Dr Sangram Singh Patel
Assistant Professor,
Department of Microbiology,
SGPGIMS, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India-226014
Email(s) and contactnumber(s):sangramsgpgi@gmail.com
Mobile: 9005716820, 8005381619
Date of Birth: 07/05/1981
Achievements in Patient care (any new techniques started, standardized, new surgical procedures started, etc.; please use additional sheets, if necessary)
1. In charge of Microbiology lab of Trauma center. Established Trunat facility for COVID-19 at Trauma center for RCH-1
2. In-charge of serology section and Co-Incharge of Bacteriology section in the Microbiology Department and responsible for reporting, manpower management and logistics of above labs.
3. Incharge of COVID-19 sample collection center and responsible for PPE training and management of manpower.
4. Residents and other manpower posting and training for whole department and COVID -19 lab.
5. Co- incharge of ICTC lab , SGPGI
6. Member, Departmental Hospital health care workers surveillance committee.
7.Nodal Officer, NMC inspection of MD , Microbiology 2021 ( conducted successfully along with MD exam on 18th and 19th June 2021).
8.External examiner at BHU Varanasi for MBBS and BDS students
Organizational activities:
1. Member for MD and PDCC examination conducting committee of the department
2. Organized teaching and training for COVID-19 sample collection and PPE.