1. Diagnostic services
A) Bacteriology
Routine aerobic & anaerobic bacteriology for culture & sensitivity
Automated blood culture system (BACTEC,BD)
Automated Bacterial Identification & susceptibility system (PHOENIX) and Vitek
Procalcitonin assay for management of sepsis
Test for scrub typhus
Antibiotic sensitivity testing ( routine and automated sensitivity testing)
Rapid bacterial diagnosis by advanced diagnostic technique like MALDI-TOF.
B) Mycobacteriology
Mycobacteriology Routine culture & Automated by BacT/Alert3D
Rapid diagnosis by Genxpert system
MTB complex genotype & Rif/INH resistance
Diagnosis of nontubercular mycobacteria especially in immunocompromised patients.
Real time PCR for Mycobacterium tubercuclosis
RNTCP program also run by the department
C) Serology and microbial immunology
Serological tests for TORCH infections to detect congenital infections
Serological tests for HIV, leptospirosis, dengue
Widal test, VDRL test
Inflammatory markers like CRP, ASO tests
D) Parasitology
Stool Microscopy for Ova, Cysts and Parasites
Stool Culture for identifications of enteric pathogens and antibiotic sensitivity testing
Culture for Clostridium difficile
Toxin A and B detection for “Clostridium difficile”
Microscopy for haemo-parasties like Malaria and Filaria, Leismania etc
Antigen detection tests for haemo-parasties like Plasmodim Vivax and falciparum and Wuchreria bancroftii ( Filaria,)a etc
Antigen detection tests for Giardia, & Cryptosporidium et in stool.
Antibody detection tests for Entamoeba, Echinococcus , Leishmania etc
Special staining methods like Modified Trichrome stain and Modified Trichrome stain for opportunistic pathogens like Cryptosporidium, Cyclospora, Isospora and Microsporidium
Occult blood test in stool: Rapid test
Reducing substance in stool
Fecal Calprotectin test
E) Mycology
Mycology including microscopy, culture, identification and antifungal drug sensitivity testing
Testing for Pneumocystis jirovecii
Diagnosis of new fungi by MALDI-TOF