Dr Narayan Prasad

    Professor and Head,
    Department of Nephrology
    SGPGIMS, Lucknow

About Department

The Department of Nephrology & Renal Transplantation was started in 1987. It is not only one of the busiest departments of this Institute, but also amongst the largest Nephrology centers of the country. It is an established regional referral center for patient care, teaching, training & research, with an MCI recognized DM (Nephrology) training program. The department has served as the editorial office of the Indian Journal of Transplantation, Indian Journal of Nephrology, Renal Nutrition and Metabolism and housed secretariat of Indian Society of Organ Transplantation and Peritoneal Dialysis Society of India in the past. At present, it houses the Secretariat of Indian Society of Nephrology. The Department of Nephrology and Renal Transplantation, SGPGI, has been instrumental in establishing the specialty of Nephrology for the states of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, other North-eastern states and Nepal.

The department provides care in General Nephrology, Hemodialysis, Peritoneal Dialysis, Critical Care, Intervention Nephrology, Renal Transplantation and Renal nutrition. We run one of the busiest specialty OPDs, in which around 200 patients (old &new) are seen daily. We have General Nephrology OPD 6 days/week, Transplant OPD thrice/week and Peritoneal Dialysis OPD thrice/week. We have a total of 145 indoor beds, with almost 100% bed occupancy. General Nephrology has 70 beds, Kidney transplant unit (KTU) has 13 beds, Dialysis ICU has 8 beds and there are 54 Hemodialysis stations with >100 Hemodialysis sessions being done daily (~ 3850 sessions/month).

In recent years, the Department has enhanced its critical care services with an Eight-bedded Critical Care Nephrology-ICU, all equipped with ventilators and CRRT machines, and round-the-clock intensive care. These beds are low cost and is affordable by poor patients. There are two dedicated dialysis OTs equipped with c-ARM and vascular ultrasound machines for performing interventions:Non-tunneled & tunneled HD catheter insertion (IJV and Femoral), Tenckhoff catheter insertion for PD, Vascular mapping and AV fistula creation. The departments ICU is designed to minimize hospital acquired infections, has a waiting lounge for patient relatives, and an academic floor with a lecture theatre