
    Academy Fellowship

    1. Elected as Fellow, Indian National Science Academy (INSA), New Delhi. 2017.

    2. Elected as Fellow, National Academy of Medical Sciences (India), New Delhi. 2014.

    3. Fellow, Indian Academy of Sciences

    4. Fellow, National Academy of Science,

    International honours and activities

    1. Member, WHO Strategic and Advisory Working Group on Immunization (SAGE), 2017-2020

    2. Member, WHO Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee on Viral Hepatitis, 2014-2017.

    3. Expert Member, Guidelines Development Group to develop guidelines for treatment of hepatitis C. WHO Global Hepatitis Program. 2015.

    4. Member, WHO Viral Hepatitis Strategic Information and Modeling Reference Group, 2016 onwards.

    5. Invited Expert to prepare National Strategy for Viral Hepatitis for Myanmar, 2015

    6. Invited Expert to prepare National Hepatitis Plan for Myanmar, October 2016.

    7. WHO Expert to prepare a document on Strategy for control, prevention and treatment of viral hepatitis Government of Timor Leste. November 2015 (one week).

    8. WHO Expert to Myanmar assesses the situation in relation to viral hepatitis and to advise regarding treatment guidelines. Aug-Sep 2015 (2 weeks)

    9. WHO Expert to assess the situation in relation to viral hepatitis and to advise the Government of Timor Leste on surveillance, prevention and treatment of viral hepatitis. April 2015 (2 weeks).

    10. Expert Member, Guidelines Development Group to develop guidelines for testing for hepatitis B and C. WHO Global Hepatitis Program. 2015.

    11. Member, International Health Regulations Roster of Experts (Hepatitis A and E), World Health Organization. 2014 onwards.

    12. Member, WHO expert group to assess/review the national hepatitis control program of Indonesia. July 2014.

    13. Member, WHO SAGE Working Group on Hepatitis E Vaccine, WHO, Geneva (to review and lay down recommendations for hepatitis E vaccination), 2013-14.

    14. Member, Core Group of the Viral Hepatitis Network of the World Health Organization. 2012-2013.

    Editorial responsibilities/honours

    1. Editor, Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (the primary Asia-Pacific area journal in the field of gastrointestinal and liver disease. Since November 2010 till date.

    2. Associate Editor, Trials (A BioMedCentral journal). Since December 2011 till date.

    3. Associate Editor, Hepatology, Medicine and Policy (A BioMedCentral journal). Since 2015.

    4. Editor Emeritus. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology (a peer-reviewed journal included in PubMed/ Index Medicus). Since 2012 till date. (Also: Editor 2007-2012; Associate Editor 1996-2007; Editorial Board Member 1991-1996).

    5. Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Clinical Virology, 2008 till date

    6. Member, Editorial Board, Food and Environmental Virology, 2008 till date

    7. Member, Ethics Committee, World Association of Medical Editors (WAME). 2002 till date.

    Honours from Professional bodies

    1. Fellow. American Association for Study of Liver Disease. 2016.

    Organizational activities

    2. President-Elect, Indian National Association for the Study of Liver, 2016-18

    3. President, Indian National Association for the Study of Liver, 2018-20

    4. Treasurer, Indian Society of Gastroenterology, 2008-12.

    5. Board of Governors, World Association of Medical Editors, 2009-14.

1. Prof. Subhash R Naik Award for Outstanding Research Investigator, January 2020

2. Warren and Marshall Oration, Asian Pacific Digestive Disease Week, Kolkata, India

3. Searle orationo of Association of Physicians of India 2009

4. WHO Fellowship from 5th October 2009 to 13th November 2009 in Epidemiology Unit, University Hospital of PSU, Prince of Songkhla University, Hat Yai, Thailand on Epidemiology and Biostatistics

5. ISG APDW Travel grant: 2009

6. Indian Society of Gastroenterology Abott oration 2008

7. Co author of the paper “GST M1, T1, P1 ………” (presented by Shweta Tripathi) that received second best paper award in the oral paper session of the 48th Annual conference of the Indian Society of Gastroenterology at Bangalore from 15th to 18th November 2007

8. Poster prize during 48th Annual conference of the Indian Society of Gastroenterology at Bangalore from 15th to 18th November 2007

9. ISG-Win Medicare plenary session award for best paper (Colonic transit time by radio-opaque markers to investigate refractory constipation: Validation of a new protocol for population with rapid gut transit) in plenary session award during 47th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Gastroenterology in November 2006 at Mumbai.

10. Indian J Gastroenterol Award for second best paper in the journal in the year 2006

11. SL Bose Memorial Oration from Department of Gastroenterology, SCB Medical College, Cuttack and the Kalinga Gastroenterology Foundation

12. Presidential Paper Award in Asia Pacific Digestive Disease Week 2006 at Cebu, Phillipines.

13. Prize for poster entitled “Capsule endoscopy for obscure gastrointestinal bleed …” during 46th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Gastroenterology at Visakhapattanam in November 2005.

14. Prize for the poster entitled “Hydrogen breath tests for diagnosis of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth in malabsorption syndrome: Does prolonged oro-cecal transit time influence development of bacterial overgrowth?” during 45th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Gastroenterology at Jaipur in September 2004.

15. Prize for the poster entitled “Recurrent duodenal ulcer hemorrhage: A pharmacoeconomic comparison of various management strategies” during 44th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Gastroenterology at Chennai in 2003.

16. Presentation of paper in Presidential Award Session in Asia Pacific Digestive Disease Week 2003 at Singapore

17. Indian Society of Gastroenterology Asia Pacific Digestive Disease Week Travel Grant to attend this meeting in Philipines.

18. Hoechst Om Prakash Memorial award (2002) for best research papers in the country among young gastroenterologists.

19. YIA grant in 26th International Congress of Internal Medicine at Kyoto, Japan, 26th to 30th May, 2002.

20. Co-author of the paper (Kumar R, Ghoshal UC, Kumar A, Mittal RD. Role of O. formigenes in patients with inflammatory bowel disease with hyperoxaluria and/or renal stones in northern India: A prospective controlled study. Indian J Gastroenterol 2002; 21, suppl 1: A3) that received young investigator award in 43rd Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Gastroenterology during 20-26thNovember 2002 at Cochin.

21. Young investigator award during 42nd Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Gastroenterology for the best paper in young investigator award session in November 2001 at Lucknow (Ghoshal UC, Ghoshal U, Ayyagari A, Misra A, Aggarwal R, Naik SR. Tropical sprue is associated with aerobic bacterial contamination of small bowel and prolonged orocecal transit time. Indian J Gastroenterol 2001; 20, suppl 2: A5).

22. Co-author of the paper (Banerjee R, Das A, Ghoshal UC, Sinha M. Predicting mortality in patients with cirrhosis with application of neural network technology. Indian J Gastroenterol 2001; 20, suppl 2: A2), which received best paper award in plenary session award during 42nd Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Gastroenterology in November 2001 at Lucknow.

23. Shakuntala Amir Chand Award 2001 from the Indian Council of Medical Research.

24. Best paper award for the paper presented in Annual Conference of Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy of India during 41st annual conference of I.S.G at New Delhi in November 2000.

25. Best paper award for the paper presented in Annual Conference of Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy of India during 40th annual conference of I.S.G at Calcutta in November 1999.

26. J Mitra Memorial Award for best scientific contribution to Indian J Gastroenterol in the year 1997.

27. Prize in poster session in 38th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Gastroenterology in November 1997.

28. Burdwan university Gold Medal in Physiology

29. Burdwan university Gold Medal in Anatomy

30. Burdwan university Gold Medal in Pharmacology

31. Burdwan university Gold Medal in Eye & ENT

32. Dr. SN Mukherjee Gold Medal in Physiology

33. Dr. SN Mukherjee Gold Medal in Anatomy

34. Dr. SN Mukherjee Gold Medal in Pathology

35. Dr. SN Mukherjee Gold Medal in Pharmacology

International assignments

1. Chair, Rome Foundation International Liaison Committee, USA, 2017-2020 (

2. Only Indian Member in Rome IV criteria committee, USA (

3. Chair, Rome Foundation Global Epidemiology Study (Household survey)

4. Involved in several committees of the Rome Foundation such as international liaison committee (Chair earlier), Research Committee (Chair earlier), post-infectious FGID committee, Rome Asian working team, Executive Committee Member of Rome Global Epidemiological Study etc.

5. Member of Chicago Classification of Esophageal Motility Disorders Committee, USA

6. Formerly, Secretary General, Asian Neurogastroenterology & Motility Association

1. Best paper award in Mumbai LIVE Endoscopy conference on 5 Sep 2013 on Endoscopic therapy for pain relief in chronic pancreatitis

2. Second prize for a video presentation in Mumbai LIVE Endoscopy conference on 5 Sep 2013 on bilateral stenting in a post GJ patient with an upper GI scope

3. Award for poster presentation in ISG Ahmedabad: Endotherpay for pain relief in patients with chronic pancreatitis Dec 2013

4. First prize in video presentation in Endocon March 2014, Pune: EUS guided cholecystogastrostomy with NAGI stent in unresectable malignant biliary obstruction with gastric outlet obstruction

5. Oral presentation in ISGCON Dec 2014 Mumbai. Role of EUS in obscure biliary dilation

6. First prize in poster in ISGCON Nov 2015 Indore: EUS in idiopathic acute and recurrent acute pancreatitis.

7. First prize in poster in ISGCON 2016 Delhi: EUS guided choledochoduodenostomy in unresectable malignant lower end biliary obstruction after failed ERCP.

8. First prize in ASIAN EUS CUP 2017 Mumbai for video presentation for Diagnosis and treatment of recurrent UGI bleed with EUS

9. First Prize for video presentation on EUS guided gastrojejunostomy in Mumbai live endoscopy conference in Jan 2018

10. Awarded the prestigious ‘Boston scientific oration’ in national endoscopy conference ENDOCON 2019 organized by SGEI in New Delhi

Information Awaited......

1. Prize for second best oral paper presented at the plenary session at the national conference of the Indian Society of Gastroenterology (ISG), 2020

2. Dr S R Naik Memorial Award, awarded by Indian Society of Gastroenterology for the recognition of the best publication in calendar year 2018

3. Prize for second best oral paper presented at the plenary session at the national conference of the Indian National Association for the Study of Liver (INASL), 2014.

4. Prize for best oral paper presented at the annual conference of the Indian National Association for the Study of Liver. 2009.

Special achievements etc.

Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarship for ‘MSc Epidemiology’ from ‘London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine’, London, United Kingdom; 2019

Additional positions

Jan 2019-Till date Head, WHO Collaborating Centre for Viral Hepatitis Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow Jan 2020-Till date Member, Strategic and Technical Advisory Group (STAG) on Viral Hepatitis in WHO South-East Asia Region

2018 2ND Prize for Oral Plenary Presentation at 59 Annual Conference of Indian Society of Gastroenterology for Utility Of Neutrophil CD64 in Distinguishing Bacterial Infection From inflammation in severe alcoholic hepatitis(SAH)

2018 1ST prize for Oral Plenary Presentation AT 26th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Indian Association for Study of the Liver (INASL),Pullman;New Delhi; August2018 Slow, Continuous Low-DoseAlbumin and Furosemide Infusion (SCLAFI) in Acute on chronic liver failure (ACLF) with Acute Kidney Injury

2017 2ND Prize for Oral Plenary Presentation at 58 Annual Conference of Indian Society of Gastroenterology for 28 day survival outcome of Slow low-dose continuous albumin + Furosemide ± Terlipressin (SAFI± T) infusion in Acute on chronic liver failure (ACLF) patients with High SAAG Low protein ascites at Bhuvneshwar

2016 3rd prize for Oral Plenary Presentation AT 25th Silver Jubilee Annual Scientific Meeting of the Indian National Association for Study of the Liver (INASL), 3rd to 6th August2017 Slow, Continuous Low-Dose Albumin and Furosemide Infusion (SCLAFI) Mobilizes Large Ascites Safely in Decompensated Liver Cirrhosis

Secured 1st rank in All India Superspeciality DNB Gastroenterology examination

2009 in 2009 among 100 gastroenterologist from all over the country ,conducted by Diplomate National Board ,New Delhi and received the prestigious S. K. SAMA

2009 GOLD MEDAL at The17th Convocation of National Board of Examinations.

2009 Best Oral Paper presentation at ISG (Indian Society of Gastroenterology). Initial

experience of Liver Transplantation. at Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences

2004 B BRAUN Scholarship. The scholarship was awarded for outstanding performance in post graduate medical studies in Field of Medicine (secured 1st rank in all over India among more than 200 postgraduates all over the country)

2006 Secured 1st rank for DNB Gastroenterology entrance examination conducted by Amrita Institute of medical sciences amongst 100 appearing physicians from all over India

2004 Best Paper Co-relation of Total Lymphocyte count to CD4 count in HIV positive patients at APICON- 2004 at Hyderabad 2004

2002 Secured 31st rank for MD/MS Entrance examination conducted by MAHE (Manipal Academy of Higher Education (Manipal - India) in All India Examination for MD/MS from over 30,000 applicants

1992 Secured 22nd rank for MBBS Examinations conducted by AFMC (Armed force medical college .Pune .India) from over 75,000 applicants.


2017 Training in Bariatric Endoscopy at ERASME HOSPITAL Under Prof Jacques Devière

2013 Visiting Consultant Johns Hopkins Hospital ;Institute of Medicine; Department of Hepatology and Liver Transplantation

2008 Royal Melbourne Hospital and Austin Repatriation Center, Melbourne. Australia

2008 Fellowship Gastroenterology and Hepatology (focused on Liver Transplantation)

2011 JRSH, Meerut. India Advanced Therapeutic Endoscopy (ERCP and Endoscopic Ultrasound)


1. 1. Member ACG (American College of Gastroenterology)

2. 2. Member European Assosiation for Study of Liver Diseases

3. 3. Member of Indian Assosiation for Study of Liver Diseases

4. 4. Member GESA (Gastroenterology Association of Australia)

5. 5. Member SEGI (Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy of India)

Organizational activities

1. I was Organizing Secretary for the International level meeting Acute on chronic liver failure under ICARE at SGPGI Lucknow on 4th March 2016.

2. I was Organizing Secretary for the National level meeting on Hepatitis C in India - ICPCCI meet at SGPGI 5-6 March 2016.. The meeting has rich educational content and was attended by more than 350 delegates and was well appreciated.

3. Part of Organising team for SGPGI Clinics held at SGPGI Lucknow in 2015 and 2016

4. Part of Organising Team for Lucknow Gut Club- CME for all Gastroenterologist and physicians with interest in gastroenterology in this region ;Organising 5 to 6 meetings per year science 2017(Have organised 14 Lucknow Gut club till date)