a) Gold Medal for presenting paper entitled A Randomized study of High Frequency Oscillatory vs. Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation in Preterm Neonates with hyaline membrane disease in state chapter of Uttar Pradesh National Neonatology Forum, in February 2011.
b) Prof. K. L. Srivastava Gold Medal for representing King George Medical University, Lucknow in Postgraduate Quiz Divisional round of Indian Academy of Pediatrics.
c) Second runner up for best poster in Innovation category at National Neonatology Forum conference at Hyderabad in December 2019.
2. Paper presentation
I. 7 oral presentation in National conferences
II. 20 poster presentation in National Conferences
III. Supervised several oral and poster presentation in conferences
4. Academic Achievement
Reviewer for following Journals
o BMJ case reports
o Clinical Case reports
o Indian Journal of Child Health
o Indian Journal of pediatrics
Successfully completed "International program on preterm nutrition".
National trainer for
o Advanced NRP
o Neonatal emergency simulation training
5. Professional courses, Seminars/Workshops/Conferences attended
i) National faculty Training Programme "Training of Trainer Course" by National Neonatology Forum in December 2015.
ii) Training of trainer course in Neonatal emergency simulation training in November 2015
ii) Training Programme for promotion of safe injection practices by IndiaCLEN Program Evaluation Network (IPEN) in 2008.
iii) VI Annual training course in Pediatric Nephrology in February 2013.
iv) Orientation workshop on extracorporeal Membrane oxygenations in November 2017.
6. Seminars/Workshops/Conferences attended
Various conference attended on topics related to Neonatology and allied subjects
Pearson Bayley neurodevelopmental assessment workshop on 8th and 9th November 2014 in New Delhi.
NEST workshop in New Delhi on 30th November 2014.
Workshop on Laboratory Diagnosis and MR imaging of Inborn errors of Metabolism at Delhi in April 2013.
Functional Echocardiography and Neurosonography workshop in 2012(Delhi) and 2013(Hyderabad NEOCON 2013).
7. Invited as Faculty
Ventilation workshop at UP NEOCON in November 2013 in Varanasi.
"Procedure in Neonatology" workshop in NEOCON in 2014 at Patna.
"Ventilation workshop" at Lucknow by Lucknow academy of Pediatrics in July 2015.
"Role of functional Echo in management of Shock" at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi in April 2016.
Lecture on "Role on amplitude integrated EEG in clinical practice" in February 2017 at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital"
Lecture on "Analyzing failure and weaning on NIV" at UPRESPICON 2018.
Lecture on "Care of extremely preterm Neonate at World Pediatric Conference" at Singapore in Sept 2019.
Invited as faculty in panel discussion on "Buying equipment: What we need to know" in Conference of National Neonatology Forum in December 2019.
Lecture on High frequency and noninvasive ventilation in online workshop by Academy of Pediatrics, Uttar Pradesh in May 2020.
Lecture on NIV and HFOV in online ventilation workshop by UPIAP in May 2020.
Lecture on Neonatal ventilation in Venticon in February 2021 organized by SRMS, Bareilly.
Lecture on Neonatal Hypoglycemia in UPNEOCON 2021 at Meerut.
Lecture on Setting up and initiation of ventilation at Basic neonatal mechanical ventilation workshop, at SGPGIMS, Lucknow in Feb 2019
Lecture on Monitoring on NCPAP at CPAP workshop at SGPGIMS, Lucknow in April 2019
Neonatal nutrition workshop in Sept 2020 and March 2021 (as a part of UP Neocon 2020)
Scan workshop in Sept-Oct 2020 (as part of UP Neocon 2020)