List of Publications
National journals
1. Gautam A, Singh A, Verma A, Naranje KM, Gupta G. Financial Implications for Families of Newborns Admitted in a Tertiary Care Neonatal Unit in Northern India. Journal of Neonatology. 2023;0(0). doi:10.1177/09732179231180976
2. Familial Infantile Liver Failure Syndrome 1: Novel LARS1 Gene Mutation. A Singh, K Mandal, MK Verma, KM Naranje, A Roy - Indian Journal of Pediatrics, 2022.
3. Panghal A, Gupta AK, Gupta G, Naranje KM, Singh A. An Innovative Three-in-One Face Protective Gear (FPG): A Feasibility Study in a Neonatal Unit in Times of Pandemic! Journal of Neonatology. 2021;35(3):113-115.
4. Anupama Pandey, Anita Singh, Shivani Bajpai, Kirti M Naranje, & Girish Gupta. (2021). An innovative low-cost personal protective equipment gown made by biomedical trash bags. Indian Journal of Child Health, 8(2), 73-77.
5. Singh A, Naranje K, Pandita A, Upadhyaya VD, Kumar B, Upadhyay AD. Isapplication of salt for 3 days locally is sufficient to treat Umbilical Granuloma?Afr J PaediatrSurg June 2021.
6. Shivani Bajpai, Anupama Pandey, Akanksha Verma, Kirti M Naranje, GirishGupta, Anita Singh. (2021). Smartphone usage in neonatal intensive care unit.Indian Journal of Child Health, 8(4), 166-171.
7. Singh, A., Kaur, H., Gupta, G., Naranje, K., Verma, A., Roy, A., Gautam, A., Pandey, A., Gupta, A., Jaiswal, R., Bajpai, S., Dwivedi, M., &Birthare, A. (2021). Enhancement of Immunity and Health in Neonates and Infants. Journal of Neonatology, 35(3), 138-154.
8. Kaur, Harkirat& Singh, Anita &Naranje, Kirti. (2021). How we handled COVID crisis? Experience of an Indian tertiary level NICU. Indian Journal of Child Health. 8. 377-379. 10.32677/ijch.v8i10.3064.
9. Naranje KM, Gupta G,Singh A,Jaiswal R, Pandey A, Roy R, Kaur H, Gupta A, Gautam A, Dwivedi M Birthare A. Neonatal COVID-19 Infection Management. Journal of Neonatology. June 2020 .
10. Singh A, Mandelia A, Verma P, Naranje KM, Gupta G. Giant feeding artery from abdominal aorta in intralobar pulmonary sequestration. J Indian Assoc PediatrSurg 2021
11. Mishra N, Mandelia A, Naranje K, Singh A. Case of nasopharyngeal teratoma: challenges in the management. BMJ Case Reports CP 2019;12:e230105.[Pubmed Indexed]
12. Naranje KM, Singh A, Panghal A, Pandita A, Gupta G. Exchange transfusion in neonates: An experience from a tertiary care centre in North India. Indian Journal of Child Health 2019 September; 6(9):503-6. (Index Copernicus)
13. Naranje KM, Malik R, Singh A, Poddar B, Pradhan M, Gupta G. Postnatal outcomes of infants affected by rhesus hemolytic disease in a tertiary care center in Northern India. Indian Journal of Child August 2019;:443-6. (Index Copernicus)
14. Panghal A, Naranje K, Singh A, Pandita A, Gupta G. Reducing infiltration rates of peripheral intravenous cannula: A quality improvement initiative in a neonatal intensive care unit of tertiary care hospital in Northern India. Indian Journal of Child Health May 2019;6(5):205-8. (Index Copernicus)
15. Kumar B, Upadhyaya VD, Naranje K, Poddar B. Eventration of Diaphragm with Gastric Volvulus: Lesson Learned. J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg. 2019 Jul-Sep;24(3):229-230.
16. Gupta A, Naranje KM, Singh A, Pandita A, Gupta G, Mandal K, Pradhan M. Congenital Chylothorax in a Neonate with Cornelia de Lange Syndrome: A Rare Complication Managed with a Novel Indigenously Prepared Milk Formulation. Indian J Pediatr. 2019 Jul;86(7):645-647
17. Tanigasalam, Vasanthan&Naranje, Kirti& Ahuja, Rajat & Pandita, Aakash & Gupta, Girish. (2019). Hot Summer Shines Light on Diagnosis of Pseudo-Bartter Syndrome. The Indian Journal of Pediatrics. 87. 10.1007/s12098-019-03136-7.
18. Saran S, Naranje K, Gurjar M, Bhadaurai D, Kaul A, Poddar B. Isolated renal mucormycosis in immunocompetent children: A report of two cases. Indian J Crit Care Med. 2017 Jul; 21(7): 457-459
19. Naranje K, Poddar B, Bhriguvanshi A, Lal R, Azim A, Singh RK, Gurjar M, Baronia AK. Blood glucose variability and outcomes in critically ill children. Indian J Crit Care Med. 2017 Mar; 21(3): 122-126
20. Naranje KM, Bansal A, Singhi SC. Fainting attacks in children. Indian J Pediatr. 2012; 79(3):362-6. PubMed PMID: 21695380.
International journals
1. Singh A,Mandelia A, Kawdiya A, Naranje K, Nigam N. Evolution of Antenatally Diagnosed Bronchogenic Cyst in an Infant. J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg. 2023 Jan-Feb;28(1):66-68.
2. Bajpai S, Naranje KM, Gautam A, Singh A. A Case of Unilateral Facial Swelling. Neoreviews. 2022 Nov 1;23(11):771-773.
3. Bajpai S, Mandal K, Naranje KM, Singh A. A Neonate with Dysmorphic Features and Respiratory Distress. Neoreviews. 2022 Oct 1;23(10):e703-e707.
4. Roy A, Naranje KM, Mandal K, Singh A. A Hypotonic Neonate. Neoreviews. 2022 Sep 1;23(9):e641-e644.
5. Roy A, Singh A, Naranje KM, Verma A, Bajpai S. A Case of Fleeting Reactive Arthritis in an Infant: Extended Effect of COVID Antibodies from Mother. Indian J Pediatr. 2022 Sep;89(9):929
6. Verma A, Pandita A, Gupta G, Naranje KM, Singh A. Role of DVET in severe neonatal sepsis in an era of high antibiotic resistance: a retrospective observational study. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2022 May;35(10):1872-1877.
7. Singh A,Mandelia A, Verma P, Naranje K, Gupta G. Giant Feeding Artery from Abdominal Aorta in Intralobar Pulmonary Sequestration. J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg. 2022 Mar-Apr;27(2):270-272.
8. Verma A, Jaiswal R, Naranje KM, Gupta G, Singh A.Bubble CPAP splitting: innovative strategy in resource-limited settings Archives of Disease in Childhood Published Online First: 16 November 2020. doi: 10.1136/archdischild-2020-320030
9. Chinya A, Naranje K, Mandelia A. Situs inversus abdominalis, polysplenia, complex jejunal atresia and malrotation in a neonate: A rare association. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2019;56:93-95. doi: 10.1016/j.ijscr.2019.02.016. Epub 2019 Feb 20.PubMed PMID: 30861494; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6411594
10. Pandita A, Panghal A, Gupta G, Naranje KM. Overgrowth syndrome in neonates: a rare case series with a review of the literature. BMJ Case Rep. 2019 Jan 17;12(1). pii: e225640. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2018-225640. Review.
11. Pandita A, Panghal A, Gupta G, Verma A, Pillai A, Singh A, Naranje K. Is kangaroo mother care effective in alleviating vaccination associated pain in early infantile period? A RCT. Early Hum Dev. 2018 Oct 12;127:69-73.
12. Pandita A, Choudhary NK, Gupta G, Naranje K, Singh A. Maternal hand grip strength in pregnancy is useful - Need more evidence. Early Hum Dev. 2018 Oct;125:46
13. Pandita A, Mishra N, Gupta G, Naranje K, Singh A. IVH scoring system. Childs Nerv Syst. 2018 Mar;34(3):387.
14. Panghal A, Pandita A, Gupta G, Naranje K, Singh A. Urine dipstick tests can aid decision-making when treating infants with unexplained fever, but more research is needed. Acta Paediatr. 2018 May;107(5):903
15. Singh A, Naranje K, Poddar B. A neonate with depressed nasal bridge. Neoreviews 2016;17 (6):e352-55.
16. Poddar B, Naranje K,Gurjar M, Singh R.K, Azim A, Baronia A.K. Abstract 692: Performance Of PIM 2 And PIM 3 Scores In A Single, Tertiary Care Combined Indian Icu. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine 15(4_Suppl):P 156, May 2014. | Doi: 10.1097/01.Pcc.0000449418.25999.39
17. Naranje K, Poddar B, Ghatak T, Baronia A. Staphylococcal native valve endocarditis with iris abscess and intracranial hemorrhage in an adolescent girl. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2013; 32(12):1383-4. PubMed PMID:23958815
18. Naranje KM, Devidayal, Sodhi KS, Singh M. Multiple splenic abscesses caused by Salmonella typhi in a child: case report & brief literature review. Journal of Pediatric Sciences 2011; 3(6):e113
19. Aulakh R, Panigrahi I, Naranje K, Sharda S, Marwaha RK. Spontaneous hematomyelia in a child with hemophilia A: a case report. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2009; 31(10):766-7. PubMed PMID: 19755922.
20. Upadhyaya V, Kumar B,Gupta A, Naranje K, Singh A. Jejunal Windsock Deformity: A Rare Cause of Incomplete Neonatal Intestinal Obstruction. J Neonatal Surg. 2016 Oct-Dec; 5(4): 57
21. Borkar V, Naranje KM . Umbilical hernia in children: A review. Pediatriconcall 2016
Book chapters
1. Naranje K. Introduction to Nutritional requirement of high-risk neonate: In:Gupta G , editor. Patra S, Chetan C, Kumar R, Naranje K, Singh A, Tewari V, Pandita A Co-editors. Holistic Concepts of Neonatal Nutrition. Dehradun:Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh; 1st edition , 2022 . ISBN: 978-9394991-27-9
2. Naranje K, Paul A. Approach to baby with colic: In:Gupta G , editor. Patra S, Chetan C, Kumar R, Naranje K, Singh A, Tewari V, Pandita A Co-editors. Holistic Concepts of Neonatal Nutrition. Dehradun: Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh; 1st edition , 2022 . ISBN: 978-9394991-27-9
3. Naranje K, Roy A. Gut Microbiota in neonatal health: In:Gupta G , editor. Patra S, Chetan C, Kumar R, Naranje K, Singh A, Tewari V, Pandita A Co-editors. Holistic Concepts of Neonatal Nutrition. Dehradun:Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh; 1st edition , 2022 . ISBN: 978-9394991-27-9
4. Naranje K, Dalal N. Nutritional counselling: In:Gupta G , editor. Patra S, Chetan C, Kumar R, Naranje K, Singh A, Tewari V, Pandita A Co-editors. Holistic Concepts of Neonatal Nutrition. Dehradun:Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh; 1st edition , 2022 . ISBN: 978-9394991-27-9
5. Naranje K, Roy A. Appendix- Prebiotic, symbiotic , postbiotic and HMO in Indian Market. Holistic Concepts of Neonatal Nutrition: In:Gupta G , editor. Patra S, Chetan C, Kumar R, Naranje K, Singh A, Tewari V, Pandita A Co-editors. Holistic Concepts of Neonatal Nutrition. Dehradun:Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh; 1st edition , 2022 . ISBN: 978-9394991-27-9
Co-editor of book
1. Holistic Care of newborns on CPAP.In: Gupta G , editor. Naranje K, Patra S.(Co-editors).Holistic Care of newborns on CPAP. New Delhi. Noble publications; 1st edition, 2022. ISBN:978-8195395613.(Noble publication)
2. Naranje K. Monitoring of newborn on mechanical ventilation. In: Gupta G , editor Holistic care of newborns on Mechanical Ventilation. New Delhi. Jaypee publications; 1st edition, 2022. ISBN: 978-81-957204-1-5.
3. Book Chapter on "Clinical application of NIV in neonatology." in Book on Non-invasive Ventilation by the Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine (ISCCM) 2020
4. Postgraduate teaching module on the topic "Antibiotic Policy in NICU" for Indian Academy of Pediatrics 2020
5. Umbilical Vessel Catheterization. (Author): in Manual of ICU procedures by Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Ltd, New Delhi ISBN- 978-93-5152-422- 9; Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Ltd.(2016)
6. Maintenance fluid therapy in children. (Co-Author): in "PG Textbook of Pediatrics for Postgraduates" ISBN-9789351527251; Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Ltd.(2015); contributed to 3rd edition in 2022
Institute protocols
1. Neonatal COVID19 infection management 2020
2. Capacity building Program (Pediatric COVID19 Management) 2021
Reviewer for journals
1. Indian Journal of Pediatrics
2. Clinical case reports
3. Journal of Neonatology
4. PLOS ONE journal
5. BMJ case reports
6. Abstract reviewer for Pediatric Academic Society conference held in Denver in April
7. Abstract reviewer for Pediatric Academic Society conference 2023