
    1. "FOGSI DHEERA Award" on 16.9.2022 by President FOGSI

    2. Bharat Gaurav Samman by World human rights protection organization (India) March 2020.

    3. "Nari" award on International women's day March 2020

    4. "FOGSI CHAMPION" award 2020 by FOGSI at Mumbai.

    5. Chair of the committee of Rh Neg Pregnancy of "Stillbirth Society of India"

    6. Awarded First Prize in Free Paper: Miscellaneous Group on "Acceptibility and factors affecting cell free fetal DNA testing" by Dr Indrani Ghosh (PDCC) at Abhigyaan National Conference held on 26th to 28th Feb 2021.

    7. Chairperson: FOGSI Genetics and Fetal Medicine Committee FOGSI

    8. Fellowship of Indian College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (FICOG)

    9. Vice president: Fetal Medicine Society of India UP Chapter

    10. "Health Icon award" by Times of India by Deputy Chief Minister, Uttar Pradesh on 26th April 2018.

    11. "Women achiever award" by Amar Ujjala on April 23rd 2018.

    12. "Women achiever" by ETV on the International women day 14th March 2018.

    13. "Health Icon award" by Marvellous records Book of India By Dr Rita Bahuguna Joshi on 20th May 2017

    14. "Hum Kishise kam Nehi" by Ministry of information and Broadcasting, Govt of India. Awarded by His Excellency Governor of Uttar Pradesh, 2016

    15. Felicitated by Indian Medical Association, Lucknow for exemplary work on Doctors day, 2015

    16. Awarded "Arnimal prize" at the 30th Annual conference AICC RCOG-2016 for paper presentation "comparision of different site of injection of potassium chloraide for multifetal pregnancy reduction" held at Chennai, India.

    17. Late Mrs. Vidya Bhasini best paper award. Multifetal Pregnancy Reduction: An experience at a tertiary care center ISOPARB PUNE, March 2014

    18. Late Mrs Vidya Bhasini best paper award on "Management of Rh negative pregnant women: where we stand" at ISOPARB 2013.