Dr. Ashish Singh completed his undergraduate training at Ganesh Shankar Vidyarathi Memorial (GSVM) Medical College, Kanpur in year 2009. Subsequently completed his Masters in surgery from King George's Medical University, Lucknow in year 2012. Where on his excellent academic performance was awarded fellowship in GI onco-surgery. After completion of MS, did senior residency in General surgery in the same Institute and then completed super speciality degree M.Ch. in Surgical Gastroenterology from Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences (SGPGIMS), Lucknow in year 2017 and joined the same institute (SGPGIMS) as Assistant Professor in the department of Surgical Gastroenterology in year 2018 and working at present as an Associate Professor in the same department. He has extensive surgical experience, having performed more than 1500 surgeries in the field of surgical gastroenterology. Among these, he has successfully conducted over 800 major HPB surgeries. His expertise includes a wide range of procedures, such Major Liver Resections, Extended Cholecystectomy, Choledochal Cyst Excisions, RYHJ (Roux-en-Y Hepaticojejunostomy) for Benign Biliary Strictures, Pancreato-Duodenectomy, Distal Pancreatectomy, Frey's Procedure, Pancreatic Necrosectomy, Shunt Surgery for Portal Hypertension, Splenectomy, Esophagectomy, Excisions of Esophageal Leiomyoma and Diverticula, Fundoplication and Cardio-myotomy, Gastrectomy (for malignancy as well as benign diseases), Small Bowel Resections, Colectomies, Anterior Resections (including Ultra-low, Intersphincteric, and Abdomino-perineal resections), Ileo-anal Pouch Surgery.
He has active interest in research and academics. He has a number of publications in national and international journals and text book chapters to his credit. He has also presented papers and posters in various national and international conferences. He has many research projects running in the field of biliary and pancreatic cancers. Dr. Singh's area of interest has been liver, biliary and pancreatic cancers with especial interest in minimally invasive approaches to surgery.