliwal VK, Tripathi A. Psychiatric comorbidity in new daily persistent headache: A cross-sectional study.Eur J Pain. 2017 Jul;21(6):1031-1038. doi: 10.1002/ejp.1000
5. Paliwal VK . Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis in children. Neurol India. 2016 Nov-Dec;64(6):1193-1194
6. Ambesh P, Paliwal VK, Shetty V, Kamholz S.The Babinski Sign: A comprehensive review.J Neurol Sci. 2017 Jan 15;372:477-481. doi: 10.1016/j.jns.2016.10.041
2016 (n=8)
1. Goyal G, Singh R, Bansal N, Paliwal VK, Anatomical Variations of Cerebral MR Venography: Is Gender Matter? Neurointervention. 2016 Sep;11(2):92-8. doi: 10.5469/neuroint.2016.11.2.92
2. Paliwal VK, Uniyal R, Neyaz Z, Agarwal V. Clinical Reasoning: A 57-year-old man with subacute gait difficulty and hand tremor. Neurology. 2016 Sep 13;87(11):e110-3. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000003102.
3. Kharwar NK, Prasad KN, Singh K, Paliwal VK, Modi DR. Polymorphisms of IL-17 and ICAM-1 and their expression in Guillain-Barre syndrome. Int J Neurosci. 2016 Sep 18:1-8.
4. Goel A, Jat SL, Sasi A, Paliwal VK, Aggarwal R. Prevalence, severity, and impact on quality of life of restless leg syndrome in patients with liver cirrhosis in India. Indian J Gastroenterol. 2016 May;35(3):216-21. doi: 10.1007/s12664-016-0668-6.
5. Uniyal R, Paliwal VK, Neyaz Z. Middle cerebellar peduncle sign in adrenoleukodystrophy. Neurol India. 2016 May-Jun;64(3):578-9. doi: 10.4103/0028-3886.181583.
6. Paliwal VK, Anand S, Kumar S, Ambesh P. Unilateral asterixis: A useful lateralizing neurological sign. Neurol India. 2016 May-Jun;64(3):561-2. doi: 10.4103/0028-3886.181582.
7. Kharwar NK, Prasad KN, Paliwal VK, Modi DR. Association of NOD1 and NOD2 polymorphisms with Guillain-Barre syndrome in Northern Indian population. J Neurol Sci. 2016 Apr 15;363:57-62. doi: 10.1016/j.jns.2016.02.028.
8. Pradhan S, Choudhury SS, Paliwal VK, Complete middle cerebral artery block without brain infarction. Neurol India. 2016 Mar-Apr;64 Suppl:S95-7. doi: 10.4103/0028-3886.
2015 (n=2)
1. Kumar A, Paliwal VK, Agarwal V, Neyaz Z, Lal H, Goel G. Relationship of Lennox-Gastaut syndrome with perinatal event: A cross-sectional study. J Pediatr Neurosci. 2015;10:98-102.
2. Paliwal VK, Uniyal R, Gupta DK, Neyaz Z. Trigeminal neuralgia or SUNA/SUNCT: a dilemma unresolved. Neurol Sci 2015;36:1533-5.
2014 (n=1)
1. Singh P, Paliwal VK, Neyaz Z, Srivastava AK, Verma R, Mohan S. Clinical and magnetic resonance imaging characteristics of tubercular ventriculitis: an under-recognized complication of tubercular meningitis. J Neurol Sci. 2014 Jul 15;342(1-2):137-40. doi: 10.1016/j.jns.2014.05.007.
2. Kumar A, Tripathi D, Paliwal VK, Neyaz Z, Agarwal V. Role of p-glycoprotein in refractoriness of seizures to antiepileptic drugs in lennox-gastaut syndrome. J Child Neurol. 2015 Feb;30(2):223-7. doi: 10.1177/0883073814532545. Epub 2014 Apr 23.
3. Singh A, Singh AK, Singh SK, Paliwal VK, Gupta RK, Prasad KN. Association of ICAM-1 K469E polymorphism with neurocysticercosis. J Neuroimmunol. 2014 Nov 15;276(1-2):166-71. doi: 10.1016/j.jneuroim.2014.07.018. Epub 2014 Aug 2.
4. Gupta PK, Garg RK, Gupta RK, Malhotra HS, Paliwal VK, Rathore RK, Verma R, Singh MK, Rai Y, Pandey CM. Diffusion tensor tractography and neuropsychological assessment in patients with vitamin B12 deficiency. Neuroradiology. 2014 Feb;56(2):97-106. doi: 10.1007/s00234-013-1306-y.
5. Kanaujia V, Paliwal VK, Aneez A, Agarwal R. Cluster-like headache as presenting feature of Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease. Neurol India. 2014 Nov-Dec;62(6):681-3. doi: 10.4103/0028-3886.149407.
6. Kinge NG, Paliwal VK, Neyaz Z, Sharma R. Retrograde thromboembolic vertebrobasilar artery infarct due to right cervical rib. Neurol India. 2014 Jul-Aug;62(4):479-80. doi: 10.4103/0028-3886.
2013 (n=08)
1. Prasad S, Misra R, Aggarwal A, Lawrence A, Haroon N, Wakhlu A, Krishnani N, Agrawal V, Paliwal VK, Jha S, Agarwal V. Leprosy revealed in a rheumatology clinic: a case series. Int J Rheum Dis. 2013;16(2):129-33.
2. Paliwal VK, Pradhan S. Management options in neuropathic pain.
J Indian Med Assoc. 2012 Sep;110(9):639-43.
3. Singh P, Paliwal VK, Neyaz Z, Kanaujia V. Methanol toxicity presenting as haemorrhagic putaminal necrosis and optic atrophy. Pract Neurol. 2013 Jun;13(3):204-5. doi: 10.1136/practneurol-2012-000500. Epub 2013 Mar 13.
4. Paliwal VK, Uniyal R, Neyaz Z. Alien hand phenomenon in right anterior cerebral artery infarct. Neurol Clin Pract 2013:3:3 270-271.
5. Verma R, Singh P, Kumar A, Paliwal VK, Cranial aspergilloma masquerading as meningioma. BMJ Case Rep. 2013:9;2013.
6. Rai Y, Chaturvedi S, Paliwal VK, Goyal P, Chourasia A, Singh Rathore RK, Yadav A, Pandey CM, Lalla RS, Garg RK, Gupta RK. DTI correlates of cognition in term children with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy. Eur J Paediatr Neurol 2013:17(3):294-301.
7. Gupta RK, Awasthi R, Garg RK, Kumar N, Gupta PK, Singh AK, Sahoo P, Paliwal VK, Prasad KN, Pandey CM, Rathore RK. T1-Weighted Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MR Evaluation of Different Stages of Neurocysticercosis and Its Relationship with Serum MMP-9 Expression. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2013;34(5):997-1003.
8. Chaturvedi SK, Rai Y, Chourasia A, Goel P, Paliwal VK, Garg RK, Rathore RK, Pandey CM, Gupta RK. Comparative assessment of therapeutic response to physiotherapy with or without botulinum toxin injection using diffusion tensor tractography and clinical scores in term diplegic cerebral palsy children. Brain Dev. 2013:35(7);647-53.
2012 (n=14)
1. Singh P, Verma R, Paliwal VK, Neyaz Z. Neuroblastoma presenting as hypertrophic pachymeningitis in a young female. Neurol India 2012:60(6):655-6.
2. Kinge NG, Paliwal VK, Neyaz Z, Verma R. Superficial siderosis in a patient with filum terminale paraganglioma. Neurol India 2012:60(6):648-9.
3. Neyaz Z, Patwari SS, Paliwal VK, Role of FIESTA and SWAN sequences in diagnosis of intraventricular neurocysticercosis. Neurol India 2012:60(6);646-7.
4. Paliwal VK, Gupta PK, Rai P, Verma R. Cryptococcal meningitis in a patient with hepatitis C virus related decompensated cirrhosis: coincidental or immunologically related? Trop Gastroenterol. 2012 Apr-Jun;33(2):146-8
5. Paliwal VK, Singh P, Kumar A, Rahi SK, Gupta RK. Refractory periods in SUNCT. J Headache Pain. 2012;13(6):503
6. Paliwal VK, Singh P, Rahi SK, Agarwal V, Gupta RK. Charcot knee secondary to lumbar spinal cord syringomyelia: complication of spinal anesthesia. J Clin Rheumatol. 2012;18(4):207-8.
7. Verma A, Awasthi R, Prasad KN, Soni N, Singh K, Paliwal VK, Lal H, Pandey CM, Gupta RK. Improved detection of parenchymal cysticercal lesions in neurocysticercosis with T2*-weighted angiography magnetic resonance imaging. Acad Radiol. 2012 ;19(8):958-64.
8. Paliwal VK, Rahi SK, Singh P, Gupta RK. "Wine-glass appearance" of pyramidal tracts in a patient with primary lateral sclerosis. Neurol India. 2012;60(1):110-1.
9. Gupta RK, Awasthi R, Rathore RK, Verma A, Sahoo P, Paliwal VK, Prasad KN, Pandey CM, Narayana PA. Understanding epileptogenesis in calcified neurocysticercosis with perfusion MRI. Neurology. 2012 ;78(9):618-25.
10. Paliwal VK, Singh P, Kumar A, Rahi SK, Gupta RK. Short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache with conjunctival injection and tearing (SUNCT) with preserved refractory period: report of three cases. J Headache Pain. 2012;13(2):167-9
11. Gupta RK, Trivedi R, Awasthi R, Paliwal VK, Prasad KN, Rathore RK. Understanding changes in DTI metrics in patients with different stages of neurocysticercosis.Magn Reson Imaging. 2012;30(1):104-11.
12. Paliwal VK, Gupta PK, Rai P, Verma R. Cryotococcal meningitis in a patient with hepatitis C virus related decompensated cirrhosis: co-incidental or immunologically related? Trop Gastroenterol. 2012;33(2):146-8.
13. Paliwal VK, Goel G, Verma R, Pradhan S, Gupta RK. Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis following filarial infection. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2012 Mar;83(3):347-9.
14. Gupta RK, Trivedi R, Awasthi R, Paliwal VK, Prasad KN, Rathore RK. Understanding changes in DTI metrics in patients with different stages of neurocysticercosis. Magn Reson Imaging. 2012 Jan;30(1):104-11.
2011 (n=10)
1. Verma R, Paliwal VK, Pal L, Pandey R. Enzyme histochemical assessment of mitochondrial functions in patients with limb-girdle syndrome. ISRN Pathology 2011. (In Press)
2. Garg RK, Paliwal VK, Spectrum of acute dengue virus myositis.J Neurol Sci. 2011;307:180-81.
3. Paliwal VK, Garg RK, Juyal R, Husain N, Verma R, Sharma PK, Verma R, Singh MK. Acute dengue virus myositis: a report of seven patients of varying clinical severity including two cases with severe fulminant myositis. J Neurol Sci. 2011;300(1-2):14-8.
4. Garg RK, Paliwal V, Malhotra HS. Tuberculous optochiasmatic arachnoiditis: a devastating form of tuberculous meningitis. Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther. 2011;9(9):719-29.
5. Paliwal VK, Kumar A, Rahi SK, Pradhan S. Charcot foot in post-tubercular spinal arachnoiditis may indicate emerging dorsal cord syringomyelia.Neurol India. 2011;59(2):299-301
6. Jha S, Ansari M, Sonkar K, Paliwal V. Unusual features in chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy: Good outcome after prolonged ventilatory support. J Neurosci Rural Pract 2011;2:171-173
7. Verma A, Prasad KN, Nyati KK, Singh SK, Singh AK, Paliwal VK, Gupta RK Association of MMP-2 and MMP-9 with clinical outcome of neurocysticercosis. Parasitology. 2011;138(11):1423-8
8. Prasad KN, Verma A, Srivastava S, Gupta RK, Pandey CM, Paliwal VK, An epidemiological study of asymptomatic neurocysticercosis in a pig farming community in northern India.. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2011;105:531-6.
9. Verma A, Prasad KN, Cheekatla SS, Nyati KK, Paliwal VK, Gupta RK .Immune response in symptomatic and asymptomatic neurocysticercosis. Med Microbiol Immunol. 2011;200(4):255-61.
10. Nyati KK, Prasad KN, Rizwan A, Verma A, Paliwal VK, TH1 and TH2 response to Campylobacter jejuni antigen in Guillain-Barre syndrome. Arch Neurol. 2011;68:445-52
2010 (n=11)
1. Paliwal VK, Chandra S, Verma R, Kalita J, Misra UK Clonazepam responsive opsoclonus myoclonus syndrome: additional evidence in favour of fastigial nucleus disinhibition hypothesis?. J Neural Transm. 2010;17:613-5
2. Paliwal VK, Gupta PK, Pradhan S.. Gabapentin as a rescue drug in D-penicillamine-induced status dystonicus in patients with Wilson disease. Neurol India. 2010;58:761-3.
3. Paliwal VK, Neuromyotonia masquerading as tetanus. J Clin Neurosci. 2010;17:814-5
4. Nyati KK, Prasad KN, Verma A, Paliwal VK, Correlation of matrix metalloproteinases-2 and -9 with proinflammatory cytokines in Guillain Barre syndrome. J Neurosci Res. 2010;88:3540-6.
5. Verma A, Prasad KN, Gupta RK, Singh AK, Nyati KK, Rizwan A, Pandey CM, Paliwal VK, Toll-like receptor 4 polymorphism and its association with symptomatic neurocysticercosis. J Infect Dis. 2010;202:1219-25.
6. Prasad KN, Nyati KK, Verma A, Rizwan A, Paliwal VK, Tumor necrosis factor-alpha polymorphisms and expression in Guillain-Barre syndrome. Hum Immunol. 2010;71:905-10.
7. Trivedi R, Agarwal S, Shah V, Goyel P, Paliwal VK, Rathore RK, Gupta RK. Correlation of quantitative sensorimotor tractography with clinical grade of cerebral palsy. Neuroradiology. 2010;52:759-65
8. Verma A, Prasad KN, Singh AK, Nyati KK, Gupta RK, Paliwal VK, Evaluation of the MTT lymphocyte proliferation assay for the diagnosis of neurocysticercosis. J Microbiol Methods. 2010;81:175-8.
9. Nyati KK, Prasad KN, Rizwan A, Verma A, Paliwal VK, Pradhan S. Lymphocyte transformation test detects a response to Campylobacter jejuni antigens in patients with Guillain-Barre syndrome. Med Microbiol Immunol. 2010;199:109-16.
10. Nyati KK, Prasad KN, Verma A, Singh AK, Rizwan A, Sinha S, Paliwal VK, Pradhan S. Association of TLR4 Asp299Gly and Thr399Ile polymorphisms with Guillain-Barre syndrome in Northern Indian population. J Neuroimmunol. 2010;218:116-9
11. Awasthi R, Gupta RK, Trivedi R, Singh JK, Paliwal VK, Rathore RK. Diffusion tensor MR imaging in children with pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation and their siblings. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2010;31:442-7.
2009 (n=3)
1. Paliwal VK, Gaurav G. "Finger drop sign" in Guillain Barre syndrome. Neurol India. 2009;57:690.
2. Paliwal VK, Malhotra HS, Chaurasia RN, Agarwal A. "Anchor"-shaped bright posterior column in a patient with vitamin B12 deficiency myelopathy. Postgrad Med J 2009;85:186.
3. Paliwal VK, Kalita J, Misra UK. Dysphagia in a patient with bilateral medial medullary infarcts. Dysphagia 2009;24:349-53.
2008 (n=3)
1. Paliwal VK, Sharma R, Shukla R. Pregnancy associated stroke in a patient with prosthetic heart valve: Discussion of varied causes. Annals of Neurosciences. 2008;15:51-3.
2. Maurya PK, Kalita J, Paliwal VK, Misra UK. Manual AMBU ventilation is still relevant in developing countries. QJMed. 2008;101:990-1
3. Paliwal VK, Malhotra HS, Sharma R, Shukla R. Delayed diagnosis of brain tumor in a patient with flexor spasms and spastic foot drop. Annals of Indian academy of Neurology. 2008;11:254-56.
2007 (n=3)
1. Garg RK, Paliwal VK, Sharma R, Desai P, Kar AM. Multiple opportunistic infections in an unusual patient with humarn immunodeficiency virus infection. Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology. 2007;10;109-11.
2. Paliwal VK, Malhotra HS, Sharma R, Agarwal A." Locked-in syndrome" in patient with cardioembolic stroke. Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology. 2007;14:83-4.
3. Malhotra HS, Paliwal VK, Singh MK, Agarwal A. Hepatic myelopathy: an unusual complication of advanced hepatic disease. Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology 2007;14:21-2.
2006 (n=2)
1. Shukla R, Paliwal VK, Jha D. Solitary fourth ventricular neurocysticercosis presenting as status migranosus. Headache 2006;46:169-73.
2. Paliwal VK, Garg RK, Kar AM, Singh MK. Oxcarbazepine induced hyponatremic coma. Neurol India 2006;54:214-15.
1. Paliwal V.K, Uniyal R (2018). Toxic myelopathy. In: Mukherjee A, Bhattacharyya KB, Singh G. (eds). IAN textbook of neurology. Jaypee Publishers, N Delhi.
2. Paliwal V.K. (2017) Paradoxical Worsening of Tuberculosis of the Nervous System During Treatment. In: Turgut M., Akhaddar A., Turgut A., Garg R. (eds) Tuberculosis of the Central Nervous System. Springer, Cham.
3. Pradhan S, Paliwal VK, Gupta RK. Hirayama Disease. In: Gupta RK, Kumar S (editors) MR Images of Neurological Diseases in Tropics. 1st edition. Jay Pee Publishers 2011 (In Press).
4. Pradhan S, Paliwal VK, Goyal G, Gupta RK. Acute Transverse Myelitis. In: Gupta RK, Kumar S (editors) MR Images of Neurological Diseases in Tropics. 1st edition. Jay Pee Publishers 2011 (In Press).