
  • First DM program in Medical Genetics started in 1990 and till date 43 student have passed out and are heading different medical genetics centres all over India.
  • DM program curriculum in Medical Genetics (Download)
  • PDCC (1 Year) Postdoctoral Certificate Courses in Clinical Genetics & Genomics
  • Ph D program Students who received PhD degrees are working in various research departments.
  • ICMR course in Medical Genetics and Genetic Counseling: 15 day course held every year for last 18 years. Trained more than 500 clinicians during last 18 courses and is very popular all over India
  • Observers [including recipients of Genzyme- SIAMG Fellowship] and summer trainees are regularly being taken and are provided experience in medical genetics and laboratory methodologies.
  • Short term training for M Sc / M Tech students: Students from many prestigious universities all over India apply and get trained in various research genetic laboratory techniques.
  • Telemedicine Meeting: Once a month with 5 to 10 medical genetics centres in India for last 10 years. It helps to share experiences of rare disorders.