Lab Services


    1. Diagnostic services

    A) Bacteriology
  • Routine aerobic & anaerobic bacteriology for culture & sensitivity
  • Automated blood culture system (BACTEC,BD)
  • Automated Bacterial Identification & susceptibility system (PHOENIX) and Vitek
  • Procalcitonin assay for management of sepsis
  • Test for scrub typhus
  • Antibiotic sensitivity testing ( routine and automated sensitivity testing)
  • Rapid bacterial diagnosis by advanced diagnostic technique like MALDI-TOF.
  • B) Mycobacteriology

  • Mycobacteriology Routine culture & Automated by BacT/Alert3D
  • Rapid diagnosis by Genxpert system
  • MTB complex genotype & Rif/INH resistance
  • Diagnosis of nontubercular mycobacteria especially in immunocompromised patients.
  • Real time PCR for Mycobacterium tubercuclosis
  • RNTCP program also run by the department
  • C) Serology and microbial immunology

  • Serological tests for TORCH infections to detect congenital infections
  • Serological tests for HIV, leptospirosis, dengue
  • Widal test, VDRL test
  • Inflammatory markers like CRP, ASO tests
  • D) Parasitology

    Stool Microscopy for Ova, Cysts and Parasites
  • Stool Culture for identifications of enteric pathogens and antibiotic sensitivity testing Culture for Clostridium difficile
  • Toxin A and B detection for “Clostridium difficile”
  • Microscopy for haemo-parasties like Malaria and Filaria, Leismania etc
  • Antigen detection tests for haemo-parasties like Plasmodim Vivax and falciparum and Wuchreria bancroftii ( Filaria,)a etc
  • Antigen detection tests for Giardia, & Cryptosporidium et in stool.
  • Antibody detection tests for Entamoeba, Echinococcus , Leishmania etc
  • Special staining methods like Modified Trichrome stain and Modified Trichrome stain for opportunistic pathogens like Cryptosporidium, Cyclospora, Isospora and Microsporidium
  • Occult blood test in stool: Rapid test
  • Reducing substance in stool
  • Fecal Calprotectin test
  • E) Mycology

  • Mycology including microscopy, culture, identification and antifungal drug sensitivity testing
  • Testing for Pneumocystis jirovecii
  • Diagnosis of new fungi by MALDI-TOF

    1. Diagnostic services

    A) Bacteriology
  • Routine aerobic & anaerobic bacteriology for culture & sensitivity
  • Automated blood culture system (BACTEC,BD)
  • Automated Bacterial Identification & susceptibility system (PHOENIX) and Vitek
  • Procalcitonin assay for management of sepsis
  • Test for scrub typhus
  • Antibiotic sensitivity testing ( routine and automated sensitivity testing)
  • Rapid bacterial diagnosis by advanced diagnostic technique like MALDI-TOF.
  • B) Mycobacteriology

  • Mycobacteriology Routine culture & Automated by BacT/Alert3D
  • Rapid diagnosis by Genxpert system
  • MTB complex genotype & Rif/INH resistance
  • Diagnosis of nontubercular mycobacteria especially in immunocompromised patients.
  • Real time PCR for Mycobacterium tubercuclosis
  • RNTCP program also run by the department
  • C) Serology and microbial immunology

  • Serological tests for TORCH infections to detect congenital infections
  • Serological tests for HIV, leptospirosis, dengue
  • Widal test, VDRL test
  • Inflammatory markers like CRP, ASO tests
  • D) Parasitology

    Stool Microscopy for Ova, Cysts and Parasites
  • Stool Culture for identifications of enteric pathogens and antibiotic sensitivity testing Culture for Clostridium difficile
  • Toxin A and B detection for “Clostridium difficile”
  • Microscopy for haemo-parasties like Malaria and Filaria, Leismania etc
  • Antigen detection tests for haemo-parasties like Plasmodim Vivax and falciparum and Wuchreria bancroftii ( Filaria,)a etc
  • Antigen detection tests for Giardia, & Cryptosporidium et in stool.
  • Antibody detection tests for Entamoeba, Echinococcus , Leishmania etc
  • Special staining methods like Modified Trichrome stain and Modified Trichrome stain for opportunistic pathogens like Cryptosporidium, Cyclospora, Isospora and Microsporidium
  • Occult blood test in stool: Rapid test
  • Reducing substance in stool
  • Fecal Calprotectin test
  • E) Mycology

  • Mycology including microscopy, culture, identification and antifungal drug sensitivity testing
  • Testing for Pneumocystis jirovecii
  • Diagnosis of new fungi by MALDI-TOF
  • F) Virology

    COVID 19: RTPCR, Truant, Antigen detection and serological testing.

    Serological testing for
  • 1.Herpes Simplex,
  • 2.Dengue,
  • 3.Chikungunya,
  • 4.Japanese Encephalitis,5,
  • 5. E B Virus,
  • 6. Toxoplasma IgG avidity testing etc
  • RTPCR for

  • 1. Dengue
  • 2. Herpes Simplex,
  • 3. Japanese Encephalitis,
  • 5 Swine flu,
  • 6 .Chikungunya.
  • Tzanck Smear for inclusion bodies
  • Virus isolation and culture for Entero virus, Measels, Dengue etc
  • G) Hospital Surveillance and Infection Control Program

  • Surveillance of OTs and wards for microbial bioload
  • Air and water sample testing for microbial contamination
  • Infection control round and antimicrobial stewardship