
    Academic awards

    Certificate of honor in six subjects during MBBS: Pathology, Pharmacology, Forensic Medicine, Community medicine, Medicine, and Surgery

    International travel grant

    Travel grant for preceptorship programme in Singapore Hepatitis Conference 2016, Singapore (covered travel, accommodation, and registration fully)


    Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarship for ‘MSc Epidemiology’ from ‘London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine’, London, United Kingdom; 2019

    Recognition received for research work

    Dr S R Naik Memorial Award, awarded by Indian Society of Gastroenterology for the recognition of the best publication in calendar year 2018

    Dr SR Naik Research Award 2021, awarded by the Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences to their faculty for doing the best research during the last five years in the institute

    Awards received for research presentation

    Prize for best oral paper presented at the annual conference of the Indian National Association for the Study of Liver. 2009.

    Prize for second best oral paper presented at the plenary session at the national conference of the Indian National Association for the Study of Liver (INASL), 2014.

    Prize for second best oral paper presented at the plenary session at the national conference of the Indian Society of Gastroenterology (ISG), 2020.

    Prize for second best oral paper presented at the plenary session at the national conference of the Indian National Association for the Study of Liver (INASL