
    1. Singh S, Taneja S, Tandon P, Bansal A, Gorsi U, Roy A, De A, Verma N, Premkumar M, Duseja A, Dhiman RK, Singh V, A comparison of different frailty scores and impact of frailty on outcome in patients with cirrhosis, Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology, https://
    2. Singh et al., High Prevalence of Hormonal Changes and Hepatic Osteodystrophy in Frail Patients with Cirrhosis—An Observational Study, Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology,
    3. Wang S, Whitlock R, Xu C, Taneja S, Singh S, Abraldes JG, et al. Frailty is associated with increased risk of cirrhosis disease progression and death. Hepatology. 2022;75:600–609.
    4. Nipun Verma, Saurabh Mishra, Surender Singh, Rajwant Kaur, Talwinder Kaur, Arka De, Madhumita Premkumar, Sunil Taneja, Ajay Duseja, Meenu Singh, Virendra Singh,Feasibility, outcomes, and safety of tele-hepatology services during the COVID-19 pandemic, Hepatology Communications, DOI: 1002/hep4.1732
    5. RoyAkash, Premkumar Madhumita, MishraSaurabh,MehtaniRohit, SuriVanita, Aggarwal Neelam, SinghSurender,DhimanRadha Krishan, Role of ursodeoxycholic acid on maternal serum bile acids and perinatal outcomes in intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy, European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology: October 29, 2020 - Volume Publish Ahead of Print - Issue - doi: 10.1097/MEG.0000000000001954
    6. Roy, A, Verma, N, Singh, S, Pradhan, P, Taneja, S, Singh, M. Immune-mediated liver injury following COVID-19 vaccination: A systematic review. Hepatol Commun. 2022; 00: 1– 10.
    7. DhariwalSukhpal, RoyAkash, TanejaSunil, Bansal Akash, GorsiUjjwal, SinghSurender et al. Assessment of Sarcopenia Using Muscle Ultrasound in Patients With Cirrhosis and Sarcopenic Obesity (AMUSE STUDY). Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology: August 9, 2022 - Volume - Issue - 10.1097/MCG.0000000000001745 doi: 10.1097/MCG.0000000000001745
    8. Ralot T, Bafna C, Singh S, Sharma S. A Rare Presentation of Tubercular Meningitis as Persistent Neutrophilic Meningitis. Malays J Med Sci. 2017;24(6):103-106. doi:10.21315/mjms2017.24.6.13
    9. Roy A, Premkumar M, Sharma A, Singh S et al. Single Session of Fecal Microbiota Transplantation in Decompensated Cirrhosis: An open-label randomized control trial. Research Square; 2021. DOI: 10.21203/
    10. Singh, S., Verma, N. and Singh, V. (2020), Letter to the Editor: MELD-Lactate—the New Kid on the Block. Hepatology, 72: 1883-1883.
    11. Singh S, Bush N, Taneja S, Daily step count as prognostic marker in cirrhosis: So close yet so far!, Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology (2022), doi: j.cgh.2022.04.005.
    12. Gupta H., Nigam N., Singh S., Roy A., Dhiman R.K.: Immune boosting gone wrong? A COVID-concoction-conundrum. J Clin Exp Hepatol 2021;
    13. Singh, S. and Roy, A. (2021), Tolvaptan for difficult- to -treat ascites: Difficulties in opening doors for GWAS application. Liver Int, 41: 3033-3033.
    14. Ralot TK, Singh R, Bafna C, Rajesh S, Singh S. Brown-Séquard syndrome as a first presentation of multiple sclerosis. Malays J Med Sci. 2017;24(4):106–110.
    15. Tarun Kumar Ralot, Nitesh Pansari, Chander Bafna, Surender Singh, Nikhil Dongre, Swapnil Patil, Hypokalemia Presenting as Acute Psychosis June 2017; The Journal of the Association of Physicians of India65(6):110
    16. Singh, S., Bush, N. and Taneja, S. (2022), Simple bedside tests as an alternative to sarcopenia HIBA score in predicting sarcopenia and mortality in cirrhosis. Hepatol Commun.
    17. Singh, Surender, Taneja, Sunil et al. Letter to Editor -Response to “Frailty and Other Indicators for Predicting Mortality and Hospitalization in Patients With Cirrhosis” Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology, Volume 12, Issue 6, 1591 – 159
    18. 18.  Vivian V Nguyen, Sarah Wang, Reid Whitlock, Chelsea Xu, Sunil Taneja, Surender Singh et al; A chair-stand time of greater than 15 seconds is associated with an increased risk of death and hospitalization in cirrhosis Canadian Liver Journal  DOI: 10.3138/canlivj-2022-0021
    19. Singh, S., Taneja, S., Roy, A. et al.Simple bedside tests of muscle strength and function correlate with computed tomography-skeletal muscle index for assessment of sarcopenia in cirrhosis. Indian J Gastroenterol 42, 379–387 (2023).
    20. Deepika et al.Profile of Amoebic vs Pyogenic liver abscess and comparison of demographical, clinical and laboratory profile of these patients from a tertiary care center in Northern India. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology. DOI: 10.1016/j.jceh.2023.07.002
    21. Blood transfusion and surgery as a screening tool screening for HCV infection in the Indian population. Singh, Rajani et al. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology, Volume 13, S88
    22. A retrospective review of serological response to the 2.0 ml intramuscular four doses schedule of hepatitis B vaccine in chronic kidney disease patients. Singh, Surender et al. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology, Volume 13, S87 - S88